Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 February 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

Almost every 4 years an extra day is added to our calendar to keep it in sync with Earth's seasons. The extra day is added to February, the shortest month, and February 29 is called Leap Day. So, next Thursday in the US and UK is Leap Day, and 2024 is a Leap Year.

Some folks celebrate Leap Day by doing something that they've been wanting to do but have been putting off.

Personally, I intend to celebrate this Leap Day by thinking hard about the best way to move forward and make some necessary changes in my life.

I hope you all have a wonderful Leap Day.

Love and hugs to everyone.


  • RUSTY: That's a beautiful photo! Lovely trees.

  • Hello! I hope this comes out as the latest post! We've been offline for 24 hours as we had to disconnect all of our main TV  telephone and Internet in order to leave the floor clear for our new carpet to be fitted. They came at lunchtime today and then we had fun & games trying to reconnect everything. Endless cables and sockets- I had photographed the rear of the TV set to help us to get everything back correctly but somethings still not right. I'll have to have another look at it tomorrow.

    Glad you're sleeping better, OG it's so important to get your rest.

  • Lindy - I was just wondering where you were and now you have explained. I hope you are happy with the new carpet. I am the same with wires. I colour coded all mine with bits of insulation tape last time I had the decorators!!! I hope you manage to get the last bit sorted tomorrow. You seem to have internet though which is good!!! 

  • I slept most of Monday - not normal sleep, it was quite scary.  Seem to be okay today.  Cleaners were here Monday, and OH was busy in the garden - last dry day for a while, apparently - we have drizzle today.  Just a normal day at home, although J has gone to his course at the job centre (he'll be back for lunch).

    LINDA - I hope you are pleased with the look of the new carpet, and that you can get your wiring sorted today.

  • Hello all - just popping in to say thanks for all your news - 

    I'm soldiering on here, family are doing shopping and chores. I'm using my proper hand for typing now ! However, the arm is still painful. I'm hoping to get another X-ray before too long - I'd like to know if the fracture is healing....

    Sending best thoughts to everyone...

  • Heather - Lovely to 'see' you.  Glad you are getting plenty of help.  And very pleased you are becoming ambidextrous!  Sorry about the pain, though.  A friend of mine broke her wrist last year and the pain seemed to go on for a long time.  It's fine now ... so hopefully yours will go the same way.

  • The new carpet looks as I'd hoped, thank you. It was a case of going to the showroom, spending about 17 minutes choosing one of the right type & colour, then finding that it would not be available and in stock in time to be put down before the new furniture arrives! Then spending 5 minutes with the salesman who found a similar carpet:  "it's one of our most popular lines"....and plumping for that one as we were  both weary!! 

    Not been able to sort out our wiring yet but we were both overjoyed to get back online. If you don't have it, you really do miss Mr Google! Also, we had to send texts via phone to our relatives. Not sure I missed social media though, as often it just gets my blood pressure up.

    We had a visit to our Youngest and family last weekend and it was so nice to talk with our grandchildren. 

    Glad you're coping Heather, and I do hope that it becomes less painful with time.

  • OG - sorry you had a scary sleep on Monday. It doesn’t sound nice. Glad you are feeling better.

    Heather -  nice to hear from you and you seem to be managing. Sorry you are still in pain. Good idea to insist on an X-ray to see how the healing is going, I hope the pain subsides.

    I have been to Ness Gardens today with the Flora and Fauna group. It is so interesting going round with the botanists in the group listening to them talk about the plants. It didn’t rain and there was plenty to see

    Beautiful acacia/mimosa

  • RUSTY - Beautiful Aussie wattle. . . atishoo atishoo!