Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 August 2023


I've just read confirmation that Indiana now has wild armadillos. They are increasingly being seen on my local roads and in our forests. These animals are native to the southernmost US states, but have moved much further north in response to climate change. I'd love to see one.

Take care, all.


  • Annette - what a worry it must have been with your OH. It seems he got good speedy treatment though. I hope he makes a good recovery. I also hope your daughter’s move goes well and that she is happy in her new apartment.

    Well, guess what everyone??? I have tested positive for covid this morning!!!! I have felt rough since I got home with a runny nose and a cough plus a bit of a headache. I just put it down to a mixture of hay fever and tiredness after my holiday. My sister suggested I do a test!! Very positive!!! Lots of people were coughing and spluttering on the coach so I am not surprised. A friend is going to do a bit of shopping for me. I will have a nice quiet 5 days at home catching up with paperwork and cutting the grass in stages. Hey ho!!!

    Have a nice photo of a beach in Benbecula to be going on with.

  • Unknown said:
    All went very well with all a loose ends tied up nicely so to speak and without any external bags or anything. And all done with a modified keyhole approach! Amazing.

    Amazing, indeed.  I'm so pleased for you both that this was the outcome and I hope everything continues well.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Rusty - Although I have 'liked' your post, it's for the photograph and not for your news. So sorry you have Covid - it's still very much around. One of the local doctors surgeries is almost without staff this week - all testing positive. Hopefully you will be able to make use of the enforced 'lockdown' by sorting out your lawn, catching up with paperwork (where does it all come from?!?!?) - and telling us all about your wonderful holiday. But only if you feel up to it - rest is far more important. Benbecula is a wonderful start - blue sky, white sand and no people. That will do nicely!
  • RUSTY - I too "liked" your photo but not your covid news. I hope you are not too sick and can enjoy your enforced rest. {{{HUGS}}}
  • Guess what? The friend I went on holiday with has got Covid too,

    I am going to attempt to cut the small back lawn. Maybe the fresh air will do me good.

    In the meantime, here is a photo of the wonderful heather which was out all over the place on the Isles.

  • Morning all and thanks for all the good wishes. Popped in around lunchtime yesterday to see OH, unaware that Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy folks had just left so he was ripe for a nap. Went back in late afternoon when he was more alert, but they are threatening to visit again today! :-) The hospital is amazing, quite beautifully expanded some years back at a cost of multiple millions with Mission Revival architecture, lots of little landscaped courtyards and lawns, an amazing restaurant and fab snack bar in the lobby. It's all very bright and airy. However, it's not visitor friendly in terms of signage, which is so discreetly designed as to be almost invisible. So I get out of the elevator on OH's floor into a huge open light-filled space decorated with a lovely mural of the town (yes, I know I'm in Santa Barbara thank you, but where is Room ***?) Elegant signage is hiding on the wall around the corner when it should be shouting at you as soon as the elevator doors open. OH's wing (sorry, 'pavilion') is down a long corridor, round two or three corners and down more corridors depending on how many wrong turns I took, until finally - hurray! - I stumble upon a nurses' station. Apparently I'm just one of many visitors who routinely get lost in this modern maze and yes, there is a map but as one nurse told me: "Don't bother; it's even more confusing." In the 'how was your visit?' survey we'll get, I'll suggest they put signs where harried visitors can see them, maybe on the beams across the corridors instead of flat on a wall at the other end of the corridors so you don't hike half a block to find out you're in the maternity wing (sorry, 'pavilion'). Or, better yet, keep the brilliant idea from the old hospital and paint colored strips on the floor: red for this wing, green for that wing, etc., not elegant at all but highly effective. May take snack, water bottle and flares when I head out there today, just in case....

    Rusty: What a pain about the Covid;.take care and don't do too much although it seems resting isn't something that comes naturally to you. :-) Nice blue sky and lovely heather there.

    Hoping for a quiet morning.....
  • Unknown said:
    I get out of the elevator on OH's floor into a huge open light-filled space decorated with a lovely mural of the town (yes, I know I'm in Santa Barbara thank you, but where is Room ***?) Elegant signage is hiding on the wall around the corner when it should be shouting at you as soon as the elevator doors open. OH's wing (sorry, 'pavilion') is down a long corridor, round two or three corners and down more corridors depending on how many wrong turns I took, until finally - hurray! - I stumble upon a nurses' station. Apparently I'm just one of many visitors who routinely get lost in this modern maze and yes, there is a map but as one nurse told me: "Don't bother; it's even more confusing."

    Jesus Christ.  How completely ridiculous - that's the last thing visitors need!

    What is Mission Revival architecture??????  It sounds kind of rude ....... sorry.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Just come on again and read that you, Annette have been having a rather fraught time re OH.  So pleased to hear that all has gone well. What a palava to reach your husband's room but at least you did.  All good wishes for a speedy recovery and look after yourself too.

    Rusty. I too came home and ended up with a cough and streaming nose although its easing now.   Covid never entered my head but it could have been I suppose as dau and I were on a coach holiday. Haven't tested so hopefully all ok as I need to be fit for next Friday for second cataract op. Love the pic of the heather Rusty.

    Just adding one or two pics of our trip - Bruges

    river walk into centre of Bruges

    the famous dish of Belgium -  Moules and Frits washed down with Belgian beer.  Unfortunately people in the background not associated with us.  We sat ourside a small Bistro on the pavement.  Delicious food.

  • Lynette; Bruges is a lovely little town. I have a couple of souvenirs....

    Clare: Apparently, the correct term in this case is Spanish Colonial Revival (Mission Revival was an earlier period): Red-tiled roofs, white walls, towers and arches at various points. Both periods very much based on when Spain ran this part of the world: Here's a link to an article/photos that ran in the local Independent when it opened. If you really have nothing to do you can scroll down to the see the tile mural opposite the third floor elevators. Note no signs!
    :-)) www.independent.com/.../
  • Back again – where does the time go?

    DIBNLIB – I didn’t realise that your friend’s court case would not be the end of the matter! Praying for continuing strength for her.

    ANNETTE – what a time you are having! So sorry your poor OH had to have surgery – but sounds like you did well to get him into hospital in time! I hope he continues to a good recovery – sounds like very neat surgery for something so bad. Glad your daughter is getting the move she wanted, but hard work for you and her daughter!

    RUSTY – sorry about the covid positive! I hope you will not be very ill with it! I liked that white sand on Benbecula! Please be careful not to overdo the mowing!

    LYNETTE – may be a good idea to do a covid test before going to the hospital – best to know and coaches are well-known breeding grounds!

    Podiatry this morning – just two toes with dressings (one of them a bit sore)! OH has been tending grass all afternoon – mostly strimming. Hopefully will do some more tomorrow. J managed a walk to town and back this afternoon – progress. It was a very warm day.