Dyfi Osprey Project 2024

Dyfi Osprey Project 2024

We have some (provisional) dates for opening this year.

Bore da
Some general information for you:

1. The Dyfi Wildlife Centre opens on 1st March. That's less than three weeks away!
2. We'll be open Wednesdays - Sundays until the end of March, then every day until September - around 160 days straight.
3. We're working on the DOP cameras and should have live streaming for you by around 20th March.
4. Car Park improvements are underway and our entrance and caffi decking work is almost done.
5. 360 Observatory improvements are on-going; we'll hopefully be ready by 1st March. Will look totally different.

Dyfi birds normally return around the first week of April.
As normal we will be looking out for the return of our adults Telyn and Idris.
It will be very interesting to see any "new" visitors to the nest. There are now several Osprey nests in Wales on private land that are producing young that have not been ringed. This means that un-ringed birds now may be Welsh-born, rather than Scottish as we have presumed in past years.

Work this winter has been on maintaining the buildings and the reserve.
We have removed some trees near the observatory to restore the wetland landscape and it will be interesting to see that develope.


  • 31 March 14.07 - Idris brought Telyn a lovely fish, which I thought looked like a mullet.

    Telyn is spending the night on the nest perch.


  • 01 April

    I've scrolled thru the whole day and got the impression that Idris and Telyn spent a lot of time together and are very happy.


    This ended up being Telyn's afternoon tea:


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    03 April

    The weather may be causing fewer successful matings than usual ???

    It hasn't prevented Idris from catching a fine breakfish tho - I expect Telyn will get it soon:


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    At teatime, a whole fish was brought but it looked as tho Idris was distracted and he flew off with it!  Heehee, it looks like 3 different fishes but it's the same one, I promise.

    Idris ate some on Monty's perch, brought some to the nest for Telyn, she didn't take it, he flew to the low perch with it, Telyn flew off and returned with a clump for the nest.

    They eventually looked quite comical preening on each end:

    As usual, Telyn spent the night on the nest perch.


  • 04 April

    Another nasty wet day, just like so many other places in the UK!

    Idris chucked out some innards:

    He brought a super supper for Telyn later:

    Overnight, Telyn has been on the nest perch and Idris on Monty's perch.


  • 5 April

    18.34 Idris does like to provide fine fish for Telyn.

    Off she goes 

    to the perch for her meal.

  • Glider said:
    Dylan does like to provide fine fish for Telyn.

    Maybe he's spoilt her with high standards and that's why she took so long to accept her meagre (by comparison) lunch?  Idris brought it to her at least 3 times, allowing for my brain fog.

    14:40 - in and out this time, just caught it before my internet went down!


    Telyn has spent hours just standing on the nest edge today.



  • Sorry, I keep getting Idris’ name wrong, See no evil

  • When I said you had done a Scylla the other day, GLIDER, I meant it!  Ever since Idris was named (and I thoroughly approved of his name) I've been mistakenly calling him Dylan - with fewer errors the other way around Stuck out tongue winking eye

    This season I seem to have got over it, and you've taken over x

    I've had to take out the quote because:


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    Telyn is on the perch again tonight, accompanied by a money spider - you wouldn't know it, but they're both being buffeted by the wind - in fact, Telyn has since turned around and is braced !!!  Idris (and I nearly typed Monty!) is nowhere to be seen tonight.