Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 November 2023


I hope you all have a good week.

Monday morning (the 27th) is the full moon in the UK and US. 

It's cold here, and we have snow coming in the morning. The red-bellied woodpecker drilled on the frame of my bedroom window early today. I hadn't seen him for awhile. He didn't stay long. I think he just wondered if I'm still in here. LOL

Hugs to all.

  • OG Hope J takes up your idea of voluntary work. Just meeting other people can make for a brighter day.
  • Hello all, not been on for some time and had a job to find you again but have done. I am alive !!

    Do hope all is well with you all. Not a lot to tell from down here except that the weather has gone a bit wintry with
    frosty mornings and sunshine throughout the day. Do hope that folks are keeping warm and well despite snow falls in certain parts of the country.

    Just been reading this last page. I too seem to keep falling asleep, usually just before I go up to bed anytime between 1 and 3am. That is because I love watching Netflix for Now series and get hooked on them. At present watching Seal Team and one of the medical ones. I also tend to hitch up to machine for 2hrs in the afternoon and 1 1/2 hrs in the evening as I've been asked to increase time on it because I only get about 3/4 hrs at night, mainly because I want to doze off without it on before getting up around 7am so Sue can take it down for me. Its a pain but at least its helping keeping my c2o levels down.

    Managed to get all my CP's from an online shop as I can't get to the shops. Dau has weekends to take me if neccessary but I know she has her own jobs to see to and own life to lead so don't impose on her. She will always help if need be and has been my rock during the last, almost, 2 years since I lost my OH. We are spending Christmas on our own this year as Son and DinL are down in Bristol and her dau's but are going up to Manchester on the 27th to see my brother and partner so will see some family over the festive period. Do hope you are all managing to be with family too.
  • OG - hope the tests etc went well.

    Lynette - really good to see you. Glad your “machine” is helping you but it does sound to be a bit of a pain. Well done with the Christmas presents. I have bought a few online. Glad you have firm plans for Christmas. Hope the weather allows travel.

    Despite the temperature being at almost freezing, I have been out birdwatching with the ladies to a private reserve on the Dee Estuary near Connah’s Quay. The tide was coming in. The number of birds is just amazing. It is a winter haven and smorgasbord for so many species. The sun shone on the birds’ plumage and made them all look stunning. Wonderful lapwings, shelduck and, in fact 36 species in all and in huge numbers too.

    Here are a couple of photos taken before the tide came in. In this first one, tucked away in the top Left Hand Corner, is Flint Castle. 

  • Just back from a wonderful day in ... Worthing! Everything told us not to go - the weather forecast was dire, neighbours thought we were mad! But this particular friend and I like challenges - and we were very glad we ignored everyone else and went. We walked almost five miles, including a brisk walk in almost negative temperature along the pier. Very grey and overcast - and a great deal of 'weather' visible out to sea - but we had a wonderful time. Of course any trip to the seaside has to include fish and chips - and that was excellent as well. A lovely drive in both directions - different routes as always. And now all I really want to do is go to sleep - but I have a magazine to circulate and two Zoom meetings to attend before that can happen! Will I manage to stay awake? Hmmm ...
  • RUSTY Thank you for the pics and I do so love the thought of the birds enjoying their smorgasbord.....what a wonderful description.
  • RUSTY - I also laughed at the birds with their smorgasbord! You have such a choice of nature reserves around you - pleased you can get out and enjoy them, and thanks for sharing the pics. Fine with blood tests, but BP was reading high - I think it was because we were late setting off from home! They want me to monitor at home yet again - but I have to wait for them to find a machine! Dentist confirmed problems with teeth, but nothing I hadn't identified myself - multiple appointments in the New Year. I am now opting to have the extractions here instead of at the hospital - referral has already taken over a yera, and I think I shall be more relaxed with Jayne doing them.

    DIBNLIB - J went by bus to Caledonia Park today having been told he would have to sort his own lunch. He said he won't go again for a while as the buses are currently so unreliable - running late or missing from their timetable - a good thing he isn't relying on them for work right now.

    LYNETTE - what a strange timetable you have, but whatever works for you and your Daughter! Glad you are doing well.

    PAT - the day in Worthing sounds good - sometimes it is a treat just to do something different from the usual.

    Finished Christmas Letter and cards this evening - will maybe wait a few days before actual posting. Have already received one, but that was posted early to tell us a change of address. Ate our first mince pies yesterday - bought for the first time, but tasted very close to our usual home made ones.
  • I'm late again. Another busy day - went food shopping then further afield for a Garden Centre to buy a new bird feeder, as our usual one is falling apart. Was bemused to find the whole shop in full Christmas mode -- it's a big shop and there were acres of decorations, tinsel, toys, table decorations, lights... ... Oooh! I managed to only buy two stocking fillers for the children, and my bird feeder, then I escaped before I spent any more.

    Before that I was worried about the car as all was white over this morning. My OH had wisely put a cloth over my windscreen so when I removed it, it was easy to spray the wing mirrors with anti freeze and off I went.

    It's freezing again now, after a day of barely warming up at all.

    Pat, glad you had such a good day. There are only the wrong clothes, it's said, not the wrong weather!!

    Lynette, nice to hear from you.

    OG- sorry about your teeth!! No fun.  Edit: horrified to hear that you've been doing cards. Last year I had all of mine written in mid November but this year I've only done a few for close family. Must get into it this weekend.

  • Evening all: Still busy here, but nice to take some time to read about everyone's outings, routines, etc. There's no way I could stay up 'til 1 or later. It's around 9:30 here and I'm about to call it a night!

    Take care everyone; stay warm in the Midwest and the UK.
  • Been trying to get on here all morning. but the Site wouldn't load., Now I'm on the desktop and it seemed easier.

    Have just had a message from HEATHER: She is still in hospital and has been told that they will have to prepare & modify the house for her before she can go home. She says "Am reading all posts but struggling to type with the wrong hand!" Don't know when she will be home. I replied "Lots of HUGS from all of us on the Osprey thread."

    Its been the coldest ever since last winter here: - 4 degrees last night and not much warmer today! White frost all over. The birds will have to get used to my new seed feeder. At present, there are two pigeons and three sparrows bathing in our bird bath which my OH refilled with hot water.
  • LINDY Thanks for the news on Heather. I wonder how long it will take her to get back home.