Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 July 2023


I hope everyone has a peaceful, serene week. The New Moon is Monday in US/UK.

I fervently hope that the NHS will ease LIMPY's suffering immediately. I am so sorry for him and CLARE.

Love to all.

  • Well, I'm here at last !
    Yes, I have been worried about a few family matters but some good things have cropped up, so feeling a bit more relaxed !
    Granddaughter Amy has finished her degree course and has obtained a job in the neonatal unit in our local hospital. I couldn't be more pleased for her !
    Grandson Sam has got distinction in his first year of Aviation Engineering. Some of you may remember that he didn't have the best start in life - thanks to excellent parenting he is doing so well :-)
    Eldest daughter and co have returned from Canada. They had a fantastic holiday. One week in Ontario visiting family and sightseeing. Then over to the West. Banff was great but the last couple of days in Jasper not so good, because of the poor visibility due to the wildfires.
    More to come....
  • HEATHER Pleased to hear the good family news.
  • Lynette - Sorry you've been in hospital again, but glad they seem to be sorting you out. Hope it settles down now.

    Heather- What a great time for your good family news! A distinction, no less! Well done that man! You must be proud of all of them. Glad that Canada was such a success, too - its on my bucket list as somewhere we want to visit.
  • Sorry I've been missing again. Was so very busy this week, and then couldn't seem to post on here- I swear the site takes a dislike to me sometimes.

    We are in Wales again, having travelled yesterday. We want to get the homestead ready for our Youngest and brood to descend here next weekend. So we haven't been to the Tatton Flower Show as usual - but we decided against it as we were so disappointed last year by the lack of actual gardens to see, plus the extra amount of sales outlets instead. So no pretty pictures from me this year :-(
  • Morning all:

    Heather. What brilliant news about Amy and Sam. How is Amy's asthma - or was it diabetes? Is she 'over' all that? A shame about Banff. I haven't been following the fires in western Canada Granddaughter and Ms. D had smoke from the eastern fires at one point on their drive to Wisconsin, but it was clear when they arrived. They've been camping by Lake Michigan and seeing the 'other' (ahem) side of the family; will be heading back Sunday but won't get home until Tuesday. I gather they aren't planning to drive that far

    Lindybird: Saw a mention on the BBC website about Tatton and wondered if you were going, but if all you're seeing is booths hawking merchandise.... We have a Home and Garden show here too, I went once but it was all sales booths and brochures.

    Everyone else, take care!
  • LINDY - I did wonder about Tatton as you normally post about it. Nice that you are back in Wales, though !
    Thanks to all for posts, good about PAT and RUSTY and the golf ...
    ANNETTE - please come and sort my garden out ! The weather and dodgy knees are conspiring against me :-(
    LYNETTE - hope that you will be able to persevere with the NIV x
  • ANNETTE - It is Type 1 diabetes. She has a free libre thingy and an insulin pump and is managing things very well.
  • The meeting this morning was not as fraught as expected. A mere two and a bit hours - last time it was almost an hour longer than that. And hopefully things were all sorted out. Tomorrow I will need to work on what we did and produce something which will then need to be approved. It's a tedious and thankless task - but someone has to do it every three months, and at the moment the lot seems to fall on me! It's always good when it's done - and at least I can watch the cricket and golf while I'm doing it ...

    Heather - Some very good family news. Well done to the grandchildren for excellent results! Looking forward to the next instalment.

    Lindy - Hope you are enjoying your time in Wales. I was wondering about Tatton, as I know you usually post pictures of what's happening there. Sad that it seems to be concentrating more on bringing in money rather than showing gardens. Must be more profitable for the organisers - but a shame. I remember you were a bit under-whelmed last year.
  • Heather B said:
    Granddaughter Amy has finished her degree course and has obtained a job in the neonatal unit in our local hospital. I couldn't be more pleased for her !
    Grandson Sam has got distinction in his first year of Aviation Engineering. Some of you may remember that he didn't have the best start in life - thanks to excellent parenting he is doing so well :-)

    Yeah!  Brilliant news.  I hope things continue to go well for them.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Heather: I definitely need a vacation, so sorting out your garden sounds very attractive right now! :-) I worked in the shady bit this morning; still aghast at the lack of common sense shown by our recent 'help.' They are coming back tomorrow to finish tidying up the path from the front door to the mailbox but - surprise! - the bender board between the plants and the path, which they 'fixed' at the very start, has split and is now presenting a trip hazard again. Arghhh. He's already chopped a bunch off the bill..... That free libre thing sounds brilliant (had to Google it); this is where technology can be so helpful, if not a lifesaver.

    PatO: Great that the meeting wasn't so difficult; I suspect the others are very grateful it's you doing the word and not them.