LOCH GARTEN - April 2024

(I am starting a new thread for April because, for sad personal reasons, Korky cannot be with us until further notice so the March title cannot be edited.)

Please read Korky's comprehensive March 2024 intro.

Asha and Brodie

Last year they arrived on 04 and 14 April respectively.

The end of the 2023 season was marred by the aggressive intrusion of BlueKL5 "Klive" (thank you, Fergus).  We have no idea if the 2 youngsters were fit to migrate.

We haven't heard anything from HQ but it appears that the cams are not quite ready, despite snaps being posted to Facebook 10 days ago together with a query about the lack of IR for the third year in a row - and the streaming is unsteady and unreliable.  When LG issued a warning about a delay to the opening of the season, it seemed to refer only to the Visitor Centre.


The PTZ now

Quote RSPB YT Channel: When the Loch Garten Nature Centre opens on April 15th, this camera is controlled by the centre staff during work hours, so please be gracious if you find it staring at an empty tree! The birds react quicker than the staff are sometimes able.

  • I have observed Odin and Idris feed chicks and  am astonished that Alan has not seen this behavior.  Lady's mate at LoTLs even attempted to feed her when she fell ill. And I personally , do not think it is extremely rare behaviour. If the ladies would allow it more males would feed their Offspring I am sure. Mmm, I may be misremembering about Idrjis

  • Ye gods......  Laughing     you chose the  right word Scylla. Fidgety indeed, but he did it , bless him and the fish are more plentiful than last year. Both are growing up very nicely.Thanks Scylla

  • For those who haven’t found it yet you might enjoy: 


  • Cirrus said:
    I have observed Odin and Idris feed chicks and  am astonished that Alan has not seen this behavior.

    I thought Monty did too - and am also Astonished that Alan has not seen this behaviour!

    Cirrus said:
    Lady's mate at LoTLs even attempted to feed her when she fell ill.

    I've also seen Kielder7's KM18 feeding KX7 - just the other day!


    All that is, of course, for the Osprey Chat thread rather than this one Pensive


    This morning's early mating was another failure and for the same reason as usual - wrap not performed - but he must be getting enough right, given our egg.  Brodie did incubate more assuredly:



    Break time here.


  • I think then that this male feeding behaviour is probably reported much more often because of the excellent quality of the cameras on the nests, the increased number of nests on cameras and the avid viewers / posters of what they see. Each observation adds to our knowledge of these magnificent birds. Like it or not, and I adore it, we are all in a way scientists contributing to our understanding of Osprey ecology! Hats off to camera quality and all those who watch, observe and post!

  • Thanks so much for this EJFan, I have watched it before but it was lovely to see it again.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • .

    EJFan said:

    For those who haven’t found it yet you might enjoy: 


    I loved it so much that I even added it to my YT channel, with permission from you.

  • Morning all.  SCYLLA I hate to correct you, and lovely tho it is, your vid is of Nest 7, the nest with a view, at Kielder!

    09.10     Chat      Huge live brown trout


    Asha grabs it

             I haven't been thru the intervening time. sorry

    11.14  Brodie is incubating

               Asha returns to the nest with the fish.  Brodie tries to take it, but she doesn't let go, or didn't like to pull too hard.

    11.15  Brodie flies to the left.  Asha holds the fish on the rim watching.  Woops, she slips into the cup with the fish, which now lies close to the egg.  Asha releases it, and backs up the cup.  She flosses on a large stick.  A bird is seen flying left to right over the trees behind the nest, and back again

    11.18  It was Brodie. Asha chirrups a welcome.  He has his eye on the fish, but stays near the rim before flying off

    11.19  Brodie lands on Odin's perch.  The fish is in danger of being hidden beneath nesting material.

                Asha takes a while to settle

    11.20  She find a stiff looking brown trout.  Is that the recent one she returned with?


    11.24  Asha is still faffing around, almost astride the egg, with the fish lying beyond her, up the side of the cup.

    11.25  At last, she has settled over the egg, and Brodie remains on Odin's perch.  She is within reach of sticks to continue her cleaning of her beak

    11.26  No, she isn't settled just yet.  Up again, checking twigs

    11.27  and down again, at last!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • EJFan, I well remember your wonderful video, indeed I watched it again earlier in the season!  Thank you for posting a link for others to enjoy!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Wonderful news of the first egg. Thanks for all your videos, observations & information. Have only just caught up after a busy weekend with visitors. Let’s hope another egg is laid before too long. They certainly seem much more mature and bonded this year.

    I remember a very informative website, a few years ago that showed a list of all the nests, male & female birds, when they arrived, eggs laid, when they hatched, chicks etc. Is there anything like this available now? It was a great overview of everything that was happening on that particular year.