Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 January 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

I am home from Indianapolis. On the morning of January 1, my friend and I saw a powerful, large hawk sitting in a tree on her property. It must have been a female. As we watched, she slowly took flight. My friend and I considered the sighting a good sign, since we saw her on the first day of the new year.

Hugs to all of you!

  • Rusty: Why isn't it La Nouvelle Annee? (feminine noun?)

    Harelady Next time I celebrate my 80th I'll join your family. :-) Sounds super.

    Our low temp last night was 33F. But it shot up quickly once the sun came round....
  • Sun? What's that? We have had a lot of snow this afternoon. Very pretty, but treacherous driving conditions. And if it freezes overnight it will be lethal. The forecast said sleet showers ... didn't mention three or four inches of lying snow. I was very pleased to get home in one piece. At least I don't need to use my car again until Wednesday morning, so hope it will all have disappeared by then.
  • Pat - I saw about the snow “down south” Driving conditions sound awful. Glad you don’t have to drive tomorrow.
    Annette - Nouvelle Année is correct as you say but the French call it le Nouvel An. Quirks of language I suppose.
    Dibnlib - have a good day out at Brodie tomorrow.
    I have my first birdwatching of the year tomorrow with the Flora and Fauna group. Unfortunately, I have just read that there will be maintenance work going on at the reserve we are visiting so I don’t know how many birds we will see. There are 3 hides so we might be lucky. Too late to change the venue sadly.
  • Rusty: The French are nothing if not contrary !
  • Diane - I like to look at the weather around the world and it looks like you have 3 very cold days due next week so I hope you and the critters can hunker down until warmer weather arrives.

  • Bright here, but with a very cold wind. My OH has gone off to play golf with so many layers on, I wonder if he'll be able to swing a club!!
  • Cold, dry and sunny. Excellent birding weather. Our group had a good visit to Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB. As predicted, due to upgrading of the anti predator fencing, there were fewer birds than usual but we still saw lots and really enjoyed the walk, the company and lunch in the new cafe!
    Sending healing thoughts to Heather. No doubt you have lots of physio to do. Hopefully the blood pressure meds are now working.
    Thinking of OG too and missing her contributions. Hope she, EE and J are surviving the winter.
  • Same weather here, Rusty - bright but decidedly chilly winds, quite gusty at times. Glad you enjoyed your walk and your birding. Your lunches out always sound enjoyable.

    Yes, I keep thinking of Heather. I hope she's improving and can plan to get home soon. I miss OG. She and EE needed a bit of space, I think. Hopefully they are all three of them keeping well, as there are so many nasty bugs around at present.

    Someone in our road is having new fencing and it seems to involve an awful lot of banging around, two large white vans, a skip in the driveway, and plenty of men going up and down the path! They've been busy for several days and it's a mystery as to why they haven't finished yet. (They must be cold so maybe that's why they keep on the move, LOL!)

  • A quote:

    Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until the feeling passes. - Robert Hutchins.