Continued from June 2023

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


For the latest 'live' YouTube link, visit >>> SWT YT Channel

The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


Laddie had a record breaking fish day on the 15th June, when he brought ELEVEN of them to the nest for NC0 and the chicks to dine on - amazing!

As the two chicks grew, it was clearly obvious - with the difference in size - that #1 was a female and #2 a male, this being confirmed at their ringing on the 22nd June. 

NC0 began fishing for the first time this season on the 30th June, with TWO successful catches in one day. Hopefully, both she and Laddie will continue to bring plenty of fish for their growing youngsters to enjoy in a now, harmonious manner.

Nest Updates

Arrival dates: NC0 - 17.3.23 (07:43) Laddie - 17.3.23 (13:43)

Eggs laid: Egg #1 - 4.4.23 (09:32) Egg #2 - 7.4.23 (09:39) Egg #3 - 10.4.23 (09:10)

Hatched: Chick #1 - 13.5.23 (11:59 fully out of shell 12:11) Chick #2 - 16.5.23 (04:19) *Egg #1 - DNH*

Ringed 22.6.23: Chick #1 - PF4(f) 1.85kg  Chick #2 - PF5(m) 1.2kg  *Egg #1 retrieved for analysis*

Fledged:  9.7.23 - PF4(f) 57 days old (10:07)   13.7.23 - PF5(m) 58 days old (09:57)


Links to blogs and updates during March/April,  May,  June

July Blogs and Updates (published dates)

8.7.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Weeks 15 & 16

10.7.23 SWT video >>> Young Osprey Flies For The First Time

14.7.23 SWT video >>> Osprey Sibling Takes To The Skies

14.7.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Translocations: To move or not to move?

22.7.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Weeks 17 & 18

  • 16:52 PF4 had eaten enough, there was still a small tail end on the nest


  • Hmm, it was apparent that there was more than just a small tail end of fish remaining, as I originally thought. PF4 retrieved it and began her second meal from the fish at 17:12



  • PF4 left the rest of the fish on the nest after walking away (again!) at 17:29

    17:37 Come on PF5, there's a meal waiting for you!


  • PF5 self feeding on the leftover fish

    Richard B

  • 17:53 At last, PF5 found the remainder of the fish

    He was busy tackling some fish skin when NC0 arrived with her own small fish (17:57)

    PF5 mantled his fish

    He headed over to NC0 and took her fish!

    NC0 flew off at 17:59ish and headed to the birch


  • Sandra, very pleased to say that PF5 managed to hold onto the small fish from his Mum and ate the lot! PF4 looked on and from time to time tried to sneak in to steal it but PF5 held on. When he had finished that he dug out the remains of the fish he had been eating earlier and started on that again.

    At last I think we can safely assume that he has matured enough to stick up for himself and is no longer victim of PF4's aggression. As today has progressed he has got the hang of tearing his fish but still needs a bit of work on shredding tough old fish skin!

    Mum returned about 6.40 pm and made no attempt to take the fish remnants from PF5. He managed to finish off the tail and by this time his crop was looking very full.

    I think PF4 had been more interested in his jumping and helicoptering exercises today than trying to take every morsel of fish brought to the nest.
  • At 18:03ish, PF5, still with NC0's fish in his right talons, went back to the original, picked up a piece and attempted to swallow it 

    Meanwhile, PF4 decided to do some flapping and jumping practise and inadvertently landed on her sibling's back!

    PF5, did go back to NC0's fish to eat and at 18:12ish, was down to the fish tail

    With PF4 seemingly interested, he moved away

    She tried to snatch it from his beak but he quickly turned 

    PF5 carried the fish tail to the front of the nest...

    And swallowed it

    Well done, PF5!


  • Janni said:
    Sandra, very pleased to say that PF5 managed to hold onto the small fish from his Mum and ate the lot! PF4 looked on and from time to time tried to sneak in to steal it but PF5 held on. When he had finished that he dug out the remains of the fish he had been eating earlier and started on that again.

    At last I think we can safely assume that he has matured enough to stick up for himself and is no longer victim of PF4's aggression. As today has progressed he has got the hang of tearing his fish but still needs a bit of work on shredding tough old fish skin!

    Mum returned about 6.40 pm and made no attempt to take the fish remnants from PF5. He managed to finish off the tail and by this time his crop was looking very full.

    I think PF4 had been more interested in his jumping and helicoptering exercises today than trying to take every morsel of fish brought to the nest.


    Hi Janni,

    A lovely, detailed report, thank you! Grinning

    Yes, I just noticed that PF5 found the original fish. Here are some pics

    NC0's visit while PF5 was still tucking in

    The fish had been eaten

    I did love the way he turned away from PF4 when she was attempting to take the fish from his beak (in the report above this one). You're right, he has matured greatly! Hugging


  • A small fish delivery from NC0, 19:07 

    PF5 approached her in an attempt to take the fish 

    NC0 remained in charge!

    Both chicks ate from this fish too!

    Currently, 19:43


  • NC0 headed back to the birch at 19:57

