Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 June 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, serene week.

I coughed loudly tonight near the window and a big Barred Owl hooted at me. I  don't know whether I  disturbed her or she was just answering me. LOL We are predicted to get heavy rain tomorrow, so the air should improve here.

Love to all.

  • Evening all: And thank you Diane for sorting us out for the week. Do hope you get some relief from the bad air.

    Lindybird I think the pink poppies are my favorite - the contrast is so dramatic.

    Was very tired yesterday; went to bed at 9, Woke up just once during the night and then and finally woke up at 6:45!! Amazing.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.
  • Definitely an answer  Diane            Smiley  how  wonderful.

    We had a light  rain  over night which has refreshed lawns and flower beds, thank fully but not much in the water butt. Oh well.    I hope whatever you are growing is doing well and the heavy rain doesn't smash delicate plants.

  • Talking of smashing delicate plants Cirrus - we had very heavy rain yesterday evening and my poor campanula are battered. They are on the ground. My first job this morning will be to go and try to prop the, up. I will be back later to reply yesterday’s comments. Meanwhile, thank you Diane for starting us off and how wonderful to have a conversation with an owl.

    Here are my poor Canterbury Bells before they were battered.

  • DIANE Thanks for starting the week and good to hear you have had a chat with an owl.

    Impressive thunder and lightening here today. It hasn't worried any of our dogs but my Mum had an Irish Setter who was terrified.
  • DIANE - thanks for starting us off on another new week. I would have written this morning, but ran out of time as E-E and I had a job to do together on my PC. I hope your air quality has improved today - for you and Mrs Owl!

    ANNETTE - glad you had some long quality sleep last night! You obviously needed it.

    CIRRUS - we could smell rain this morning but it wasn't here! This evening, we had a very short (a few minutes) shower The garden seemed to be breathing it in, but we still need much more - not much in the forecast for yet another week, then I expect we shall grumble when it comes!

    RUSTY - sorry about the rain-battered flowers - those Campanulas were lovely.

    DIBNLIB - I used to have to sit under the table and hug our first Collie when it thundered, so I did it for later dogs without knowing whether they really needed me!

    Yesterday we had a good productive afternoon in the garden - once again in the company of our favoutite Blackbird. We missed church to get on with more today, but never got out there as everything indoors semed to take so long The cleaners will be here tomorrow afternoon, so we shall have to get on with what needs doing. J has his Job Centre appointment.
  • I'm OK, thanks, OG! Hope everyone else is just busy.

    We've had a very hot day here and not one drop of rain in weeks! Our poor garden..... I would welcome it now even though it might flatten the poppies. Thunder in the distance, and storms in Manchester (North of us) and Birmingham (South of us). Grr.

    My OH spied a woodpecker in our tree this afternoon, when we were indoors. I shall be on the lookout for it in future.

    Annette, you must have needed a bit of shut eye!
  • Evening all: Indeed was busy today. Daughter and I went to see her horse at the Therapeutic center; she helped feed some of the horses and got their next meal organized, then cleaned out her horse's corral. Really great to see her so happy doing something she loved. I was in charge of Pearl, who is allowed to run off the leash at the ranch and didn't need me at all. I came home to work on the hedge behind the house and have decided to add that to the list of things the landscape guys can do. Still no sun - well I lie - it popped out for about three minutes after lunch. Tomorrow the dental hygienist. Oh joy.

    LINDYBIRD: Thank you for my poppies. :-)

    OG: Yes, I never sleep that much! So nice to hear of all the normal doings at your house.

    Take care everybody.
  • Thanks for starting and for the Owl tale Diane!

    Just a quick note on sleep. I also sleep very badly and am often awake on and off through the night, hence my appreciation of the BBC World Service.

    As I mentioned in my last post my Son and Partner and their 2 kids aged 6 and 3 came on Friday for the weekend and a good time was had by all which included 2 days at the beach and naughty things like Pizza and Ice cream - they left about 3 and I got some washing done but by 8pm I was flagging so went to bed and slept for a total of 9 hours - a record for me.

    Well I have to get ready for work - I start at 8 - so have a good week all and keep posting!