Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 November 2023


I hope you all have a good week!

The National Weather Service has announced that the US will have a very strong El Nino winter. For the Midwest, that means a warmer and dryer season. Dang, I hope so. 

Right now, I have a fishing spider in my dining room and another one in my living room. Each is the size of my hand! They're happily eating the last of the summer gnats. We had an even bigger than normal population of gnats, mosquitoes, and biting flies this year. I'm letting the spiders enjoy them. They'll go hibernate under the house when they're finished. LOL 

Happy Thanksgiving or whatever you celebrate to Annette and bjane.

Hugs to all.

  • Several posts since I started my reply . I had many interruptions!
  • Lindy - ha ha!!!! Made me chuckle.
  • Lindy - Hehe ... wonder if you have ever had personal experience???
  • Glad I made you laugh- some of these jokes do the rounds with the golfers. Of course, my sainted OH is not an example, as he's a treasure who takes over in the kitchen to clear up our messes, and unloads the dishwasher daily.

    I began the day badly by forgetting several things, including taking my phone with me when I went shopping. I seem to have only half a brain at the moment. My OH is recovering from his cold but mine is playing havoc - Sue rang me to see if I was alright as I usually write to her every morning and I forgot that, too!!

    Bright sunshine today which shows up the colours of the leaves everywhere. I love that part of autumn. Our Eldest was telling us how his wife's (fairly new) car has been stolen right off their driveway whilst they slept. They had a tracker on it and were surprised to find it was only a few streets away, so investigated and found it parked in a car park. The police when called told them that several cars has been taken in one night as part of an organised operation. They were lucky to get it back.
  • Lindy - goodness me. How awful about your d in l’s car!! How fortunate that they had a tracker. I still put my car in the garage although I don’t think anyone would want to steal my 14 year old run about! So sorry your cold is making you feel horrid. Hope it goes soon.
    It is nice and sunny here and “the man” has been to do the jobs. 2 out of 3 were very straightforward but the 3rd was more tricky. However, he succeeded in the end and I am pleased with the result.
  • LINDY Get well soon. What a nice pic of Rosie. My Mum and Dad had their car stole from outside their house many years ago. It was eventually found on the outskirts of Glasgow but minus my Dads golf clubs which were probably worth more than the car.
  • Good morning all - I hope you can see this as its been very quiet with no postings since yesterday afternoon (UK). I know there are some changes planned with the website but not had any details since the first message.

  • I've had a personal message from Heather. She has had another fall, and fractured her upper arm. Now in hospital. Oh dear, poor girl.