Link to July 2023 thread

July proved to be a less nail-biting month than June. Brodie re-appeared early on the 1st and delivered fish (including flounder) to the nest every day bar 1 thereafter, with a record count of 7 on the 21st. Asha also fished and delivered a salmon on the 3rd, as well as quite a few sticks, not least one to replace the sticky-up stick on the nest that got removed on ringing day - 12th July. We have 2 boys, as only 7% of those surveyed had predicted. 2C5 (oldest) became Sid (Vicious) and 2C4 (youngest) is Harry (Nilsson). We had some cracking snaps particularly from the PTZ camera, a 2am fish, self-feeding started, and wing-flapping and helicoptering. Bets are on for a fledge or two very early in August. Sid is 58 days and Harry 56 days on the 1st of August

  • 20.24, 2C5 took the fish from his brother
  • Unknown said:
    20.24, 2C5 took the fish from his brother

    Aww, KORKY, I've been ages working it all out!  Well, what really delayed was that my PTZ laptop had frozen at the end of the intruder episode and I hadn't noticed. then I found that there had been 2 ospreys in a tree and had to record it from rollback... but I don't think I can do the edit, I'm too tired now.

    It was very nice to see 2C4 have a good session with the fish and a peaceful handover between the juves Blush

    I've done the same snap as you, plus an alternative:

    I changed my mind, decided to do an abbreviated "2 osps in dead tree" vid but made a huge mistake so must start again, BBL.

  • scylla said:
    It was very nice to see 2C4 have a good session with the fish

    Yes indeed scylla. It's a pity Asha didn't get anything but she can always fish for herself and indeed, may be doing so! 2C5 had a wee go at her after he'd taken the fish from 2C4 - and had a few little tantrums as he was having trouble eating the fish! Great snap btw

  • Now... there are 2 hidden "items" in here - an osprey (bottom right) and the time (bottom left) Stuck out tongue winking eye

    G'night !!!

  • Thank you Scylla and Korky for all the vids, pics and descriptions.  I had started to do my resume, but time eluded me earlier, so with apologies, if you can plough thru a load of words rather than vids...

    4 August 2023

    Sid is definitely showing signs of 'hyperphgia".  I spotted him having a go at Brodie on delivery and a really nasty attack on Asha, but once seen, I couldn't find it again.  So what is hyperphagia...Dyfi has posted a couple of explanations on this phenomena, and this is one:  https://www.dyfiospreyproject.com/blog/emyr-mwt/peris-four-day-vacation - hyperphagia

    04:45     Fish #1  Brodie brought a small fish.  2C4/Harry/#2 grabbed it.  Asha landed, but left him with it.  Brodie flew off.  Harry tucked into the fish

    05.03     Asha had been calling.  Harry stepped away from the fish, and flapped on the rim.

    05.04     Asha checks carefully before dropping down on to the nest and held the fish.  An osprey could be seen flying around.  It was Sid.  He landed while Asha tucked into the fish.  Sid, as ever crept up to Asha, who offered him some fish.  Feeding commenced.  Harry was tempted to join in, but thought better of it.

    05.06     Harry flew off.

    05.21     Asha downed the skin, but had a spot of trouble.  She put her talon on it and brought it out of her gullet to try again.  Success this time!  Sid complained to the camera watchers before turning to Asha, to complain to her.

    05.22     Asha checked the nest floor for leftovers

    05.23     Sid flew off to the left.

    Someone flew to the old nest structure

     Period not covered

    10.13     Asha is calling on the nest, accompanied by a small bird which was on the nest perch, possibly a siskin or a chaffinch.  It has a lot of yellow, so possibly the former.

    10.16     She is joined by a complaining Sid. 

    10.22     #2 Fish:  Asha starts to call, Sid joins in.  Brodie lands with a huge fish – Sid who has claimed the fish, has a go at poor Brodie. 

    10.23     Harry arrives.  Both he and Asha turn their backs on Sid, who mantles over the fish, and moves it further away from them.

    10.25     Harry walks along the rim, keeping opposite to Sid.  Asha just looks over the bog..

    10.27     Ooh, Harry comes up behind Sid, but keeps a slight distance.  He looked as tho he was going to approach the tail end, but one look from Sid, and he changes his mind!

    10.28     Harry moans to Asha who is still on the far side of the nest on the rim., keeping an eye on them both.

    10.45     After having more moans, but not daring to approach Sid, Harry flew off.

    11.22     Harry flies in, and landed on the back of the nest.  It's my turn bro.

    11.36     Asha has had enough, and moves nearer the front of the nest, but Sid takes the fish to the back!  Harry picks up drops scraps.

    11.37     Harry flies off again.  Sid continues to eat the fish.

    11.50     Suddenly two large white feather, make that three, are moulting from Asha. 

    12.21 It's still Sid's fish

    12.46     Sid is becoming a tad distracted.  Asha made a move to get closer, but Sid isn't ready to give it up yet.

    13.04     Asha has had enough, and she takes the fish from Sid with no repercussions.  He asks her to fee him!  Asha tucks in herself.

    13.11     Sid flies off.  Asha continues feeding.

    13.16     Harry returns for his share.  Bless her, Asha feeds him, in between a lot of bites for herself

    13.21     Asha gives Harry a long piece of skin which he tried to down, then pulled back up, before taking smaller pieces of it.  The skin has the tail fin on it.

    13.22     He is still struggling!  Asha checks for left overs.

    13.23     I think it's gone!

    13.25     They both clean their beaks, but then spot something in the sky.  Harry calls and jumps to the near side and attacks a licheny ball, trying to break it

    13.28     Harry flies to the right, and goes behind the cam to the left.  Asha was watching him, before doing some housework.

    13.32     She spots something in the skies

    13.34     Looking intently, lowers in the nest and mantles, but doesn't call initially.  Flapping her wings, quietly

    13.35     She intruder calls from the lowered mantling position, looking above.  She gives the screeching sound in the back of her throat. 

                  Where are the boys to help her!

    13.37     She continues calling and mantling

    13.38     She is quiet, standing more upright and no longer mantling.

    13.39     She ruffled her feathers and took off.  ENS

    13.59     She intruder calls – possibly on the dead tree.  Someone is there.

    13.51     It was her.  She returns and mantles again, with the duck call and intruder chips looking above, all around

    13.53     No longer calling, and is standing, but low.  Intruder must still be around, but deemed not to be a problem.

    13.57     She's still not entirely happy, and takes off to the left.

    14.33     Ashe returned to the nest perch.  Mantling and calling again.  But soon calms down, standing upright, watching around her

    15.06     Asha is aware of an intruder again, mantles and calls from the nest perch. 

    15.07     She drops to the nest, still alert, half mantling.  Osprey can be seen briefly way up in the sky near the horizon.

    15.08     Heading towards the nest.  She mantles and calls again keeping an eye on the intruder.  Still no sign of Brodie or the boys.

                  The PTZ picks up the intruder, scans the skies.

    Scylla has a lovely vid of the intruder - I hadn't seen it was ringed!


    Fish today 04:45, 10:22, 19:32: 21.23

    22.49 Asha and fledgling on the dead tree near the PTZ


    Good night, and thank you.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 05 August

    Thank you for that mega-report, SHEILA - lots of little nuggets therein Hugging

    The wake-up and get-go - there have been more nest visits since, but none from Brodie-boy:

  • Yes a great report thanks Sheila. It seems to have been all quiet on the nest this morning, from chat
  • Theirs a G.S.Woodpecker on the PTZ cam 10 31 am for some time now
    Morning All No Fish at the moment  Lots Ove chaffinches fliting about 

  • Thanks, TREVOR - I'm LOTL-ing at the mo... but can see that LG cams are now in buffer mode.

  • Wow Sheila, what a report, thankyou

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.