Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 December 2023


To All Who Celebrate

I hope you all enjoy the holidays.

Santa will need a good GPS system on his sleigh when he arrives here. The temperature is soaring and likely to be 60F or 15.5C or higher tomorrow. So strange for us. The soaring temp has created VERY dense fog rolling through the woods and fields. I just saw a massive white-tailed deer buck in the bean field across the highway. He looked quite surreal bounding through the heavy fog and mist. 

Love and hugs to all.

  • CLARE I forgot to say that your painting of a diving gannet is lovely. We spent a good few hours enjoying the company of an artist also staying in our hotel. She lives in the quirky village of Cellardyke in the East Neuk of Fife so has plenty on her doorstep to paint. She also paints wildlife and pet portraits and her work is so impressive. If anyone is interested go to yolandekenny@hotmail,com.
  • Clare-I agree with Diane that Helen probably needs antidepressants, but I know that's easy for us to say. I am so sorry that you have to deal with this also. I hope the rest of the Holidays go smoothly for you.
  • It's grey and drizzly and dreary here: we are preparing to say goodbye to our doggy guest - Mabel has been no trouble but my OH has had to keep track of her regular diet and to take two dogs for a walk at the same time.

    I've just wrapped some books to give my grandchildren - our Youngest son is going to call in for a buffet lunch at our Eldests on Friday so I'm thrilled that the whole family will be together. Youngest & clan will be on their way back from his in laws, so they will already be laden with gifts!

    Clare, these family problems may seem insurmountable at the time, but will fade with hindsight, later. Maybe gently pointing out that all three of you need for there to be a bit of give and take? Try to show her that it's so difficult from your angle and that you're upset: walking on eggshells is a strain. You may then find you have health problems yourself - is that what she wants or hadn't it occured to her?
  • Dibnlib - what a shame about your favourite hotel. How disappointing. I bet the Christmas break there wasn’t cheap either.
    Clare - sending best wishes. Life sounds to be difficult for you. Lindy - good idea to go for a walk in Tatton Park to blow away the cobwebs.
    I had a lovely time at my sister’s yesterday. She has 2 grandchildren aged 5 and one almost 8. As you can imagine, it was a bit noisy and lively! After lunch my sister packed them, their mums and dads and my b in law off for a walk. We cleared up and then sat with a cup of tea and had a nice chat. The kids all came back with rosy cheeks.
    Today it is wild, wet and windy - again!!!!! I have popped to the supermarket because an old schoolfriend is calling for lunch tomorrow. She has been spending Christmas with her sister who lives about 25 miles away. I am pleased she wants to call. I have had to waft the hoover and duster around too!!!!!
  • Clare: The trouble with destructive behaviors and subsequent responses is that they evolve into a pattern that's often very hard to break - and sometimes isn't even recognized. I've had the same thing with one - ahem - difficult family member and have found myself reacting in a not-very-helpful way before I've even realized it. Families can be very challenging!!
  • We're (mostly) packed and ready to go. Had to stop my packing to field a couple of phone calls - a lot of sickness around and in particular a lot of chestiness with heavy colds, and one case of bronchitis. Take care, all in the UK, its Winter with a capital W!! even though its not particularly cold at the moment.

    No time, & way too tired to reply to your posts I'm afraid.

    Here is a quote or two:

    "We managed to wrong a few rights" - Kevin Keegan, footballer.

    "That was the nail that broke the coffins back"-- Jack Kraft, USA Basketball coach.

    "A lot of time's gone under the bridge since then ..." - Mark Lamaar, broadcaster.
  • AQ ..That''s priceless...Love it.


  • Dau#1, s-i-l, g-dau, friend & g-son visited this arvo, stayed longer than usual, chatter was kept going by lively g-dau. My OH half dazed, had nothing much to say and when they left he asked “who was that? “Your g-dau.” He was puzzled by their gifts to us – chocs & dau’s homemade bics. Visits seem to bother him now and he regresses. Tomorrow Dau#2 & Co will call for their Xmas visit. I hope he is in a better mood.