Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 October 2023


I hope everyone has a great week.

I had interesting news this week. For several months, I've sometimes heard screams in the middle of the night coming from the deep woods back in the flood plain. I thought it was a bobcat, but I wasn't sure.

This week, I visited with my neighbors for awhile at their outdoor table. We had record-breaking warm temperatures. My neighbors said that the couple who live up on the ridge above our houses actually saw the bobcat roaming the woods, confirming my guess. I would love to see it!!!

Hugs to everyone.

  • HEATHER – I hope all is well now you are home. {{{HUGS}}}

    KATE – I do have a needle threader but I can’t manage that either.

    OG, RUSTY – I loved my mother’s button jar – I wonder what happened to it? Next Trio visit I shall bring out my button boxes (one for white, other for coloured).

    ROSY – My sewing these days is unhappy sewing, ie mending!!! So sorry you & OH have covid. {{{HUGS}}} I see our covid numbers have jumped 25% in last week – probably higher as not many report officially any more.

    OH’s computer came home last weekend but s-i-l had to visit today for more fixing so I could use internet banking. OH now has internet but “it looks different”. But he can’t remember what he used to do on the computer <sigh>. I know he had a patience game which we cannot find now – it was probably saved decades ago. Does anyone know of a link to a version of Klondike with 2 packs of cards?

    A white platypus.

  • Thank you Diane - the coughing has stopped but I seems to have picked up a bit of a cold after nanny duty last week but generally feeling much better.

  • Rosy - sorry you both have Covid. Hope you are better soon. There are a lot of “normal” coughs and colds about too aren’t there?
    AQ - I hate it when things change on the computer. Why do they do it!? It must be so confusing for your poor OH.
    Diane - no response yet to the e consult I sent to the doctors re my meds. I was promised I would have one by 6pm today. We will see!!! Thanks for your concern.
    At last we have a dry sunny day here. I am walking down to a local community centre soon as my Flora and Fauna group is in charge of making tea and coffee for a social event. (Each group in the U3A has a turn at doing refreshments and it is ours today)
    I had a quick glance at my ship app and I see that Lindy and her OH are now sailing down the Irish Sea. So they are on their way a day late really. I wonder if that will mean they have to miss one of the ports of call?
  • AQ - You could try Microsoft Solitaire Collection, which includes Klondike as well as Spider, FreeCell, Pyramid and TriPeaks. Your OH could become addicted to all five! Within the suite you can change the number of packs you use for each game.

    A beautiful autumn day here, with blue sky and sunshine and a very gentle breeze. Not very warm - just 12 degrees - but IT'S NOT RAINING! Don't like the look of tomorrow, though.

    Hope Lindy is now sailing on calm waters towards The Azores. I do hope they will be able to visit all the ports of call scheduled - I know she has been looking forward to it for a long time.

    Button jar - or, in my case, button tin! What a treasure it always was. My mother had a red tin with gold deer on it (must have been a Christmas present at some stage, I guess) which was always full of buttons of every colour, shape and size. I played endless games with them. I still have it somewhere ... must look it out and see if I find it as fascinating now as I did all those years ago.
  • AQ is this what you asking.."Does anyone know of a link to a version of Klondike with 2 packs of car"



  • ROSY Sorry to hear you and OH are unwell
  • ROSY Sorry to hear you and OH are unwell
  • rusty2 said:
    had a quick glance at my ship app and I see that Lindy and her OH are now sailing down the Irish Sea.

    In the SE of Kent we are now on a yellow warning for rain plus some windy weather early tomorrow lasting til midnight from a Spanish storm named Domingos so hope Lindy's ship is well clear of that!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • AQ: I am so happy for you that you passed your post-breast cancer test!!! Congratulations on 3 years!

    Wonderful that the littlies threaded your needles for you. I have my Irish grandmother's button box, and I treasure it. She was a wonderful seamstress, and she made coats for the area's poor kids and left them on their porches. Unfortunately, I didn't inherit her talent for sewing.
  • Thinking about everyone, especially LINDY on her much anticipated cruise.
    I'm OK but very battered and bruised after a bad fall outside on Monday. I bent down to stroke a little feline visitor- too quickly - and that was stupid ! Lots of investigations while in hospital, General opinion is low blood pressure but no medication prescribed :-( I'm very lucky that no bones were broken because I went down very heavily .