Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 June 2023


I hope everyone has a week of joyful, serene summer days.

I posted a couple of replies at the end of last week's thread. I read with interest all of your news throughout the week, and I apologize for not replying to everyone. I've been ill this week, and I haven't accomplished much of anything. Sorry, folks, for this negative start to the thread. I usually try to write a positive post.

Have a good week, all.

  • Ha Heather - very apt. The fat ball feeder is completely empty this morning. I put 4 new ones in there yesterday!!!!
  • HEATHER "Thieving Magpie" love it....A wonderful piece of music.
  • Hello all, not been on for a while as was in hospital again last week for 4 days, same problem. They have now issued me with an inhaler and hopefully that will get me through till appointiment in July. Been accepted for funding re knee so I am now a very small cog on a big wheel.

    Just skimmed through to see what's been happening. Very little rain here and dau has been watering the garden every other day.. Lovely to read all your news.
  • Morning all:

    PatO:  I was going to hit Like on your Update on Food post but only for the geese part,  Any place nearby where you can sneak out for some veggies?  Any 'vin' at all, even in a glass?  Though I wouldn't hold my breath for anything drinkable.

    Lynette:  Dare we ask when you might have the knee op?   I've missed the reason for the inhaler - is it helping?

    Landscaping folks are behind schedule.....

  • I see New Zealand is out to kill every last rat on the islands. Sounded a bit harsh until I read the following on the BBC website: www.bbc.com/.../world-asia-65039451
  • Lynette - I was so sorry to read that you had been in hospital again. I really hope they can get to the bottom of things soon,
    Annette - I read the article about the rats in NZ. I knew they were trying to eradicate them from sone islands, but I did t know they were trying to eradicate them completely. It is true that the baby kiwis do r stand a chance.
    I have been birdwatching today. Hooray. We visited the only little tern colony in Wales which is on a shingle beach near Prestatyn!!! We go every year. We walk through the sand dunes and see the unique plants there - pyramidal orchids, sea holly, restharrow, ladies bedstraw and many many more. On the dunes the song of the skylark is everywhere. Glorious. Then we get to the beach and walk to the colony which has a predator fence all around it. We always keep a very respectful distance away. It is great to hear the chattering noise the little terns make and to see them flying in with fish in their beaks. We were also treated to lots of ringed plover chicks scurrying about. Really cute but very vulnerable. Their parents were nearby calling. The only downside to the trio was that our usual cafe was unexpectedly closed!!!!
  • I was going to report that we are safely home again now, but erm..... An hour ago I thought I'd put some feed on my sweet peas, so ran a watering can full of water and then turned to descend the step, which is below the outside tap.  As I did so, I caught one foot in the hose and fell straight onto the concrete slabs. As I went, I prayed that I wouldn't catch my head on the ornamental old tub nearby. That might have been the end of me! As it was, I fell my whole length and onto my side, which meant my left elbow & knee  took most of it. I lay in shock for a minute, then my OH came to me as he'd been in the kitchen & suddenly saw me on the ground. He was barefoot, as he'd just got back from the allotment.  It took us both several minutes to determine that I didn't seem to have broken anything, and to work out how I could get up again! He tried just hauling me but it hurt my arm socket & I was worried that he might hurt his back with the effort - I'm no little dainty creature! Eventually  I turned myself onto my knees and grabbed onto the tub with one hand  and him with the other, to get up. Hobbled into the house & sat in very wet jeans (I'd thrown the water all over the ground & myself) while he made me a cup of tea.

  • I can't quite believe that we're not on our way to A&E, & nothing seems to be broken. We just got me into dry trousers and I can see a nice bruise forming around my knee. I'll be taking it easy for the rest of tonight!

    Lynette, sorry to hear that you've been back into hospital. I do hope you can manage to last until the July appointment.
  • LINDY Poor you, I am so glad nothing is broken. It must have been a shock for you. Take care, these things are so easily done.

    Lynette Sorry to hear you have been in hospital again.
  • Oh Lindy that’s awful. What a terrible shock. These things are so easily done. I expect you will feel very stiff and knocked about for the next few days and bruises will appear. As long as nothing is broken and you get over the shock. Sending hugs.