Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 June 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, serene week.

I coughed loudly tonight near the window and a big Barred Owl hooted at me. I  don't know whether I  disturbed her or she was just answering me. LOL We are predicted to get heavy rain tomorrow, so the air should improve here.

Love to all.

  • Was sorry to hear about Glenda Jackson. Such a fierce talent. Many years ago, when I was about 22, I found I was working in the same office as her cousin, in Liverpool. The subject of Glenda came up, and to my amusement the cousin screwed up her face and said sniffily "She always was a show off!" As the cousin was a rather plain and dumpy individual with not much sense of humour, I decided that as cousins they were poles apart.
  • Pat, your Wisley trip sounded delightful- at least you managed to find somewhere shady for your lunch. Traffic problems and travel now seem to spoil a lot of journeys which used to be a relative pleasure.

    It's been partly cloudy some of the time, here, but the heat built up as the day progressed so I was glad I'd done the ironing first thing. My OH went to play golf but left early and to show his face at yet another funeral- one of our neighbours in a street nearby.

    Our washing machine is still not right, although I did a small load this morning. It makes noises which is worrying.
  • LINDY: Thank you! That poem is wonderful. It really brightened my day! Thanks to AQ, too! I appreciated this very much.
  • Today was our only sunny day this week and next, so washing and weeding.
  • Well, I tried to post twice last night and it wouldn’t go. This is a little trial before type more!!! Technology eh???
  • Ah. It looks like success so here goes.
    Lindy - I loved your poem!!! I knew immediately what it was referring to. Glad it brightened your day Diane. Sorry your washer still isn’t right Lindy. I would worry if mine started making an unusual noise. Currently I have the gasman here servicing my boiler. Hopefully all is well. It is just the routine annual one.
    Pat. I would love to go to Wisley but it it rather a long way from here. Most disappointing about the cafe though.
    OG - glad you got a good trip out earlier in the week. I have just been out tying up the sweet peas again. They are growing like mad. My courgette plant in its sack has a flower!!!
    I had a trip out yesterday on the train to meet a friend in Shrewsbury. We had a lovely day. Naturally when we met up at the station, we found a lovey cafe for a coffee. For lunch we bought a picnic at M&S and went down to the river. We found chairs in a shady spot and chatted whist we ate. It was lovely. Ducks, paddle boarders and the like were floating past and we spent 2 hours there. We had a lot to catch up on. We then repaired to another cafe for tea and cake before going back to the station only to discover that my train had been cancelled!!! They did put on a bus replacement but I couldn’t face the thought! I waited with my friend until her train left and bought a cool drink. The time passed rather pleasantly actually and the train an hour later came along. So I got home in the end.
  • DIBNLIB - I would expect Simpsons to get it right - my favourite garden centre ever! Doesn't look likely I could ever get there again.

    AQ - seems funny to see you commenting on so few sunny days - these intense UV conditions are so wearing.

    LINDA - hope your OH will agree to the inevitable and you can have a replacement washing machine soon!

    RUSTY - sounds a good day out in Shrewsbury but sorry to read about the train.

    Another boring day here. Will be glad to start the magazine next month!
  • Rusty- Glad you got home in the end. You must have been dismayed to find your train cancelled. You did manage another super day out, though!

    OG - The garden centres are much like the shops of late - some have closed altogether and some seem to be finding it difficult to get stock.

    Diane - Glad you enjoyed my few words (thrown together). I often think of you and your wild beasts!!

    Hot again today but not quite as burning. A slight breeze helps. We are praying for rain tomorrow for our poor thirsty garden! I went shopping, then made a cake to take to our Youngests tomorrow. Meanwhile, the w. machine Man came once more and finally decided that the "dampers" were gone which stopped it lurching around when spinning a heavy load. I bit my tongue as I'd been hinting that I thought it was something like that since Day One, but what do I know? (!!!) Just the little woman!

    A good thing came in the post, though - I finally received my long awaited passport! It's been quite a marathon but we got there in the end. My OH said last night that a friend of his had also been jumping through hoops  trying to order one online and had had to opt for filling in a paper form as I did, in the end. Grr.

  • Ps - Washing machine Man is now ordering some parts, & hopes to fix the thing next week. My OH has cheered up as he won't have to buy a new one -- yet!
  • Pps -- The passport is as they often are, a source of amusement. If any country wants to admit a three hundred year old wild eyed Axe Murderer, I'm ready!!