I start this thread with a heavy heart, as Brodie hasn't been seen at all on Friday 30th June. The last fish delivered to the nest was at 21.11 on 28 June, over 48 hours ago. Brodie was last sighted at 09.10 hours on 29 June, over 36 hours ago.

Chick 1 hatched 'early morning' on the 4 June and chick 2 overnight on 6 June. One egg didn't hatch (maybe number 1?). There were lots of intruders during the month of June, including KL5, and last year's male Axel on the weekend of 17/18th.  Brodie has disappeared before for a couple of days, and no fish were delivered over the first weekend after hatching on 10/11th June so maybe we should keep the faith and cross all eyes, toes and fingers that Brodie will come good, recover from whatever keeps him away from his nest and chicks, and deliver a stonking fish first thing on 1 July.

Link to June 2023 thread

  • Not a whopper, this is quite a flattering shot:

    Can't do better from nest cam:

  •  I have to go, they'll have to fledge without me Cry

  • I just love the fish caption on previous page if he could only lift them
    that size? just piped you this time but you did include clips
  • Just before the fish delivery at 14.14, when it was (and still is) raining, Sid flapped and jumped across the nest.  Not really helicoptering yet.  I have yet to see his talons disappear, and am left heart in stomach!

    Harry claimed the fish, a brown trout, and happily tucked in, in full control.  Asha landed just behind Brodie, and stood watching, shoulder hunched as it rains heavily.

    14.29 Sid creeps up, Harry objects but takes a step away.  As Sid went for the fish, Harry pecks him on the head!!  Pay back time.  But Sid did end up the the tail end.  Asha flew off at the same time.

    I've got horrible internet probs (cam keeps dropping out - the smart radio keeps dropping out of TMS too!!  Rain is on the way and our internet is line of sight rather than a cable underground, so that might cause problems, but I have no real idea)

    Connection is back:

    Harry tucks in

    Harry pecks Sid - very blurred, and the rain doesn't help!

    14.33.55  Sid downs the tail fin.  Harry has been flapping and jumping.

    14.53 The boys are alert for another fish.  Asha lands.  

    14.53  Fish #4 delivered by Brodie.  Asha claims this and controls the feed.  It's a reasonable sized flapping brown trout.  Brodie leaves and feeding commences.

    Four fish deliveries so far:  09:22, 09:45, 14:14, 14:54

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Sheila the cams are dropping out for everyone or Freezing ? momentarily
  • Asha is on the dead tree

    Lots of preening on the nest.  Dark skies

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 16.24 the boys spot fish!  Brodie landed with another fish #5, followed on his heals by Asha.  Harry claims it, again!!!

    It's mine, keep away!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • There's been quite a tussle going on between the 2 boys - but a very poor view on both cams, as on PTZ Asha is in the way and on nest their wings are facing us.

    Don't know if was anger or confusion caused it, but they're both OK and separated now.

  • 16.24 fish delivery again and Harry claims it and will not let go, a right old stramash with the boys whilst mum watches on. I really thought at one point fish and chicks were going over the side. Sid was at the pecking again but Harry would not give up his meal! Sid retreated, squawking! Poor Harry lay for a few minutes, I got a bit worried as he was panckaked and panting, but all was well. Mum flew down and claimed the fish for herself. Phew!.

    Harry happy with his fish, Sid objecting

    Sid makes his move!

    The fight begins

    And continues!

    Sid will not give up and poor Harry is bum in the air and over the edge!

    Sid eventually gives up, poor Harry is recovering!

    Mum has had enough and flown down, kids quiet at last.

    ©️ LG

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.