Link to season’s opening post here

Link to June 2023  here


Flora HK0 arrived 30 March 2023

Harry (unringed) arrived 4 April 2023

EGG No. 1 laid 15 April - Hatched 21 May (37 days)

EGG No. 2 laid 18 April - Hatched 23 May (36 days)

EGG No. 3 laid 21 April - Hatched 25 May (35 days)


Our 3 thriving chicks almost adult sized with Harry and Flora. 
As of 01/07/23 the chicks are 42, 40 and 38 days old.

And the chicks faces (with Flora)

All captures and videos ©️ SSEN Transmission

  • 11.11 Flora brought in the biggest fish the chicks have seen for a while, there’s one juvenile waiting to receive it.

    The other two juveniles arrive

    11.14 Harry then arrives with a tiny fish

    He got his leg grabbed

    And he’s free

  • 12.18 The juvenile who was eating the big fish, steps away from it.

    The juvenile next to it watches and waits for a few seconds then quickly goes to collect the fish.

    What a difference when the fish can be shared. I think #2 was latterly eating the big fish (not sure if #2 initially received it, I thought it was #3 )

    at this point though, #3 was watching then getting his chance of a meal.

  • 17.09 Earlier #2 had chased her siblings off the nest and was alone when Harry arrived with a small fish.

    She quickly took it

    17.10. #3 arrives

    17.13  #1 completes the trio.

  • 18.10 Flora arrives with a small fish

    #1 goes to collect it

    In the scramble to get the fish, their talons get interlinked

    #1 pulls forward to break free

    Flora is leaning back the other way. The fish has already been dropped onto the nest

    #1 is squealing the whole time

    The birds try their best to release each other

    Flora flies upwards but #1 is dragged and lifted off the nest upside down

    They land then #1 tries to fly but starts slipping

    Flora is getting pulled down

    She tries to scramble up onto the nest

    but #1 is falling and still attached to Flora, pulling her down too

    #2 spies the fish

    #2 collects the fish as the drama unfolds

    #1 and Flora vanish out of sight but #1’s squeals are still heard

    About 20 seconds later #1 flies back onto the nest. Phew! I hope Flora is okay too.

    This happened last year too to Flora and a chick. 

  • 20.40  #1 and #2 on the nest when Harry arrives with a fish (#1 rear, #2 front)

    #2 gets the fish

    #3 arrives

    #2 mantling and tucking in (to the left)

  • Hi Glider, I remember that happening to Flora and a chick last year too. I do hope Flora isn't injured Fingers crossed

  • Hi Sandra, yes we weren’t watching this nest so closely last year and that incident was what got our attention.
  • Sunday 30 July

    Flora has been to the nest today so all is good with her. Blush

    Two juveniles had been on the nest for a wee while, calling for fish.

    05.20 One then suddenly noticed that there was a small fish skin still lying there.

    It picked the skin up and started eating. 05.22 

    05.24, the last piece gets swallowed.

    06.05 Harry arrives with a small fish

    I think #3 has the fish

    06.05 the third juvenile arrives. Looks like #2 

    06.09 Flora arrives with a small fish.

    #1 and #2 go for it

    There’s a big tussle

    #2 victorious 

  • 09.52 Flora brings another small fish

    I think she’s more wary with her deliveries now. 

    She lets the fish go 

    #1 picks the fish up from the nest

  • There’s an intruder around in the area.

    11.51 Two chicks are on the nest. They are mantling, flapping and calling as the intruder flies past.

    13.45 An unringed intruder returns. Is it the same one? Still only two chicks on the nest.

    The intruder tries to land

    #1 chases it off

    The third chick arrives to help defend.

    The intruder flies past