THe Ireland Translocation

It starts tomorrow  morning and you can have a ringside seat. 

If one wants to follow their journey to Ireland on flightradar24: the flight number is FTL 742 scheduled for Thursday 27 July, at 12:00 noon  BST  from Trondheim airport Værnes (TRD) to Kerry airport Farranfore (KIR) arriving about 4pm. 

  • Here is another link in which this translocation is mentioned, albeit in a more general article on the subject.
  • Thanks Tiger

    That is a much better starting point for migration and the birds could touch Devon/Cornwall and on through France.
  • A good journey by S11 and much more reassuring the translocation will leave from a similar location to that where S11 left Ireland just south of Waterford.
    Do you remember White PK (GLEN) (From Logie and Tallisman nest) went westwards in Ireland . Last signal was in Co Roscommon heading SW. Guess he may of hit the coast near Galway and headed further out.
  • Tiger
    THISTLE also came to mind heading SWS which appeared in your link also.
    SW migrations concern me especially with big longitudinal changes. They do need favourable weather and westerly winds to drive them back to the shore.
    However SSK rectified one of the biggest changes I know about and asks myself a few questions about migrations. Unfortunately Deshar did not. Some SMART - Some NOT SO SMART.
    Guess we will see similar from Ireland over the years.
    Again grateful to all for the information regarding the translocation area in Ireland. At first I said OH NO (South West).
  • Let's hope that this project won't be affected by avian flu, as the Suffolk one has. Hopefully the Suffolk one will start next year - I'm keeping everything crossed.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • As far as we know SSK is still alive.
  • I have been in touch with a gentleman who posts on two private FB groups, Gregorius Joris Toonen.  He has been very much involved in the Norwegian side of the project.  With his permission I can pass on information he has given me and quote from Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus)  and  UK Ospreys  FB groups.  I am most grateful to Gregorius Joris Toonen for his permission.

    He gave me two links which give some information  here  and here.  I did try emailing the address given for The Eco Restoration Trust, but it bounced - no such address - no idea why.  

    The National Parks and Wildlife Service is the Irish lead in this project, and GJT expects them to issue a Press Release in the near future.  He has recently spoken to someone from the organisation and "mentioned the huge interest in this project, and urged them to reach out to the general public."   GJT learned that the Irish NPWS is working on a FB page dedicated to the project, and more info will be available on the NPWS website.

    It is planned to send 6-12 chicks each year, over five years.  2023 was the first year, with ten chicks being sent out.  Five were definitely males, four were females and one uncertain, but likely to be male.  As we know, they travelled from Trondheim in a small plane which they had to themselves and one other person who accompanied them.  They had stayed overnight in a pen 2 km away from Trondheim airport, which was close enough, but would avoid the noise and bustle, and to be ready when the plane was due to depart.  When they landed in Kerry they were driven to the site from where they will be released in a couple of weeks' time.

    Once in Ireland the chicks were given their bling.  They will be wearing blue Darvics on the right leg, the same as in England and Wales and a metal ring on the left.

    We will hear from the NPWS when they release their press release, and to hear news of the new FB page.  I am most grateful to Gregorius Joris Toonen for the background information, and wish him well for the project from Norway's point of view, where his "main task is/was to survey nests and point out suitable nests with potential donor osplets."

    Exciting times ahead for the creation of a new dynasty!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Fantastic detail Sheila. Many thanks for following this up - certainly huge interest!