Poole Harbour Ospreys 2024

Well, it's now 2024 and hopefully another successful year for the Poole Harbour Ospreys.

The last couple of years have seen the successful establishment of a nest and raising of young.  

Translocated females From the harbour have set up successful nests in Wales also raising young.

Hopefully this year may see the establishment of a second nest in the Harbour area.

Click  Here  for a link to the 2023 thread.

Here was the family last year

I hope Alison Copland won't mind but here is a link to a video she has made of the 2023 season. It is a must watch for followers of Ospreys, especially the Poole harbour family

Click HERE to watch 

Richard B

  • Gosh! Equalled Manton Bay past record ... EggEggEggEggBlush 


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Well done CJ7 and 022 and Congratulations BOPH. Exciting news! TadaTadaTada

    Caught Birds of Poole Harbour Ospreys by surprise too! 


    Posted on X/Twitter earlier tonight.

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    We didn't get a good view till 20:54, I forgot to caption the time on that cropped clip.

  • Snaps from yesterday that I intended to post but never got round to it.

    30 April
    13.30 022 brought in a roof or a rug for the nest! 

    18.47 An evening fish for CJ7

    And from today

    May 1

    17.50 Just a wee snack from 022.

    CJ7 collected it in her beak and kept a hold of it there when flying off.

    You can see the rain droplets disperse from her body as she flaps on takeoff.

    The 4 eggs can be seen. Such beautiful colours in this setting. Slight smile


  • I don’t know if I should be posting Blue 372’s progress at Brenig here as well?! Haha!  Smile

    Just a wee update since she’s one of Poole’s translocation birds. (21)

    So after an unsure start with it being her first year of breeding, she and LJ2 are bonding well and are sitting on 3 eggs - laid 23, 26 and 29 April. There’s lots of sharing of incubation duties and although LJ2 is providing fish, if 372 feels it’s not enough, she’ll go and catch one herself! This has happened twice now. Here is yesterday’s headless fish being brought to the nest. LJ2 was delighted to get a share of the fish!

    13.54 LJ2 incubating and 372’s been fishing

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • May 3 

    18.09 022 brought a good sized headless fish for CJ7’s evening meal.

    CJ7 transferred the fish to her talons and flew off.

    18.41 Half an hour later she returned, without the fish. I think it would've taken her much longer than that to eat it all.

    022 sat on the nest for a bit whilst CJ7 preened. They later swapped over only to swap back again.

    21.00 022 lands on the nest and CJ7 the branch.

    022 was then on the eggs for over an hour and a half. CJ7 was content to keep preening. 

    22.59 After CJ7 has a wing stretch, 022 gets up and flies off.

    CJ7 flies on to incubate her eggs overnight.


  • May 4

    022 returned to the perch to roost overnight. The live chat said this was very unusual for him.

    He didn’t have too a restful night, a tawny owl made sure of that.

    022 suddenly spread his wings out. He did this on and off repeatedly.

    The owl landed in the branches, bottom right corner. You can see it’s left wing lifted up.

    You can make out the top of its head here.

    It flew off up and away to the right.

    The owl returned to the other side of the nest to the left of CJ7. It’s eye is reflected.

    022 and the owl had a stare off

    Then the owl looked at CJ7

    The owl leaves, with 022 following its every move.

    It flies towards 022

    and overhead, behind 022

    Gone now. CJ7 was oblivious to the owl. Her eyes opened now and then, probably hearing 022 shuffling on the perch.


  • All peaceful in the morning. CJ7 flies in with nesting materials.

    The mist is starting to roll in. The dawn chorus fills the air.

    The mist engulfs the trees.

    So peaceful and beautiful 

    022 delivers half a fish

    CJ7 takes her time in getting up to collect it.

    She takes it in her beak and flies off with it to the right.


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    I can't support you with an Owl video, GLIDER, as I discontinued Poole Harbour due to getting overwhelmed.  Thank you for keeping us in the picture!

  • No worries Scylla, I know how everything is right now and you are doing an amazing job posting everything that you do. Kissing heart I took enough snaps of the owl event!  I’ve always had a soft spot for CJ7 and like to see how they’re getting on. Hugging