Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 August 2023


I hope everyone has a peaceful, serene week!

I'll come back later to post some replies. A big storm is in progress here--AGAIN.

Best wishes for a good holiday to all those who are leaving!

  • Good morning, all. We're off to Abberton Reservoir this morning and then we head to Colchester Hospital for ....... Limpy's second session of hydrotherapy! He had his first session two weeks ago and, to say the least, he was highly sceptical of it - he had to really be talked into it by me and by the very nice woman from the hospital who really encouraged him to try it. Anyway, he was presented with this nice, warm pool - big enough to swim in! - and he was helped into the water. By sheer good luck one of the assistants was a bloke who was also ex-Forces - he and Limpy clicked right away and started chatting for Britain! As I watched from the poolside I could see him relaxing more and more as he chatted, and he was able to do a few small exercises in the water - painful, but the whole experience has left him really looking forward to the next session. It's great to see something medical have this positive an effect on him! Here's hoping it lasts.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • CLARE Great news for you both. We both know how the camaraderie of the military works. We met an RN doctor (left the RN many moons ago) on board our boat and the friendship was instant. He and his wife live in Aberdeen and I have no doubt we will meet up again
  • Clare - That's wonderful news. I do hope that Limpy soon feels the benefit. Of course, he is getting added value from finding someone to talk to who is of like mind!

    It's brightened up here, and my OH has just gone off with our old lawnmower in the back of the car. It's a petrol driven thing, and has been very grumpy and prone to stopping without warning, lately. So, off to the menders in a nearby village. My OH has agreed that it might be time for a new one soon but wanted to find out what was wrong with it, first. More expense!!
  • Clare, I'm so pleased Limpy seems to enjoy hydrotherapy. A friend of mine swears by it for her various very painful problems. And to find a new friend at the same time is a definite bonus. I hope he will benefit greatly in every way.

    It's been raining most of today - again - and that lovely yellow sun that has been poised over tomorrow seems to have disappeared. I'm supposed to be walking with a friend tomorrow in a very exposed area and we were really looking forward to spectacular views and even dry underfoot. Looks like that isn't going to happen ... whatever happened to summer 2023!?!?
  • Been meaning to tell you. My friend is only going to do a sky dive in September. This is in aid of amputees. Sounds like fun!!!!
  • dibnlib - Fun? Not my idea of fun ... But I do so admire your friend. She is obviously determined not to sit back and feel sorry for herself, but is going to do whatever she can to help not only herself but others in similar situations. More power to her!
  • For sure Pat. She was at a coffee shop in the newly opened climbing wall in Inverness. One of the instructors came over for a chat and assured her she would manage so she will be booking a session. There is no stopping her. She has given up paddle boarding which she did enjoy Anyway she was hoping to raise about £500 and the tally at the moment is over £1800.
  • CLARE – I am so glad for you (and LIMPY) that he is benefitting from his hydrotherapy. I envy you – my OH has discarded friends over the years, has no hobbies and now cannot “think straight”. He did go out to lunch yesterday, alone, but is usually unwilling to go anywhere. Even to Docs as “they don’t do anything”. Count your blessings.

    DIBNLIB – Your friend’s positive attitude to her changed life is brilliant.

    Our last day of sunshine for a while. Showers developing late today.

  • Just a thought

    Opportunities don't happen, you create them. (Chris Grosser)

    When someone says you can’t do it, do it twice and take pictures.

    Happiness is a place between too little and too much. (Finnish proverb)

  • Clare: How did Limpy's hydrotherapy go? Does it have the potential for lasting benefits after more treatments? That would be so good for him - and you.

    dibnlib: I'm speechless about your friend's amazing escapades. I wouldn't do either of them with three legs!! What a wonderful and inspiring person.

    Meanwhile, I haven't done anything as admirable today. Did pick up (or had the sales guy load them) several bags of mulch for the garden, each of which is now sitting near where it needs to be spread (another day or two or three).

    Take care everyone.