Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 December 2023


The Great Lakes has experienced glorious Auroras (Northern Lights) this past week. The photos have been breathtaking. Nothing to report from my patch, though, except dense fog in the mornings, icy rain during the days, and snow showers at night. I have no wildlife stories to report this week, because I haven't been outdoors at all.

I have some critically important paperwork to complete by Thursday. After that, I've solemnly vowed to resume being a regular poster on this site for the winter. Sorry I've neglected everyone. This year has been rough. I'll be glad to see 2023 in the rear view mirror. :-)

Hugs to everyone! Strength to Heather and AQ.

  • I come on here, I need to rant
    There are things I need to say, but can't --
    Can't say to my children how fed up I get
    Or how tiresome some things are
    And yet
    .I know I have a listening ear
    When I have a little moan on here.

    Long may we last.
    Long may we complain
    About the state of the world, again.
    For there's nothing quite as good
    As getting things off your chest
    You can go on then, and hang the rest!!
  • OG – Please don’t run away. Yes, you are finding it hard to rely on others and not be independent but I (selfishly) need to hear your woes to put mine into perspective. {{{HUGS}}}

    Thank you to ALL who have answered my ranting.

    ANNETTE - I don’t rant to Dau#2, well not much, as I know she has had a difficult year. Her health has been poor & her OH is often away on work trips. I don’t want to overload her as she is my emergency.

    LINDA – Love your poem.

    Washing day and it will go into garage as it is raining, humid. Not Aussie summer weather!.

  • AQ: Oh right. I understand that. Maybe we should call this the Weekly Rant. :-))

    Lindybird: Very well said. But sorry you haven't been feeling so well.

    Diane: How did that paperwork go? Did you find a policy you can live with?

    Had good natter with friend; we are going to do it again soon.
  • I have erected our small χmas tree in case Dau decides to deliver the books she has obtained (for me to give Trio). If so Trio can decorate said tree. Probably too busy this weekend as this is last week of school year. Then I attacked χmas cards. I posted overseas ones last weekend and now I have the interstate ones ready. Briefest of notes inside.

    Raining all day. 20 mm at airport. Heck it’s time I was getting tea,....

  • AQ - We seem to be having similar weather, for once. I awoke early today and could hear the wind, and the rain beating on the windows. Eaurgh.

    Hope your daughter gets an inkling of your daily challenges, but you are right not to worry her too much if she has her own problems. Glad you've put your tree up, it's one thing done, if nothing else!!

    Wondering how Heather is getting along, and if she has had a diagnosis for her fainting, whilst in hospital.
  • I like that little cartoon Lindy and your poem. Well said! I too have been wondering about Heather. I do hope she has been able to get a thorough investigation in hospital to get to the root of her problems. I also didn’t realise you had such health problems too. Your posts are, for the most part, always cheery and positive.
    We haven’t heard from Clare recently have we? I hope she and Limpy are OK.
    Heather - if you are reading - sending hugs.
    Glad you had a good time with your friend Annette.
    AQ - it really doesn’t sound like Aussie summer weather there! Hope the trio have time to decorate your little tree.
    Pat - I admire you for doing that long drive and wish you luck for the return journey.
    Today should have been the ladies 10 hole competition and Christmas meal at the golf club. However, the course is closed due to all the heavy rain we have had. I am awaiting an email to let us know what time we will be eating. (oh yes, we will still be meeting to eat!!!!) It’s possible it might be brought forward a little bit.
    In the meantime I will write some more letters to go in Christmas cards.
  • Lindy - YES! Great to be able to come on here and talk about anything ... get things off our chests that we can't share with others. I never thought I could become so involved with a group of people I didn't know - and be sure of understanding and acceptance. It's great!! Thank you all for another year of valuable virtual friendship.

    Now in Somerset, which is dark grey and wet. Now we are threatened with high winds overnight and tomorrow. Miserable. My brother in law and I had plans for today - which will now almost certainly not happen. No fun mooching around in the wet when you don't have to. Spent a chunk of last evening watching Bedknobs and Broomsticks and eating pizza and highly processed snacks. As one who usually eats only fresh food ... I feel all stodged up this morning! Good job breakfast was largely fresh fruit!!
  • LINDY Only really saw recently that you have health issues. Glad your OH is being strong for you.

    PAT Safe journey home.

    We have the most delightful postie who always stops for a chat. I really must ask him how long his round takes. We do also know his wife. Anyway his son joined the RN and passed out a few months ago. We chatted with our postie this morning and found out that his son has changed his course and is at Faslane training to be a submariner. Oh my goodness, Mum and Dad were so proud anyway and now amazed their son is hoping to become one of the elite and will wear the dolphins.