Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 June 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, serene week.

I coughed loudly tonight near the window and a big Barred Owl hooted at me. I  don't know whether I  disturbed her or she was just answering me. LOL We are predicted to get heavy rain tomorrow, so the air should improve here.

Love to all.

  • Morning all:

    AQ; It's' rumored that the sun should be out and about in our area again starting next week.

    Rusty: What a lovely day out! Re the Wisley cafe, sounds like a bring-your-own-picnic would be the way to go if you were to visit.

    OG: Had to smile at your anticipation of doing the church bulletin again. Let's hope the contributors will stick to the deadlines. I remember PatO suggested sharing items, which sounds like a good idea. Will EE still be doing the mailing?

    Llindybird: Hope no more visits from the washing machine guy are necessary. No chance Glenda J's cousin just a tiny bit jealous? :-) My newest passport photo shows a rather anxious lady with a tentative smile. Wonder who she is.....   Have a good drive tomorrow to see family.

    Looks like granddaughter and Ms. D will be back here tomorrow. They were planning a trip to Wisconsin (did I mention that it was postponed due to alleged Covid outbreak in "that" side of Ms. D's family?) Anyway, plans were switched so Ms. D will stay here for two weeks (one week hanging out with me and daughter and the next with grandson and partner) before heading to Wisconsin in mid-July - at least that's the plan, but I'm not holding my breath. Off to get haircut today, then to scout possible additions to garden at the local nursery. Landscape crew is due bright and early Monday and they reckon the work will take 1/-1/2 weeks. That precludes me straying from home for any length of time so told Ms. D to bring her favorite card game (Uno) and other board games plus books. I will probably let her spend more time with the TV than her Mom does; last time she was here my OH and she were glued to a Harry Potter movie.

  • Well, it's a case of Annette and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

    Got up this morning feeling a bit off and didn't start to get organized until 11 a.m., when I took a shower in anticipation of hair cut appointment at 12:15. Was in the middle of a shower and looked out the window to see a brown dog wandering down the street. Only got a quick rear view glance as it disappeared around the bend but it looked like our neighbor's dog. Called them and left a message (turned out it wasn't theirs) and then got ready to leave the house. Pulled out of the garage to find said (large) brown dog right in front of the car. I pulled over, said hallo and got out the spare leash I always keep in the car. Dog seemed friendly and not skittish, so I called it over and fed it some treats I already had for daughter's dog. While dog was scarfing up treats I managed to attach the leash to its collar. No problem. I opened the back of the car and the dog seemed very interested and jumped right in. Great! It had registration tag and another with the name and phone number of the owner, so I grabbed my phone to call her, but couldn't remember the last four digits and when I went to look at the tag again, the dog suddenly swung its head around and bit my left index finger! Blood all over my hand. (Insert naughty words here.) At that point, I slammed down the back of the car, wrapped tissues around my finger and headed for the county animal control shelter just across the freeway. It took two people to coax the dog (a Rottweiler mix it turns out) out of the car and into the shelter. They insisted on cleaning and bandaging my finger and advised me to go to the local urgent car center (a step down from A&E) after I'd completed paperwork. But wait! I'm now late for my hair cut - I mean, let's get our priorities straight here folks - so I called hair lady and left a message explaining I'd be late and asking if it was still okay to come. Texted her too. No response. I head that way anyway and get to the salon only to find she hadn't entered me on her schedule and had another client due in 20 minutes. (Insert more naughty words.) She apologized, gave me the quickest cut, shampoo and dry I've ever had and off I went. Got to Urgent Care where I got one stitch in the wound plus a splint to stop me from bending the finger, antibiotics and a tetanus shot. Lovely - not. Arrive home to find OH ready for planned trip to Target for T-shirts for him (I'd offered to go with him because he'd never find his way out of there once he got in), and off we go. Buy two t-shirts on sale in record time and head back to car. But look - there's Costco across the parking lot and there are a couple of things we need so why not now? I leave OH in the car because it won't even take five minutes, right? Grab the stuff and head for the self checkout registers only to realize that a 'rewards' check I'd had in my wallet going in was no longer there. Retraced my steps, no luck. Stop by membership counter where nice lady says they can reissue it. She makes phone call and I speak to someone who asks the name of my husband's favorite pet (what!?) because he's the primary account holder. I blank on it; OH is out in the wilds of the parking lot, so I say I'll call back later. All well and good. Get out to the car where it strikes me my purse (handbag) is lighter than usual. Look inside: No wallet! Rushed back to store in a panic and there it was, still sitting on the membership counter. Phew . Back home to find list of items I planned to get at Trader Joe's this afternoon but decide the gods have sent me several messages to Do Nothing Else At All Today!! Tell OH he needs to lock me in the closet with a large glass of wine. He obliges with the latter.

    I hope everyone else's day was better than mine. :-)
  • ANNETTE: DANG! Saturday night is the New Moon, and Wednesday is the Summer Solstice, a new season. So, maybe everything will realign and reset for you. I'm glad the dog bit only your finger. Could have been worse. Maybe something really good will happen now to balance out today's awfulness. Take care.
  • Oh Bless you Annette, and you being so brave and kind for animal and everyone, so sorry about the finger, very nasty hope the AB..s soon kick in and no lasting infection etc.

    Do hope the glass of wine was soothing and sending good vibes,Prayers and Hugs to you.

    Today will be a better day, you certainly deserve.


  • Oh Annette. What a day!!! Your kindness to the dog being rewarded with a bite!! It was probably frightened. I hope there are no répercussions and that the antibiotics do their thing. I don’t know whether I could have gone shopping after all that. No wonder you were in a bit of a fluster. I hope you have a quieter day today. I have been watching the golf from LA - the early parts of each round obviously as it goes on into the wee small hours here.
    I am popping into the local town on the bus this morning, I need bird food. I also like pottering round the market. There is always a nice atmosphere there. We had a drop of rain in the night so it is a much fresher morning.
  • Oh ANNETTE. Why did you get out of bed this day! Hey, should you be mixing ABs with wine?
  • Hi! OH says he just heard thunder in the distance - “why not here?” I asked!!!!!! No sign of the sun, either, just a no-weather day and still hot.

    LINDA – give yourself a pat on the back for washing machine dampers! I hope the trouble will be over next week. Glad the passport arrived at last. Enjoy your weekend visit.

    ANNETTE – pleased to see the sunshine will return for you soon – end of June Gloom, I guess. Not sure about the printing and mailing for the magazine since end of covid precautions – waiting to find out how it is now organised. I have still been receiving mine by email, so I am hoping others are too, but OH will print necessary copies. Another family visit so soon? Enjoy your time with Ms D.

    Interruption – back later

  • ANNETTE - what a horrible day - everything going wrong. I hope that the ABs will do their job - sending hugs..
  • Morning all: Typing with one index finger in splint a challenge but oh well. As my mother would've said "no good deed goes unpunished." :-) Meanwhile, kids are on the I-10 headed this way and sun is out. Yay!

    AQ: No worries, AB's weren't ready until 8 p.m and glass of wine was long gone before then.

    Take care all.
  • ANNETTE My goodness, what a day. I hope the dogs owner is located after all your efforts....sorry you were bitten.

    Most of you will know the story of my dear friend who lost her leg after being run over by a lorry. This was 2 years and 3 months ago. The trial was due to start yesterday and my friend had been told to set a week aside. Yesterday she was told that the driver will be pleading guilty. Much relief all round.