Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 October 2023


I hope everyone has a great week.

I had interesting news this week. For several months, I've sometimes heard screams in the middle of the night coming from the deep woods back in the flood plain. I thought it was a bobcat, but I wasn't sure.

This week, I visited with my neighbors for awhile at their outdoor table. We had record-breaking warm temperatures. My neighbors said that the couple who live up on the ridge above our houses actually saw the bobcat roaming the woods, confirming my guess. I would love to see it!!!

Hugs to everyone.

  • Thinking about everyone, especially LINDY on her much anticipated cruise.
    I'm OK but very battered and bruised after a bad fall outside on Monday. I bent down to stroke a little feline visitor- too quickly - and that was stupid ! Lots of investigations while in hospital, General opinion is low blood pressure but no medication prescribed :-( I'm very lucky that no bones were broken because I went down very heavily .

    I couldn't get up and was lying in cold weather for a couple of hours before my neighbour heard me calling. Then lovely firemen arrived and picked me up ! They called an ambulance and that is how I ended up in the hospital. What a drama !

  • Heather: Good to hear from you, but stuck outside in the cold for a couple of hours? Terrible! Your kids will likely insist that you now get those alarm thingies that you can wear and activate via push button - or an Apple Watch that will spring into action if it senses a fall and ask you if you're okay. If not, it contacts family/first responders depending on your preference. Also good that 'lots of investigations' revealed 'only' low blood pressure. I see our Mayo Clinic recommends drinking plenty of fluids in addition to not standing up/bending down too quickly. (Also a recommendation to avoid alcohol, which wouldn't work for me at all!)

    Been a week of ongoing discombobulations. A broken garage door spring; tax guy on phone who took about 30 minutes to say "I don't know" to vexing financial question. Last minute trip by daughter to Arizona with the manager of the equine therapeutic facility that houses one of her horses to pick up the second (and last) horse still in Arizona and bring it back to a boarding facility until it too can join the therapeutic program. And all kinds of other things that have blended together to form a very busy week. And it's Friday - again! And the clocks go back even though we all voted to do away with daylight savings years ago (someone in the legislature is dragging his/her heels to pass it into law).

    Have read everyone's news re Covid afflictions/button boxes (I have a sewing box now with just a few buttons)/white platypus, confusing internet fixes and social obligations.  Glad you all survived the storm.

    I bought four plants, got them all in the ground, and going to buy two more this afternoon (the best kind of retail therapy).

    Take care everyone.  And yes, according to the Fred Olsen website, the Borealis is in calm waters heading south.  Hope Lindybird and OH don't miss any stops.

  • Oh Heather!! That must have been awful. So glad you have no broken bones but the shock and the cold must have been horrible. If they didn’t prescribe anything for low blood pressure, did they suggest anything else? Bending down to stroke a cat isn’t abnormal behaviour after all is it? Are you managing at home? I bet you are very stiff and sore. Sending love and hugs.
    Briefly - I have had no response by 6pm to my e consult re my meds. Quelle surprise!!!!!! There is a section to fill in now to say I havent heard. Of course it is now the weekend!!! Oh, one last thing - you can only get into the e consult to fill it in between the hours of 5am and 1pm!!! Yes, you read that correctly!!!!!!!!!
    I filled mine in at 6am on Thursday and it is now after 7pm on Friday!!!
    On the bright side, the coffee morning for U3A went well this morning. Good attendance and the Flora and Fauna group kept them plied with tea, coffee, shortbread biscuits and Kitkats!!!
    One last thing - it’s raining again!!!!!!!
  • HI, All

    ROSY – sorry you two caught covid – I thought you were among the ones who were vaccinated recently!

    AQ – there always seems to be something changing on the computers – I did threaten last weekend to give up using it and go back to handwriting!

    RUSTY – we had it dry and even sunny today!

    PAT – at one time I had three button tins – Mother’s and two of my own! But I did reduce them about the time we were moving here.

    HEATHER – so sorry about the fall! I expect the daughters are fighting to watch over you! Glad there was nothing broken and no infections found. Lucky that you had the Fire and Rescue to pick you up – they are so much better at it than the ambulance guys!

    ANNETTE – sorry about all the discombobulations this week! Hope the weekend will be a good start to next week!

    We did really well yesterday with my flinging exercise in the dining room and then in the kitchen to move some of the d. room remainder into there – even OH said it had been an enjoyable way to spend the wet afternoon! Today he delivered stuff to one of the charity shops in town.

    Now I haven’t got time to check this before being moved into lounge room, so please excuse the probable typos!
  • Hi people !
    Yes, the family are encouraging me to get a personal alarm thingy and also to make sure that I have my IPhone on me at all times ! Sensible advice since I've had a few episodes. Hospital staff were great - I've had x-rays, ECG, echocardiogram, ultrasound scans, etc etc. Advised not to change position quickly and to increase my fluid intake.. I've had low blood pressure all my life but like everything else, it gets worse as time goes on !
  • Heather – so sorry to hear about your fall, but pleased there were no broken bones. Also good you have had a full MOT and some sensible advice. Suggest you only stroke cats when they are at waist level!
  • PAT & KATE – Thank you for the Patience links. I loaded Kate’s link on OH’s machine and I am waiting for him to try. It looks same to me but I have only played single deck with real cards (occasionally while I wait for veggies to cook). No time for games.

    Today– 2 loads of washing, beds to make, bathroom cleaning, veggie patch needs tending (weeding & watering), get lunch (stupid me planned bacon & eggs), turn mince into meatballs for tea and I’m sure a million other things.

    I may have mentioned I am writing up family stories (40 years since I began researching) and sharing with daus, nieces, nephews. The latest 2 stories are “finished” and I have been trying to find time to proof-raed (ahem) for the past month.

    [Much later] I was interrupted before I could post – bathroom not done, meatballs in fridge waiting to be finished. I must water veggies before I forget. Of course no proof-reading.

  • AQ  another suggestion Doh!! re needles..."Self threading needles"

    Heather sadly this getting old is no fun, especially when one is and has been independent.Bur I suppose we have to be grateful for others care and advice, and at least try some of their suggestions...

    Hope we (uk) all survive another day of Heavy Rains looking at the forecast.


  • Mmm. Lindy’s ship seems to be going into Cork. I wonder what is going on? What a shame.
    It’s very dull here again. I am going to make my Christmas present list!!!!!!!!
    AQ - you sound to be very busy. Well done with making progress on the family stories. It must be very satisfying.
  • rusty2 said:
    Mmm. Lindy’s ship seems to be going into Cork. I wonder what is going on

    Probably part of the itinerary, maybe collecting more passengers?