Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 June 2023


I hope everyone has a week of joyful, serene summer days.

I posted a couple of replies at the end of last week's thread. I read with interest all of your news throughout the week, and I apologize for not replying to everyone. I've been ill this week, and I haven't accomplished much of anything. Sorry, folks, for this negative start to the thread. I usually try to write a positive post.

Have a good week, all.

  • Sunday nearly done – and I think I missed Saturday! OH is now busy making dinner.

    PAT – are you at the university?

    DIANE – sorry to see you have been ill. Get well soon! Thanks for starting the new thread for us. You must have been feeling quite poorly, as you so rarely mention your health.

    RUSTY – grass resumed growing with the change in the weather this week – it is now green again.

    DIBNLIB – I hope Erica will get to meet the King at Holyrood! She deserves it!

    LINDA – we have had some rain showers today, but like you we seem to be on the edge of most of the weather. We turned the day round and did an hour in the back shrub border during the dry morning.

    ANNETTE – I had forgotten that Ms D was staying after her mum went home – I hope she is okay and will continue to enjoy her tour of relatives! Are your landscapers making big changes?
  • Lindy and Annette - I know just how it feels to write a post and lose it!! Sweary words come to mind!!!
    OG - I am happy to report that I got the grass cut this morning. It made me feel a lot better. I had felt that I could actually see it growing!!! Then the heavens opened and we had a series of very heavy thundery showers. As a consequence, it is much cooler here this evening and there is a pleasant breeze.
    I went to visit a friend this afternoon. She makes excellent lemon drizzle cake!!! Not the only reason I went to see her I hasten to add!!! I limited myself to 2 pieces!!!
  • OG - No, we are at NEC. It's huge!!! As I was waiting for the lift after breakfast this morning a lady asked me where she could get breakfast. 'This hotel is so big', she said, 'it's as big as my village!' And there are several more hotels equally enormous. Where to do all the people come from to fill those rooms? And conferences, of course - well, that's the only reason I'm here!

    It's been a long day - and the business part of the conference doesn't start until tomorrow morning! Goodness, whatever made me think this was a 'jolly'!!! But I'm meeting lots of people and learning lots of things I didn't know before - and so far nobody has asked me any questions I couldn't answer ... I'm sure that will change over the next four days!
  • I'm annoyed about the lost post as actually, I can't remember a single thing about it, so now don't know if it was important or not! It's gone & that's that.

    Yesterday, I watched as one of our rather elderly neighbours backed his car rather too quickly into his parking space. I could see broken rear lights in my minds eye! I said as much to my OH and then forgot about it. Later, in the afternoon, my OH came back from walking the dog and said "Bill just told me that he's upset, as while he was out visiting a friend, he broke his rear light on the right hand side by backing into a post" It was the light I'd seen in my mind that morning.

  • Pat, enjoy, if you can, your Birmingham trip. I hope the hotel food is good. Years ago, I took my mother there to a Flower Show event (Gardener's World Live) and we were astonished to see all the huge hotels and building complexes. A massive venue.

    It's been mixed weather here again today - one minute sunbathing with a book, next minute, running for cover as the shower turns to proper rain!
  • Lindy - I have to say that for a hotel of this repute, the food is at best adequate. Unimaginative, not well cooked, but keeps body and soul together! The highlight so far was yesterday lunchtime - apple crumble and custard!!! At least the sun's shining - I need to make the most of that before 9.15am when we will be shut into the Conference Hall for most of the rest of the day - sans windows, sans fresh air, sans anything except work. Actually, It's all fine - as long as I can get out and walk round the lake later. For Rusty - so far I have seen several magpies, the ever-present pigeons - and one great crested grebe!
  • Lunch and lots of chat with Friend today. We both had a Hawaiian Toastie (ham, cheese & pineapple). Absolutely delicious. I am ready to return tomorrow LOL. I arrived a little early to photo two impressive 2-storey homes.
  • Good that you managed to have your lunch out, AQ -- I'm on my way to join you as that does sound delicious! I know that some say its a dreadful pizza topping, with fruit, but I've always liked it!

    Sunny here so we're hoping for a morning out somewhere.

    This was on our beach yesterday - someone has cheated trying to make an unsupported tower! There are not supposed to be any small stones helping to hold it up.

  • Hawaiian pizza is my favourite - lots of salami & pineapple & cheese &. . .
  • DIANE - I hope you are OK. I just saw a report on our TV news of a tornado in Indiana.