LOCH GARTEN - April 2024

(I am starting a new thread for April because, for sad personal reasons, Korky cannot be with us until further notice so the March title cannot be edited.)

Please read Korky's comprehensive March 2024 intro.

Asha and Brodie

Last year they arrived on 04 and 14 April respectively.

The end of the 2023 season was marred by the aggressive intrusion of BlueKL5 "Klive" (thank you, Fergus).  We have no idea if the 2 youngsters were fit to migrate.

We haven't heard anything from HQ but it appears that the cams are not quite ready, despite snaps being posted to Facebook 10 days ago together with a query about the lack of IR for the third year in a row - and the streaming is unsteady and unreliable.  When LG issued a warning about a delay to the opening of the season, it seemed to refer only to the Visitor Centre.


The PTZ now

Quote RSPB YT Channel: When the Loch Garten Nature Centre opens on April 15th, this camera is controlled by the centre staff during work hours, so please be gracious if you find it staring at an empty tree! The birds react quicker than the staff are sometimes able.

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    What a relief that hasn't been "discontinued" Astonished

    I'd been wondering how long s/he would be able to keep up following minutely on Chat and furnishing us with precious info at the same time Heartpulse

    26 April

    Pre-midnight I thought that Asha was going to have a dry night for a change, but no:

    Changeover this morning @ 05:15, Brodie was only on the eggs for under 20 minutes before Asha returned .  The only intruder so far was a FOX Fox

    (I was scrolling thru and noticed what looked like a vapour-trail whizz across the picture, and had to narrow it down... )

  • Hi everyone.  Not sure what issue it was that you all were seeing re: my postings.  I did have one post that seemed to quit mid-upload.  Maybe that was the one that generated some type of error message.  I assure you all is well with me.  Was away for most of the day yesterday and had to get caught up late last night but back on the job today early this morning.  Relaxed

  • 7:57  nothing like a good wing stretch to get the blood flowing after sitting on eggs for a while.  That's Asha by the way.

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    Here's Asha vocally persuading Brodie to go fishing (or was it some other message she was trying to get across?) and he taking no notice - she was at it for nearly 10 minutes:

  • 11:38 so the other wing said "Hey, what about me?!?!"  Asha obliged.

  • I love the wonderful vid of the beautiful fox!  Thank you Scylla

    It's been a quiet day as far as I can glean.

    08.31  Brodie arrived.  Asha  made the move to get up, expecting fish, but lay back down,   She food solicited.  He ignored her!

    08.33  Asha got up and flew, landing on the dead tree beyond the nest.  Brodie incubated.

    09.02  Asha returned and food solicitited again.

    09.09  Asha physically encourage him to get up!  

    09.10  As soon as he made a move to get up, she stepped down into the cup.  Brodie left.  Asha incubated/

    Asha had one or two comfort breaks but mainly stayed incubating until 

    15.15  Asha had a comfort bread.

    15.59  The PTZ moved off the nest to the tree beyond the old nest.  Blue 047, the osprey Valerie told us the VC were notifying RD about yesterday evening, was standing on the flat topped branch.

    16.05  An osprey flew left to right beyong the nest, likely 047 who had left the tree.  Asha wasn't a happy bunny

    16.16 Intruder flew over the nest, 

               Brodie landed with FISH.  He mantled and called.  Asha flapped him off to go and see off the intruder.  Brodie left the fish which Asha began to eat, on the nest.

    16.30 She pulled a long fine piece of something from the fish.  Whether gut, or line I have no idea.   I don't think it shows up in my snip.  

    16.31 She flew from the nest with the fish, and landed on Odin's perch.  The wire, line, filament is reduced but still in her beak.

    16.35  Brodie returned and incubated.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • So relieved to know nothing amiss Canuck and was just a glitch!

    assure you all is well with me.


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

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    I noticed a pale vertical "cloud" moving left-to-right and ended up doing a load of changing sky snaps - I don't think this is going to display very well, we'll see:


    EDIT - I see my signature's back - a bit small tho.  They're definitely working on stuff on our behalf Blush

  • As usual a fantastic summary Sheila! Great spot of the fox Scylla. Have to admit not my favourite mammal - took both chicks in 1990 when they fell from the nest. But probably not the same one you spotted! 

  • 20:02 male to nest alarm calling