Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 November 2023


I hope you all have a good week.

Monday morning (the 27th) is the full moon in the UK and US. 

It's cold here, and we have snow coming in the morning. The red-bellied woodpecker drilled on the frame of my bedroom window early today. I hadn't seen him for awhile. He didn't stay long. I think he just wondered if I'm still in here. LOL

Hugs to all.

  • DIANE - Thank you for starting us off. It's cool here, long may it last. Good that your wildlife is checking on you!

    Whenever I drop by to check posts, usually nighttime UpOver, I notice that HEATHER has "liked" even if she has not posted. I do miss seeing her name. I hope she is OK and will soon be home.

    LINDA - Another cruise disappointment - disaster for some as ship refused entry to NZ ports.

  • HEATHER: I'm so very sorry about your fall and fracture. I hope you are getting good care and pain relief. I also hope they can treat the reason for the falling and also provide you with answers about your kidney. I'm thinking of you and sending strength, my friend.
  • Diane: Thank you - yet again. You always provide such a positive start to the week. We were browsing channels this evening, came across a football match in Kansas (I think) and were surprised to see the pitch covered with snow. Isn't it a bit early for you guys?

    Lindybird: I think I mentioned that our handyman (not as old as your OH), took a dive off a roof he was working on - belly-flopped onto the ground and got away with a fractured pelvis. His wife made him get rid of his ladders and he's now cut back the number of days per week he works. I wonder how you might convince your OH that it makes perfect sense to be apprehensive about ladders.

    Rusty: Oh that's an impressive bunch in the French group. No wonder you occasionally fret about your assignments.

    AQ: A shame about that couple's wedding plans. Interesting about the hull cleaning though: something else I'm clueless about.

    Have a good Sunday everyone and here's to a better week for Heather.
  • Diane - thank you for starting a new week for us. Glad your woodpecker came to see you. I wouldn’t mind that at all. Shame it was rather early though!!
    AQ - I read the article about the cruise ship. I remember from when I went to NZ on my retirement holiday that they were very hot on bio security at immigration. I didn’t realise it applied to ships but of course it must! Thanks also for letting us know that Heather is following. I do, like others, very mush hope that she is out of pain and that they are getting to the core of the problem.
    Re ladders - “the man” who came to clean my gutters said it would be the last year he was doing it. He isn’t going to be climbing ladders any more.
    I am having a very nice quiet day at home before another busy week.
  • I see I am well behind. Great the WoodyP thinks so highly of you Diane. I have a Great Spotted WoodyP who regularly visits my fat ball feeder and considering I'm somewhat urban as opposed to rural I feel greatly honoured by his visits.
    Venus and Jupiter on opposite sides of the moon currently are easy to spot.
    Commiserations to Heather - what a blow for her. Strength to you Heather.
    Love to everyone else

    WHY cannot I reply to this thread !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, apparently, 'they' logged me out. Sigh

  • @ Heather

    Bless you ,have sent my prayers ,Hugs and wishes for a speedy recovery, along with others, so good to see you are able to keep up with many of the posts.

    and truly hope to see you posting sooooooon 

  • Pretty cold here today but blue sky and sunshine this afternoon so that suits me fine.
  • It's been very cold here. I've worn a thick warm sweater for the first time in months. Thank you, Diane, for starting us off. As said, you give us a nice positive start every week. :-)

    We've been to visit Sue and admire her new sofa, where we were plied with biscuits and tea. She has a bad hip but it's partly caused by her dancing on a recent visit to a concert!! LOL!! She's a little bit older than me so she should know better!!

    I hope too, that Heather is out of pain now and getting a diagnosis. At least shes in the best place at the moment.
  • Good evening! Sorry I have been missing for a few days – a “cold” got worse and I felt very cold with it. Warming up a bit now – in both ways. I finished the church mag on Friday and EE printed it Saturday morning. It didn’t turn out too “unChristmasy” after all as there was some late stuff I managed to squeeze in kids concert is always popular! I have inspired myself to write about the Three Wise Men for January as I always consider they get a raw deal when Epiphany follows after Christmas! I stayed home this morning, but EE had to go to church because he was on the rota to read today. However, I did receive my “homework” – The non-computer old guy who does the rotas for the next 3 months sends me a handwritten copy for typing for distribution! I see that as well as praying on the last Sunday this month, I am listed for the first Sunday in January too.

    DIANE – nights have been very clear and cold, so Moon has been spectacular. Thanks for setting us off on the new week. Take care if you get ice with the snow!

    Best wishes for a good week for all, especially Dear Heather!
  • Passengers on the cruise that didn’t visit NZ were offered compensation in the form of reduced fare for future trips. The power of negative publicity - they are now offering refunds! I can understand storms causing delays or changed route but having a dirty ship is poor planning.

    RUSTY - Aussieland is very strict on bio-security too, especially incoming passengers. We don't want bugs affecting our agriculture, etc.