I start this thread with a heavy heart, as Brodie hasn't been seen at all on Friday 30th June. The last fish delivered to the nest was at 21.11 on 28 June, over 48 hours ago. Brodie was last sighted at 09.10 hours on 29 June, over 36 hours ago.

Chick 1 hatched 'early morning' on the 4 June and chick 2 overnight on 6 June. One egg didn't hatch (maybe number 1?). There were lots of intruders during the month of June, including KL5, and last year's male Axel on the weekend of 17/18th.  Brodie has disappeared before for a couple of days, and no fish were delivered over the first weekend after hatching on 10/11th June so maybe we should keep the faith and cross all eyes, toes and fingers that Brodie will come good, recover from whatever keeps him away from his nest and chicks, and deliver a stonking fish first thing on 1 July.

Link to June 2023 thread

  • Between us Wendy, hopefully we have helped Scylla. Just noticed she seems to be fixed but having a rest.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • From scroll back 12 29 pm Good size headless trout
  • trevor l said:
    From scroll back 12 29 pm Good size headless trout

    (c) RSPB Loch Garten

  • Scylla, this is what I get from AZ screen recorder on tablet ... fish at 12.29

    No sound 'cos I forgot to switch it on ... also have to post URL in reply box then press rich formatting to make it embed, then post as usual!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Good to see everything moving along nicely here. Thanks to everyone for all the updates, captures and videos.
  • Nice 19.07 fish

    (c) RSPB Loch Garten

  • Thank you for all the tips of how to upload photos and catch videos. 

    I am testing out uploading a image using "Snapping Tool".  When I enlarge it, it doesn't look very sharp.

    For the image below  I first saved it to my hard drive and then inserted it as an uploaded.  Still fuzzy.

    Last attempt.  I first saved it to my hard drive and then inserted it as an uploaded.  But I changed the size during the upload.  Still fuzzy.  

    I'll let you guys do this.  You know what you are doing.

  • Canuck said:
    I'll let you guys do this.  You know what you are doing.

    Don't knock yourself.  I've seen far worse!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Well done, and hello again Canuck. Have done much word and XL document work on laptop, stored in files and attached to emails but not photo uploading, so unsure how to advise. When you click your images, they are very very clear though.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thank you for trying, WENDY & CATLADY Smirk

    Lynn L said:
    To take photo press the off/on and volume buttons at the same time

    Can't do it.  Can't hold the tablet and press 2 buttons at the same time without mishandling the tablet or, at the very least, disturbing the screen.  Duh Tired face

    CANUCK - congratulations on your snaps!  Everyone's screen-captures come out rather low-res, I think the system does something to them to save on resources.  If you think mine are "clearer", that's because I use freebie picture software to "enhance" them - eg, Irfanview (which is my default picture handler instead of Windows' built-in one), Photoscape X (from MS Store) and Photoscape - sometimes all 3 on the same snap, because one element can be easier on one app and another on another, if you see what I mean.  I waste a lot of time on snaps, which is why I don't get much done Grin

    I just checked Chat for the word of the Oracle Wink

    No more fish found.

    Sid verging on vicious: