Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 October 2023


I hope everyone has a great week.

I had interesting news this week. For several months, I've sometimes heard screams in the middle of the night coming from the deep woods back in the flood plain. I thought it was a bobcat, but I wasn't sure.

This week, I visited with my neighbors for awhile at their outdoor table. We had record-breaking warm temperatures. My neighbors said that the couple who live up on the ridge above our houses actually saw the bobcat roaming the woods, confirming my guess. I would love to see it!!!

Hugs to everyone.

  • Bon voyage! Have a wonderful trip!
  • Lindybird: So typical - hope your OH won't be fretting about metric measurements on the cruise! I love that quote: It's so true that we may not recognize how we inadvertently influence those we meet along life's road. Fingers crossed you can slip through the worst of the predicted weather. At least it's at the start of the trip.

    OG: How frustrating for J; no wonder he's discouraged and, of course, it's not easy for you either.

    Hi to Pat and Rusty!
  • Lindy - I went on a trip and saw the twin lakes. The only problem was that it was pouring with rain, so the colours weren't very clear. Because of the weather, I was more interested in the abandoned hotel on the other side of the road ... Have a fantastic time. Looking forward to your pictures and memories when you return. Do hope the weather is kind and the stabilisers are satisfactory!

    Nymans was lovely, although we were a bit disappointed by the colour - or lack of it. I've seen it much better in other years. But the sun shone for some of the time. From the forecast, I think most of the leaves will be stripped from the trees in the next few days. I introduced my friend to 'across the road', which I hadn't visited in about twenty years. It was very muddy and not much else - must remember to go in azalea and rhododendron time when it will be at its best.
  • Lindybird said:
    We've been looking forward to this since last January but it seems to have come around quickly. Pat, we go to two of the islands in the Azores on successive days. I'll let you know what we thought of it -- we've booked organised outings to both places, one of them being to visit the famous twin lakes (one blue, one next to it, green!).

    I hope you both have a fantastic time.  I'm already looking forward to the photos!

    Lindybird said:
    OH is worried now as we leave Liverpool at after lunchtime on Wednesday, and the weather forecast is for a really wild storm to hit the UK on Thursday/Friday, just as we go through it sailing south. Urgh - memories of both of us being truly seasick on our last cruise. Fingers crossed!!

    Our fingers are crossed as well .......... but don't forget that the ship's doctor will have suitable remedies for seasickness.  Make sure you get in the queue, sharpish!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Have a wonderful holiday Lindy. I had to laugh at your OH's home improvement efforts as you were trying to pack. Sorry!
    I hope you can dodge the worst of the storms.
  • Just getting going on our busy day, but looking forward to our trip. Someone in the family rang mid evening to jaw about a family problem which my OH was hoping he had passed over for someone else to deal with -- now he's fretting over it and I'm fuming, as with lack of communication factored in, he is now going to stew over it for the whole holiday, even though there's nothing he could have done about it anyway. Grr! Why did they ring?

    Hope everyone on here has a good couple of weeks, take care of yourselves.
  • Sorry I had a moan!! No one else I can moan to!!
  • Lindy - that was a bit selfish of the family member. I do hope your OH can relax. Was just coming on to say that I can see your ship on a webcam I have of Liverpool waterfront. I do hope you are not impacted by the storm and that you both have a lovely holiday. Looking forward to the photos.
    I am going birdwatching today instead of tomorrow.
  • Lindybird said:
    Sorry I had a moan!! No one else I can moan to!!

    No need to apologise, Lindy.  I have to wonder if that family member deliberately timed their call ...... envy is a horrible thing.  Enjoy your holiday, both of you.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Just back from birdwatching and I can see that Lindy’s ship is still in port. I wonder if it is waiting there to avoid the storm?
    Had a very successful time at Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB. I count 39 species seen and 3 heard. Managed to see the long tailed duck although it seemed to spend more time under the water than on the surface. Great views of a merlin. Failed with the bittern though. Lovely convivial late lunch afterwards.