Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 August 2023


Have a good week, all!

  • I've just booked the mobility scooter so we're definitely going.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare - have a great day out. I hope Limpy enjoys it. Minsmere is on my bucket list.
    Lindy - glad you got to Wales eventually. You would think they would lift the roadworks for a Bank Holiday weekend wouldn’t you? Enjoy your break. I don’t think it is going to be all bad weather.
    I am having my hair done this morning (postponed from last week when I had covid) I am really looking forward to being less “shaggy”!!!!
  • It's been a muddled and muddling week here with various things happening and not happening, I am still very tired so not going to try to catch up - especially after trying to find my way through the last few pages of nastiness! So disappointing!

    I did get the magazine finished and did a proof-read this morning, so OH will go down to the church to print the hard copies ready for Sunday, and we then have a few to post and the main number will go by email.

    Had my bloods etc checked on Thursday morning; blood pressure was excellent and I shall assume the blood tests results will be normal. Next check for that is November. Australian physio made his final visit that afternoon - he is not being replaced, but I was able to be on my feet to greet him and to thank him for all his tips and tools and restoring my confidence in myself so that I can continue to improve. J had been better lately but was bad last night and today - will see how he is Monday and then decide if we need to try to get more help for him. OH is looking very tired. Somehow we have ended up with an electrician visiting the shower and a surveyor for the front door both on Monday as well as the cleaners, so I don't know how we shall be that day!

    I hope LINDA is enjoying the weekend away and that CLARE and LIMPY are enjoying Minsmere today. Weather here is still excellent - wish we had time spare to be outside. Sorry that DIANE had disastrously hot weather to deal with as well as all the other pressures on her.
  • Clare -- Yes, we thought we'd earn some brownie points!! Everyone likes tomatoes and we've had such a good crop this year. Enjoy Minsmere. Never been but seen it on the TV.

    Had a nice morning up the coast, at the Welsh Heritage Centre. Beautiful views, and the weather is dry so we took a short walk. Then a hot chocolate in the cafe.
  • LINDY we got some homegrown tomatoes when we met with friends recently.....always welcome.

    The weather was so kind to us today. OH and I were helping at the opening of "The Haven" today. This is a multi purpose facility for children and young adults with special needs and complex issues. It has been the vision of "Elsie Normington" for over 10 years and finally it opened with a procession from the church to the new building which by the way is the first of its kind in Scotland. The forecast was not good but thankfully the rain stayed off until this afternoon.
  • Good evening, all. We had a lovely afternoon at Minsmere and each of us saw (and photographed) a great green bush cricket - Limpy at the Visitor Centre and me near the sluice. There I was, chatting away to a friendly couple, when the bloke abruptly goes 'What's that on your backside?' Yes, it was the cricket! We eventually got it off me and got the cameras out as it obligingly posed on the bench. Honestly. I'm just glad I didn't sit on it as it was an impressive beastie.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning, all.  Thought you might like to see yesterday's beastie:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare - That is a seriously large cricket! So pleased you didn't flatten it. Glad you had such a good time at Minsmere. I have only been once, a very long time ago ... must go back!
  • CLARE Love the beastie.....so very pleased you didn't accidentally squash it.
  • dibnlib said:
    so very pleased you didn't accidentally squash it.

    It wouldn't have stood a chance!  You haven't seen the size of me.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.