Alyth is located in Perth and Kinross on the east coast of Scotland.

The Osprey nest is at the Alyth SSEN Transmission sub station and is the tallest of all the nests on camera in the UK.

Background information:-

The Ospreys have nested at the site for many years since around 1990.

They were nesting on a nearby electricity tower, but due to a planned expansion of the site a decision was taken to resite the old nest to a specially constructed 25-metre nesting tower and two nearby 8.5 metre resting perches, which were erected in 2014. Advice was sought from Roy Dennis.

Since that first breeding season in 2014, a total of 17 osprey chicks have been observed to have fledged from the new site.

Due to the height of the tower, no ringing can take place.

The resident ospreys are called Harry and Flora (blue HK0), named by a local school in Alyth. All pupils were also given their own osprey soft toy as a thank you from the teams for getting involved and for showing such enthusiasm about the ospreys.

In 2023 Flora HK0 arrived on 30th March and Harry on 4th April. Together, they successfully raised three chicks to fledging.

Flora was last seen on 10th August and Harry 7th September. (The camera stream was offline from 13- 23 August) 

Thank you Richard for initial information which I’ve edited to include last year’s figures. 


August 2023 to February 2024

Live stream - SSEN Transmission as provided by Wildlife Windows


Flora (Blue HK0) 28 March 19.19

Harry 29 March 14.40


15/04/24 at 11.01 ———————-Hatched 21 or 22/05/24

18/04/23 at 09.04 (I think!) ————--Hatched 23/05/24

21/04/23 sometime in the morning. ————Hatched 26/05/24


All photos and videos copyright SSEN Transmission Alyth and Wildlife Windows

Harry (left) and Flora HK0 at the beginning of season 2023.

  • May 24

    05.59 A good feed for the 2 bobs


    10.49 Flora on the nest when the cam went down for the rest of the day.

    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • May 26

    Chick #3 hatched sometime early this morning.

    Flora left the nest a few times to chase the neighbouring crows.

    04.40 a half shell and 3 bobbleheads is revealed.

    04.45 A better view here. The three little heads all bunched together with Flora looking over them.

    ©️SSEN Alyth

    The cam is down for long spells every day which makes it very difficult to follow events. Slight frown

    The regular watchers think it’s a problem that is at the nest end so can’t be fixed this season until the birds have migrated, 

  • Wonderful news Hatching chickHatching chickHatching chick but not good about cam issues!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • There were a couple of feeds caught on camera this morning.

    Harry brought in a small whole fish at 05.37.

    05.39 The front chick initially got all of the feed

    05.41 Flora made sure that the other two were fed as well.



    06.54 Another feed

    08.48 Harry watches the little ones whilst Flora nips away for a couple of minutes.

    08.49 Flora returns

    09.18 Flora telling Harry they need another fish. 

    The cam went down for the day after this. It’s still off.

    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • 12.18 Harry brought in a large, fresh rainbow trout for Flora and the bobs at lunchtime.


    12.35 After Flora released the fish, Harry took it away again.

    13.23 Harry returned with the fish.

    Another feed for the bobs.

    13.36 with the feed finished, Harry left with the fish .

    This fish will feed the whole family a few times.

    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • I've just read this sad news on the chat at Foulshaw Moss

    'One of the three chicks on the Alyth Substation nest has died. Apparently mum accidentally trod on a chick in the early hours of this morning, it must have been the one that has since died.' Cry

  • Aw that’s so sad Sandra. Flora is such an experienced mum but accidents can happen. Cry

  • Looking at the Alyth chat, the watchers have tried to piece it altogether but having the cam keeping on going down makes it very difficult.

    It was witnessed at 01.42, Flora trod on a bob heavily as she left for a comfort break.

    At 04.20 - 04.29 there appeared to be a chick struggling to breathe.

    At 07.03 one bob didn’t appear to be moving

    07.06 the bob was rolled onto its back and was motionless.. 

    It is thought to be #3. I’m not going to scroll back to see upsetting scenes and will just leave it at that.   

    Purple heart Fly high little one Purple heart

  • Thank you for finding out the info, Glider.

    It is thought to be #3. I’m not going to scroll back to see upsetting scenes and will just leave it at that

    I couldn't agree more... RIP dear little chick Dove

  • Such a same RIP wee one