Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 August 2023


I hope everyone has a peaceful, serene week!

I'll come back later to post some replies. A big storm is in progress here--AGAIN.

Best wishes for a good holiday to all those who are leaving!

  • I watched Michael Moseley's program on aging this week. Apparently if you sky-dive regularly it increases blood flow to brain and supposedly avoids dementia. Other ways to delay aging are a few minutes of vigorous exercise until you are puffing, followed by few mins of moderate exercise, and repeat. Yeah, right, I get puffed digging up weeds, does that count? . . . Or try meditation, empty your mind. Ha Ha Ha, I would be thinking of all the things I could be doing (cleaning, weeding) or should be doing (clearing cupboards) or wish I was doing (coffee, lunch, outings). . . Or learn like a toddler does - learn 3 new things. One man took up painting, learning Spanish & I forget the third. I know I can't paint and what use would Spanish be I'm not going to Spain. I get enough mental exercise with family history. My brain is too busy to get dementia.
  • OG:  Hurray for a better few days at your house, a nice lunch out and a new front door into the bargain!   What a shame that you can't 'spirit' unwanted items out of the house easily.  I tend to move things to the garage, then into the back of the car for transport to the dump, charity shops, recycling center etc.   I'm not sure why I bother given that OH barely notices anyway....  Not sure I'd take on Hadrian's Wall while jet-lagged even if I were younger....

    Lindybird:  I think I got all the pills, though there's a small gap under the dishwasher.  Hate to think what might have disappeared under there over the years.  Managed to get through most of the day without any mishaps.

    AQ:  My husband told me at one time that he married me because I made him laugh....it certainly wasn't for my culinary skills (oh well, you can't have everything).    Are all those tests necessary to keep your drivers' license?  I think I'll pass on skydiving and just stick to supported shoulder stands in my twice-weekly yoga classes to increase blood flow to my brain.

    I spent the afternoon leveling out the path to the hose bib, all hills and dales thanks to the gophers efforts some months back then started spreading redwood  chips on the flower beds.   Aghast at the death toll in Hawaii, not a place that expects or is prepared for that kind of disaster.....

    Take care all.

  • ANNETTE – If we have certain medical conditions (glaucoma for me), we are required to have annual medical checks. 4 page form. Even though I visit my eye specialist twice a year.
  • Good Morning. Still sunny here, after a very warm night, but today should not be as hot as yesterday (it was 27 degrees here).

    OG - We gave away our electric steamer as it was one of the gadgets which just sat there, unused. I think it was because I couldn't be bothered with having something else to clean! I do steam veggies in the microwave, sometimes.

    Annette - Tragic tales coming from Hawaii. I hope that lots of help is heading their way.

    AQ - Sorry you can't laugh together - - it's laughter which keeps us both going through the rough patches. {{HUGS}}

    Hope your tests all prove to be OK. I too, laughed at the idea that we should do something which makes us puffed out, every day. I suppose just daily tasks don't count!

    Must go get my breakfast and get on with the day. Sue is getting ready to welcome her son & his family home after a trip abroad: she has been living in their house and caring for their dog who is getting older, and has several things wrong with him. It sounds to me as if she'll be relieved when they return as it's been rather a worry, looking after him.
  • Unknown said:
    CLARE – elder daughter was born in Colchester hospital – no hydrotherapy in those days – I think it had been the workhouse!

    Blimey, that's a joyful history.  I don't know if the building survives - the hydrotherapy suite is in a new wing.

    Unknown said:
    Sorry that he had another fall. Knees do that, don’t they?

    His knees are the reason he was medically discharged from the army - it'll be 40 years ago this autumn.  They are both prone to collapsing under him, especially the right one.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • aquilareen said:
    My OH has no humour and has never understood my crazy humour.

    I Liked your post due to your description of your driving health check - but this line is just heartbreaking.  How does anyone continue to go through life with nothing to laugh at?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Alan: Hope your test posting was successful.  Some great shots, I loved the owl-at-night pix. Sadly though, didn't have time to go though 306 pages. :-)

  • Clare Bailey said:
    How does anyone continue to go through life with nothing to laugh at?

    CLARE – I guess it takes all types to make our world.

  • AQ: Indeed. I also think that some men - perhaps of our generation - had friends at work that didn't carry over to retirement - and because so much of their identity is/was tied to their work selves they get isolated and then depressed. And it doesn't help when health issues crop up.. My husband will go to the doctor, but then doesn't keep up with his recommendations. He's been getting dizzy spells and has had inner ear issues in the past so I suggested he go back to doing the exercises the doc gave him. Has he? Of course not. Arghhh! Oh well.

    We've had three lovely cool cloudy days here so great gardening weather.

    Have a good Saturday everyone.
  • Morning all

    Annette so agree with" Men of our generation,."... Mine bless him , just recovered from 'End of Life' scenario, , ( for the 2nd time)and is a Miracle, as said by the Nurses, Doctors etc... ,he of course does not remember and as you say will not understand the need for medication, and without our goodselves, would just amble on.His Doc and I chuckle, when he is asked how he is, the same reply.." I am fine can walk do all personal necessary etc" what he does not say is , as long as everything is put in front of him, by you know who, and the walk is more like sticks and a shuffle... But we get by. justttttt.
    and I do think some of our men never kept up friendships, again I think it was their independent era.