Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 March 2024


The moon turns full in the wee hours of Sunday night/early Monday morning, and a penumbral lunar eclipse will occur and be visible in the UK and parts of the US. (This will set the stage for the big April 8 solar eclipse.)

Here's the link for the lunar eclipse/full moon times in London UK, but you can all put your own city, state, and country in the search box for the moon eclipse times in your specific area.

Everyone have a good week!


  • Thank you Diane.  Will catch up tomorow.

  • Hi to  all 

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Hi Limpy good to hear from you - I hop you, Clare and Helen are all well

  • Hi Limpy

    see your Cromer bird has THREE eggs



  • Thank you Diane. I will look out for the full moon tonight although it is rather cloudy right now. 
    Annette - everyone will soon be installed in the condo and you should at least be able to relax a bit. It will be lovely having everyone so close. 
    Hope the weather didn’t deteriorate for Lindy.

    We had "interesting” weather for the Lady Captains Drive in yesterday. My group teed off in a hail shower!!! Wonderful! Thankfully after that we just had the very strong winds and the competition was reduced to 14 holes. I came about half way down the field which I thought was respectable. I actually enjoyed it a lot and was so pleased to see all the ladies again. We had a very convivial meal afterwards. 
    I have been to a family party for my great nephew this afternoon. He is 8. Lots of fun was had. I am so lucky that my sister and her 2 daughters and families live relatively close. I only had a 20 minute drive. 

  • I did manage to catch up today - not here unfortunately - but with sleep and hour-long naps!  

    Rusty:  Kids are back in Arizona to pick up their dog and their car; back here for good Tuesday (or that's the rumor).  There were multiple delays last week. They were originally due here on Tuesday  but they were still behind schedule Thursday morning and granddaughter was stressing out.  Thursday afternoon, the owner of the truck/trailer they were borrowing - a family friend of theirs - stopped by to see how they were doing, took a look at the half-packed trailer and thought to himself (he told me)  "this isn't going to work" and told granddaughter to go get something to eat, that he'd not only repack the truck but would also drive them here (the delays caused scheduling conflicts with her original codriver). Anyway, sighs of relief at this end of the freeway I can tell you.  We were really uneasy at the thought of her and her other friend driving overnight after such a stressful day.  They finally arrived at  our house midnight Friday; we unloaded Saturday morning and by 11:30 they were already headed back to Arizona.  

  • Annette - I do hope the last lap goes smoothly.  It will be so good for all of you when things settle down and you can start living whatever passes as a normal life again.

    Rusty - That hail storm ... I had been staying for a couple of days with the family and was on my way home.  Decided I would stop at a shop I often visit in their area, but couldn't get out of the car for the best part of five minutes because of the hail!  Very brave of you to start your round in that.  And for the first game of the season, in not very good weather, I would have been very pleased to finish half-way through the group! 

  • I see some threads now have pagination - hooray!!!  Hopefully this one will have as well, once we get that far.

  • and when and if we get pagination here, NB takes a few sec/min to post but watch top right as pos it says "your reply has been posted"

    so just wait dont re post Ha!!!


  • Yes, SunnyKate, the reply does take a little while to appear.  Hopefully pagination will now be on all threads - including this one!