Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 August 2023


I've just read confirmation that Indiana now has wild armadillos. They are increasingly being seen on my local roads and in our forests. These animals are native to the southernmost US states, but have moved much further north in response to climate change. I'd love to see one.

Take care, all.


  • RUSTY So pleased you enjoyed your holiday and that the weather was so good. I love the Victorian market which had a makeover recently, glad you got there and walked along the river too. We are off to Aviemore in 30 mins. We are meeting up with friends from Fife and tog with Benson we will walk round Loch an Eileen. The weather should be fine for Benson, not too sunny but dry. After much deliberation we treated ourselves to a new car which we picked up at the weekend and I am pleased to say Benson is happy with it too.

    OG Glad the visit went well.....shame about the missing item. Hope it is found soon.
  • Enjoy yourselves, Dibnlib. That Loch sounds so pleasant for a good walk.

    Harelady, I hope you enjoy your visits to family. The weather should be picking up in the next few days, so you should be more able to get outside for some fresh air.

    Thinking of Limpy and his hydrotherapy. A water baby now, Limpy!!
  • Water

    As a clumpy penguin
    I'm awkward on the land:
    I find it harder to be graceful
    You must understand.

    But put me in the water
    And suddenly, I'm off!
    With a flick of my tail
    I'm an active male
    At all others, I may scoff.

    For water is my freedom
    My means of moving well
    I can then say,
    I feel OK,
    My way to call "What the he*l!"

    For here I am
    I'm feeling good
    Just how much, well, you can tell
    By the grin on my face
    As I come to this place
    With happiness and chat, as well.
  • Even though this is a tiny plant,  it keeps on flowering like crazy!

  • Great CLARE, that LIMPY looks forward to his hydrotherapy !
    RUSTY - I'm so happy that you had a good holiday. Inverness isn't too bad - I've lived here for a!most 50 years.
    OG - good that J is feeling better. I hope I'm not offending you when I say that he seems to feel better when he doesn't have the pressure of going to work. It's so sad ...
  • Should have mentioned on Sunday, but I wrote in a hurry – thanks to DIANE for the new week – and hope you see Armadillos!

    LINDA – lovely garden flowers! And more today, I see!

    HEATHER – good that family helped with the garden! What you said about J being better without stress of going to work is very true, so certainly did not offend! I think there should have been some sort of counselling on offer for him by now – not much fun just “surviving” life with a tumour in his brain and always wondering what will show up next.

    HARELADY – I see the family are already using you for Nanny duties in your retirement! We did warn you that you would wonder how you ever had time to work!

    CLARE – so pleased you had a good day at Rutland.

    RUSTY – glad the holiday went well – I look forward to details!

    DIBNLIB – glad Benson approves of the new car! I have just seen court news report of the driver who caused Erica’s accident – glad the case is done, but a short sentence after causing life-changing injuries and a very short driving ban too – I am amazed he will ever be allowed to drive again.

    Daughter was here again yesterday for lunch, but the rest of the week they will be further East from the cottage where they are spending the nights, so she will be sight-seeing around the middle parts of the wall the next few days. At the end of Monday, they were still up to time with their plan; the walk will finish Friday. I went (in the rain) to the dental hygienist yesterday afternoon, so she and Jonathan had an hour here together – partly watching the interaction of the Crow family in our front garden.

    Weather today has remained dry but too busy for gardening – looks even better for tomorrow, so hoping OH can get all the grass edges strimmed and trimmed, but we also have the podiatrist coming.
  • OG My friend had been prepared by the traffic police that the sentence may not be as severe as she expected. I am just angry that the fight twixt solicitors and insurers will take another long time.