Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 November 2023


I hope everyone has a good week.

The new moon (the dark moon) is Monday, the 13th.

I don't have any interesting news. We had a record-breaking very warm day early in the week. I stood outdoors, breathed deeply, looked over my patch, and said a final good-bye to summer. Now it's getting colder and all I want to do is eat and sleep!

Take care of yourselves!

  • AQ: Didn't ask me for some real suggestions, but I say take things easy and find a way to spoil yourself! Hugs from here.
  • Agree - thinking about you, AQ.
    Thanks to everyone for your news !
    Well, my fall has had an unexpected consequence - I had a load of investigations when in hospital and have now been informed that I have a tumour in my right kidney. Have been referred to Urology to determine whether it is malignant or not. I had no symptoms and would never have known but for the fall. Every cloud has a silver lining :-)
  • AQ sorry to hear you picking up Bugs Grr!! take it easy if you can Doh!!! for a few days.

    Heather  Awh! Bless you, Do hope you will be seen in Urology quickly and treat you quickly. Sending you BIG Hugs and Prayers. As you say "every cloud!!!!! "but you certainly could have done with out another concern

    Thanks Rusty and yes this is latest, like you and all, we do hope Lindy was able to enjoy.

    Fred Olsen Borealis current location is at North East Atlantic Ocean (coordinates 53.40730 N / -3.00050 W) cruising en route to Liverpool. The AIS position was reported 6 minutes ago. www.cruisemapper.com/.../Fred-Olsen-Borealis-717


  • Halloo!!

    Yes, I'm back on dry land (& glad of it). We landed at Liverpool at 6.00am today and left the ship at 8.00am. We have not come straight home as we made a slight detour to see my childhood home in Merseyside - I left it to get married in 1973. My parents subsequently left it a couple of years later when my father took retirement. It's been extended and refurbished since of course but is still recognisable. I took photos for old times sake, today.

    Lots of adventures to relate, will compile a travelogue later. As you may have been following our ship, you may know that all did not go as planned. Life is often like that - "Best laid plans of mice and men".

    Sorry to read on this page that Heather has had a fall and a diagnosis. Hugs to you Heather. Take Care.

    Hope everyone else is OK.
  • Welcome home Lindy and OH. I do hope you enjoyed your cruise despite the change of itinerary. I note so said you were glad to be back on land. Hope you are both OK.
    Heather - what a shock for you. As you say, better to discover these things (I know that from experience) but the waiting for a concrete diagnosis is not easy. Sending love and hugs.
    AQ - so sorry you have got a bug too.
  • Morning all: And welcome back Lindybird. We have been speculating as to your itinerary! Rest up and we'll read all about it when you get around to it.

    Heather: When I had my appendix out a few years back they did scans before the op and noticed cysts on my pancreas. The E.R. doc freaked me out by suggesting I have a follow up 'sooner than later.' Just what you don't want to
    hear before an op. Much anxiety on my part ensued but a follow up MRI showed they were fairly typical and benign. Have had annual MRI since then to make sure they aren't behaving badly, which isn't anticipated.. Some years back MRI's were touted as a preventive measure but the problem, according to my doc, was that they revealed all kinds of oddities that everyone has that are benign and would never cause a problem, and that the discovery wasn't worth the ensuing anxiety and extra investigative procedures. Hugs from here!
  • Lindy (and OH) - Welcome home! Looking forward to your travelogue once you have got your breath back (and done the laundry, no doubt :) )

    Heather - Yes, thinking positively about the 'silver lining' - not the way you would want to find out, but best you know whether or not it's something you need to be concerned about as soon as possible. Prayers and hugs from here as well.

    Just home from my first visit of the week to Hever. What a perfect day! In spite of all yesterday's rain (which was a lot!!) it wasn't too bad underfoot. A few squelchy bits, but pretty good on their very well maintained paths. The sun shone all day and we saw pretty much everything. Not sure how the next couple of days are going to work - more heavy rain forecast overnight and all day tomorrow ... hey ho! Friday looks better.
  • From the visit we had yesterday, we found out that we had been thoroughly misled by the social worker who said we could not expect any help from the agency which would provide me with company while E_E takes time out! She had said they would not be able provide any personal help for me to get to the toilet. It turns out, now they have given us their own brochure, that is just the kind of thing they will do –“whatever a family member would provide”! So we have gone on a waiting list(!) for three hours a week, one afternoon. E_E had a good idea – he might visit the local cinema in town – walking distance. It is well thought-of, and he like films which I don’t, so ideal for us.

    AQ – do look after your sore back from the weeds – and I hope the tummy bug soon went.

    HEATHER – I hope that you will soon get an appointment with Urology – and resulting good news.

    LINDA – welcome back! Seems your cruise took you on quite an unexpected adventure! I hope you had all the appropriate shoes!

    PAT – so pleased HEVER trip #1 went well!

    Been very tired again today. We have day out for lunch and shopping tomorrow and J is coming too – not long lists, and he wants things from HobbyCraft which is right next door to M&S Foodhall.