Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 June 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, serene week.

I coughed loudly tonight near the window and a big Barred Owl hooted at me. I  don't know whether I  disturbed her or she was just answering me. LOL We are predicted to get heavy rain tomorrow, so the air should improve here.

Love to all.

  • Harelady - Another member of the World Service Appreciation Society! There seem to be several of us on here. I'm not sure which is the worse way of spending the wee small hours ... I often get up and respond to e-mails at 2,00am, or alternatively listen to World Service and learn all sorts of things, most of which I have forgotten by the morning. I would of course rather be sleeping ... hey ho.
  • Good morning. I have just popped out to the post office early (no queue) to post a parcel. I now have time before French this afternoon to do a few replies.
    OG. I managed to find one of those semi circular prop things in the garage to rescue my campanulas. They seem to be OK.
    I am glad things are getting done in your garden.
    I posted last week about the tapas but it got lost in the “ether” so here is that comment again. I have lived in this town for over 40 years and had never been to that place. I thought it was just a wine bar but it does tapas too!!! It was extremely quirky. I don’t think it had been decorated in ages. The tables were old singer sewing machine trestles with wooden tables on top. The decor was a sort of brown and the lighting was mainly fairy lights strung around. The tapas was OK. I have had better but it was fine for the occasion when 5 of us met up for a good old chat. The lady running the bar was quite a character. She wore a beret and floated round in a caftan!!!
    I didn’t play golf on Saturday - just too hot for me. I am considering not playing on Wednesday either.
    Lindy - I hope you have had some rain by now. Saturday was a deluge here and we had a bit more last night too. I managed to cut the grass yesterday so I am pleased about that.
    Harelady - sounds like a good weekend. No wonder you were tired. 9 hours sleep!! How wonderful. Like many, I was listening to the World Service last night. As Pat said - hey ho!!!!
    Off to read through and check the couple of pages I wrote in French about my Pembrokeshire holiday as I will read it out this afternoon and I don’t want to make any huge mistakes!!!
  • Sue gave us a special "golden rose" for our anniversary recently (although we asked for no gifts) and the first bud  has opened - the smell is wonderful, a real old fashioned rose scent.

    Loved your Canterbury bells, Rusty - we don't have any of those.

  • LINDY How lovely to get a rose that looks and smells the way they should. A friend has a lilac that looks stunning but doesn't smell of anything.....how disappointing is that.
  • Still summer, here.

    ANNETTE – glad the horse visit was so good for your daughter – it must be good for you too, to see her happy.

    HARELADY – sounds like a fun family weekend.

    RUSTY – pleased you managed to prop the damaged Campanulas – worth helping them.

    LINDA – that golden rose is such a lovely colour – and scented too – like roses used to be!

    Nothing happening here – just a pile of Goldfinches inhabiting the Willow tree feeders outside the study window. They are ignoring the many dog-walkers – I wonder what happens to all these dogs when the weather is bad? I suppose they have to cross their legs and hope!
  • No, we haven't had any rain yet and it would be a relief. We tossed around in bed last night, too hot. My OH watered the garden pots and the most needy plants with a hose. We pay for our water as had a meter put in a few years ago. Just because you have more than one loo, they seem to think that there must be twelve people in the house & they penalise you!

    I've been cleaning out kitchen cupboards as too hot to be outside in this.
  • Entertainment here as neighbour over the road is having a very tall tree taken down. Two companies are involved....very skilful work.

    OG had to smile at you sitting under a table comforting your dogs whether they needed it or not. Re my Mums Irish Setter....Jinty didn't need to hear a clap of thunder as she seemed to be able to detect a thunderstorm coming from miles away and in those days my parents left their door open so Jinty could get in and out of the garden as she wished when they were at work. On a couple of occasions she detected thunder coming and jumped the fence to escape. Luckily she survived to an old age despite being bought back from the nearby motorway by the police. My parents both worked only a mile or so away from home and would race back to shut Jinty in when they heard thunder......they weren't always in time......nightmare...... but they knew where to find her as she would usually head for a friend house
  • Funny doggy!!

    We've finally had some rain -- heavy thundery clouds arrived, late afternoon. Then we actually had thunder, and it rained rather reluctantly. I got the impression we were on the edge of a storm and just having some of the fall out. An hour later, proper rain fell but not for long, and all it's done is lay the dust!

  • Sorry you didn’t get much rain Lindy. My sister who lives in Cheshire kept texting me to describe the huge storm they were having. We got lots of useful rain too and just a bit of thunder. Dibnlib - I chuckled at the antics of Jinty the dog!!!!
    French yew today was good. 2 unrelated sections. The first discussing our memories of French markets of which I have many. The produce (always so fresh and tempting) and the general atmosphere. After the “pause cafe” we did about Joan of Arc as it was quite near to the anniversary of her death.
    I am not going out with the Flora and Fauna group today. It will be far too hot for me and my hay fever is bad too. I have already crossed off from golf tomorrow. I have to be sensible. I don’t want to be ill. I have plenty to do here.
    I was shocked again last night by some of the “goings on” on the nests in Springwatch. That’s nature I suppose and those amazing cameras are bringing it to us. I have been to that place on Anglesey which they featured where you can sit and see the red squirrels. Sorry to those overseas who don’t get that programme. You won’t understand what I am saying.
  • Hello and thanks to everyone for news, pics, etc.
    I've been reading everything and wish that I had something to talk about - but it has just been a very ordinary week here, you wouldn't be interested ! One of these days I shall have stuff to chat about :-)
    PS - sorry to sound such a misery ! I've had family popping in, cutting my grass etc. Life isn't as boring as I have painted it. I need a kick up the *** :-)