Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 June 2023


The moon turns new at 5:37 a.m. Sunday in the UK, and Saturday night in the US. The solstice is Wednesday in the UK and US.

I hope everyone has a joyful week and sees some pretty birds.

  • OG PAT O

    The driver didn't turn up for his first 2 dates so when they caught him they put him in Barlinnie (Glasgow prison) where he has been confined since before Christmas. His 3rd appearance the solicitor asked for more time and the 4th he pleaded not guilty!!!! My friend is just relieved that she and her daughter (who arrived at the scene immediately after the accident) do not have to appear in court.
  • Morning all:

    dibnlib: What a jerk. What damage one person can do.....
  • Friend will have to wait a bit to find out what sentence he is given.

    We are still waiting for a date for my brothers trial. On the 28th of June it will be 2 years since he was charged with the embezzlement of £425.000 from my Mother when he had power of attorney. Words cannot express my contempt.
  • dibnlib: That's awful - I can't imagine how I'd handle something like that. Is there any chance of recouping the money?
  • Dibnlib -- I'm so sorry. You must have so many emotions over this situation. My thoughts are with you.
  • Only just had time to read back over what was written near the end of the last thread. How dreadful its been for your friend, dibnlib - I hope the saga will come to an end for her soon, although of course she will now have to live with his mistake.
  • ANNETTE No, my brother gambled every penny away, so no chance of getting any back. As you can imagine I would have inherited a life changing amount of money, and there were many others in Mums will inc my OH and 11 charities. It is so hard to think that her wishes were not able to be fulfilled. I am afraid I don't handle the situation very well and often think how nice it would have been to have had the money Mum wanted me to have. It also hurts so much to know that while she was in her dazed alzheimers state her son was robbing her of every penny. My brother had the nerve to shout at us for going to the police and told us he would never have done such a thing to family!!! I just about managed to tell him that I would never have done what he did.....but I really don't think he feels remorse. Sorry for the rant.

    LINDY Thank you, I shared about my brother with you some time ago and of course there has been no progress since.
    If all goes well It is possible my friend may get a bionic leg paid for by the drivers company insurance. She has been medically assessed and would be suitable. As her husband said it would be the nearest she could get to her old life. If it goes ahead it will involve a lot of very hard work on her part but of course worth it. Despite everything she remains her lovely sunny self. They have always been a very close family, they have 2 amazing daughters in their 30s and a grandson and their enjoyment with each other is a wonderful thing.

    My OH has just gone to Eden Court to help out at the "Thanksgiving Concert" for the Elsie Normington Foundation. The haven centre in Smithton is nearly complete and will give support for children and young adults, some with severe mental and physical impairments. One of my friends daughters will be working there.
  • dibnlib: Well if anyone deserves a good rant, it's you! I really hope that your friend can get the bionic leg, she deserves it after all she's been through.
  • dibnlib - how awful for you and such a waste on your brother's part! My thoughts are with you! I also hope your friend gets her bionic leg sooner rather than later.
  • dibnlib, I can't imagine having to cope with something like that. It's beyond my imagination as to how people can do that, let alone to family members. A really horrible situation for you. I do hope your friend gets her bionic leg - it will make such a difference to her. Amazing she can remain so positive and cheerful..