Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 November 2023


I hope you all have a good week!

The National Weather Service has announced that the US will have a very strong El Nino winter. For the Midwest, that means a warmer and dryer season. Dang, I hope so. 

Right now, I have a fishing spider in my dining room and another one in my living room. Each is the size of my hand! They're happily eating the last of the summer gnats. We had an even bigger than normal population of gnats, mosquitoes, and biting flies this year. I'm letting the spiders enjoy them. They'll go hibernate under the house when they're finished. LOL 

Happy Thanksgiving or whatever you celebrate to Annette and bjane.

Hugs to all.

  • I also have been unable to post, Thanks Lindy for news of Heather. I join everyone else in sending best wishes, and hope for a good outcome.

    Well done Rusty. I expect you will sleep better tonight!
  • Unseasonably warm here; just when you've moved summer stuff to the back of the closet.....

    Also have been following the awfully sad story about those four young kids in Wales; they seemed like such a nice bunch of friends. Can't imagine what their parents must be going through.

    lt's Thanksgiving here tomorrow; daughter is coming over in the a.m. and we'll have a paired-down version of the traditional dinner (not a holiday I'm married to). Then there's the countdown to Christmas....and then it will be over for another year! :-)
  • ANNETTE - Over for another year???? What about NYE, Valentine, Easter, various birthdays, etc, etc.
    I am fed up with Black Fri who-ha. It's NOT AUSSIE.
  • AQ - It's not British either! Yet another way of trying to relieve us of our hard-earned money on rubbish we really don't need. Bah ... (and that's before the Christmas hype starts in earnest - should be banned until the beginning of December at the earliest!) GOW strikes again ...
  • HAPPY THANKSGIVING to All Our USA Friends.

    Enjoy, however you like to celebrate it.
  • Poor Heather, thanks for letting us know.
  • Happy Thanksgiving to those of you across the pond! Hope you are having a good day.
    I wonder how Heather is getting on? I hope they have been able to set her broken arm and that she is out of pain.
    I have been birdwatching at Erddig - a National Trust House and grounds near Wrexham. I was too windy really but we had a nice walk. Our best sightings were around the car park and orchard where there were mistle thrushes (on the mistletoe) and a fieldfare. We also saw a female goosander on a pond. We managed 2 herons on the river and various little birds. We had lunch in the cafe and I bought a Christmas present in the shop.
  • Well, one holiday down and now onward to Xmas - so quiet in the neighborhood and out on the freeways. Just like when Covid was in full swing.
  • Yesterday’s post that I forgot to post!
    Exhausting day. I did the washing as the forecast predicted evening rain. Not 20 mins after I finished pegging, it poured and rained for rest of day. Just after lunch Dau & S-i-l visited – he to fix computer stuff, she to organize my cupboards. I restricted her to the spaces above the pantry where things that are used once a year or maybe once a blue moon are stored. Thank goodness some time ago I had culled the kinder paints, play dough toys etc. Nevetheless there was a lot of “What are you keeping this for?” Sentiment or possible use next month are not in her DNA. Her thinking is I could always buy another. Once I had decided, she took no chances and dumped rejects into wheelie bin. I managed to save a few things that will be worthwhile gifted to the charity shop. I have completed next 2 family stories. . . or have stopped worrying about typos. Copies printed ready to post to those without a computer and email files to others.

    LINDA – Thank you for news of HEATHER. I hope she gets the care she needs now and when she goes home.

    Today. Unexciting morning bill-paying, posting or emailing stories, replacing hand cream (OH “lost” his and I gave him mine). I treated myself to an early χmas gift – a clip-on lamp for reading. Next time we have a power failure I shall not have to balance camping torch on top of pile of books. I assume Murphy’s Law will mean no more outages now I am prepared. We had a surprising 19 mm yesterday and the soil (clay) is sodden, so I should be weeding as it would be easy. Nah, still weary after yesterday.

  • Morning all. It’s a nice sunny day here. A bit cool but gloves did the trick in town this morning.
    AQ - help with “flinging” is probably a good idea. I really need my sister’s s in l to go in my loft and bring down a lot of things which I should go through and fling. Maybe if he has a bit of time over Christmas I will ask him.
    I am about to go in the garden and scrape some more leaves up. The birds need feeding too. Then, if the mood takes me, I might do a bit of chopping down as it will be the last garden waste collection until March next week.