Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 October 2023


Everyone have a great week!

  • Morning all; Love "honest politician" exchange. Truly extinct! :-))
  • I, of course, live with the 20mph rule. On my estate I have no problem with it at all. It is a good thing, However, as Lindy says, elsewhere it is extremely slow and seems daft on a main road. It seems that the buses are all running late and I know the delivery drivers and social care workers are struggling to get round all their clients.
    I have been golfing in the very heavy rain today on a muddy course!!! It was our annual “Wear it Pink” breast cancer charity day. For obvious reasons I just had to play. They reduced the competition to 10 holes. Actually, it wasn’t cold or windy and I didn’t get wet thanks to my waterproofs and brolly. However, all my waterproofs, shoes, clubs and bag are now draped around the conservatory drying out. The brolly is in the garage !!! Considering the weather, we made just about £400 with competition entry fees, raffle, cake stall and other stalls.
    I will be back later to post some photos of my trip to Bodnant Gardens yesterday.
  • Clare: Honest politicians have never existed here. They're a myth. Like unicorns...

    AQ: The links you've posted have been fascinating!
  • Don’t think I will get involved in the politicians chat apart from to say that we had a really good MP (did lots for the constituency and was always round and about) he got voted out at the last election for some idiot who is now suspended from his party because of sexual harassment!!!!!!!!!! I will say no more.

    On a brighter note. I went with my Flora and Fauna group to Bodnant Gardens yesterday. It was a lovely visit. Nice weather (we had a picnic and I had an ice cream too!) the autumn colours weren’t quite at their best but it was still beautiful

  • I loved this flower. It is a Gazania apparently. It was in the “hot” border

  • PC has been acting up - Edge won’t start after using Outlook, and I have to use a Restart! Hoping I can now alternate between reading on the Chat and typing in Word!

    LINDA – Advert has now appeared for the job J has been doing – at least he can take it slowly making his application as two weeks holiday this Friday to end of October. He’s already got applications in for the Academy and Gretna – just hope he can remember what is happening at which if he hears from them! Re family stuff – we are not happy at way Dau2 is acting – and she is not happy with us! She really has removed herself from the family since her divorce in 2015! I thinks she is seeing us as “her project” and wanting to drive everything (she is a professional project manager). Dry and some sunshine today – but oh so cold!

    CLARE – there are folk roaring around here who I wish would drive at 20mph. Actually, we have the 20 for school ending at the local roundabout, but nobody sees it, and they mostly drive across the roundabout too!

    RUSTY – lovely pics from Bodnant. That was to have been our next visit to Wales when holidays stopped due to hospital and lack of mobility. That Gazania brought a big smile to my face – so bright and cheerful.

    We went out for our lunch today – to Loch Arthur Farm Shop. We both chose their Roast Veg and 3 Cheese Frittata with salads. EE had sticky Toffee Pud (a very good one) and I had a spoonful – our waitress heard me say I would, so she brought me an extra bowl and spoon! We shopped at Morrison’s on the way home – we were very lucky as a lot of the items we had listed were on special reduction today.
  • 20 mph = 32 kph. That is rather slow. In our state we have 10 kph in car parks & shared zones (pedestrians & cyclists), 25 past schools & children’s crossings, also past emergency services stopped on roadside, 40 on certain suburban roads, 60 on main urban roads, 80 on some urban roads (those without housing), 100 on country highways (with a few 110) and 50 whenever there are no signs. Roadworks 25 if workers present, otherwise 40. A driver is constantly watching speed signs, speedo as well idiots.

    In our fair city we have 2 gold clubs that consider themselves better than the riffraff. Each year the captain & a team from each compete for a trophy. This year one club has a female captain. The other club is sticking to the antique rules that the comp is for men only. The first club has withdrawn declaring they cannot get enough members to form a team. The other club says it is too late for any change this year, maybe next year. . . Didn’t they see this coming when a female (shock, horror) was elected to the opposition?

  • Good Morning. Drizzly & misty grey here, so autumnal.

    Rusty - Lovely pics of beautiful Bodnant, to cheer us up. Well done on the 'Pink" golf to help the Breast Cancer charities.

    AQ - Quite funny that the golf enthusiasts there won't move with the times. They'll have to give in eventually ..

    OG - Your daughter sounds a bit confrontational, but she probably has your best interests at heart. Not an easy situation for you all, trying to sort out what's best to do. I hope you can agree on a plan. I often say, if only we had a crystal ball to see our future better!
  • Our view from sitting on a bench at Cemaes Bay on Anglesey on Monday. The tide was well out!