Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 August 2023


I hope everyone has a peaceful, serene week!

I'll come back later to post some replies. A big storm is in progress here--AGAIN.

Best wishes for a good holiday to all those who are leaving!

  • Hope you can go to Rutland, Clare & Limpy - and that the weather is kind to you.

    Was sorry to hear about both Limpy, and AQs OH -- life must be so difficult for the supporting partner in these circumstances. You must be continually having to think for two. Our hugs go to you All.
  • To end my story of the harvest, here - this was the view from our bedroom this morning, all the bales scattered across.  They've now been collected and those of us with dogs can once again let them run free across the fields.

    We have a beautifully sunny day. I went to give a blood sample around the corner at our local clinic, and everyone was smiling.

  • ----and a most determined partner me thinks.

  • Lindybird said:
    Hope you can go to Rutland, Clare & Limpy - and that the weather is kind to you.

    The forecast is looking good and he has promised to take it easy for the next couple of days.  We should be fine.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • bjane said:

    ----and a most determined partner me thinks.

    That's only the half of it.  He's not as determined as his wife, though ..........!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • So good to read about Limpy and dibnlib's friend  - what brilliant examples.  And of course Clare too, who seems equally determined to make the best of a difficult situation.  My OH sounds a bit like Limpy and AQ's OH in terms of letting friendships slide and not evincing a lot of interest in anything other than immediate issues.  Talking of Limpy, wonder what the situation is with a search for a dentist who can remove that troublesome tooth (or maybe the antibiotics solved the problem?)

    Rain and  thunder here overnight - a lovely change.  Unlike the ghastly situation in Hawaii.  It's hard to find anywhere that isn't undergoing some kind of climactic calamity. Meanwhile, here at home, managed to spill bottle of pills yesterday so they bounced merrily all over the kitchen floor; last night it was a glass of wine that I knocked over while reaching for something and this morning it was a carton of milk that I did manage to catch but not before it splashed over the counter, the floor and trickled down the front of the dishwasher.  Probably had better stay home today and keep the damage local.  There's enough grief out there!    :-))

    Take care all.

  • Not sure when I wrote, but I think I was prevented Tuesday by really bad pain in right leg – could hardly do anything! That afternoon, OH was at a church Elders’ meeting. Wednesday I woke up much better and we made our trip postponed from the previous week. J didn’t come with us, but he too is feeling much better – and he even did a whole lot of washing up which OH had left at home! At Loch Arthur we both enjoyed a loved Three Cheese and Roasted Veg Frittata, with salads and chutney. We also did a medium sized shop at Morrisons, finding most of what was on our list. Today was busy with phone calls and people turning up. We had said we were not happy with the overall window job, because a repair to the front door was not satisfactory. They have given us a big discount on a new front door! Don’t know when it will be – possibly October, I think. Physio came again – he was very happy with me. I’ll only have him for a few more weeks as he will be moving on – maybe back to Oz. Weather here has mostly been “reasonable” and OH mowed the remaining grass this afternoon.

    LINDA – loved the Bandicoot poem! We use an electric steamer for our variety of vegetables, so rarely use pans now. Used to have steam oven, but it was not in the right position and was difficult to reach in to clean it. I keep mentioning clear-outs of various cupboards, but somebody doesn’t seem to hear, and I can’t do those things secretly since I have to be taken wherever I want to go.

    CLARE – elder daughter was born in Colchester hospital – no hydrotherapy in those days – I think it had been the workhouse! I hope the treatment goes on working for Limpy. Sorry that he had another fall. Knees do that, don’t they? Enjoy Rutland. Mobility scooter is a must there, although the ground can be very bumpy, especially if you go along to Manton Bay.

    DIBNLIB – your friend is so brave and adventurous! Was she always like that?

    ANNETTE – I hope there are no domestic spills there today!

    News: Dau#1 is coming to see us this weekend! Her OH and girls are walking Hadrian’s Wall and she is driving for them – they will be sleeping in a holiday cottage. She wanted somewhere to pass the time on Sunday and Monday so is coming here for two lunches, while they are walking near this end of the wall. We had stuff arranged but can shuffle a bit to fit her in - last saw her in January. GD #1 will be tired and jet-lagged but reckons she can do the walk – it was the other one who dreamed up the idea.
  • Was shocked to see the pictures from Hawaii. How awful for people, losing their homes and having to run for their lives. :-(

    Annette, you seem to be having a run of spills! Hope you found all the pills-- they're little devils for disappearing!

    Yesterday I looked out of the kitchen window and there were several families of sparrows pottering about on the lawn. I counted them -- 36 birds! Then, something disturbed them and they all flew up together. As they did so, I noticed that there were more on the other side of the garden, so I counted them - there were between 8 and 10! My OH says there are dozens of them.

  • OG - You came on while I was rabbiting. Sorry you've not had a good job on your windows. Hope the new door is a success. Glad that both you and J feel better. Your lunch sounds yummy.
  • CLARE - I am so glad for you that LIMPY has a sense of humour and is so determined. My OH has no humour and has never understood my crazy humour. Enjoy your trip to Rutland Water. Don’t forget your camera!!!

    LINDA – Reality TV eat your heart out. You have reality over the back fence.

    I visited GP to complete drivers licence assessment form - red tape for elderly drivers. My eye check done earlier, this was to say i am not going to drop dead at the wheel, fall asleep, have fits, etc. (I only have fits when tailgaited by a large truck.) I mentioned my arthritis in hands is worse and I have a clicky thumb. Next thing I am referred to xray & ultrasound for trigger finger. BP slightly higher and he says “how is your cholesterol?” I said fine and Doc said blood tests from A to Z. I suggested I would prefer lunch with a friend but he didn't buy that! So I was up at dawn this morn, fasting, to visit path clinic. When I made appts for the xray etc, the girl asked did I want done them together. Really? As if I want to ruin a second day? That unexciting outing at end of month.