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LJ2 returned 31 March 2023

LM6 returned 4 April 2023

Egg No. 1 laid 20 April - Hatched 27 May (37 days)

Egg No. 2 laid 23 April - Hatched 29 May (36 days)

Egg No. 3 laid 26 April - Hatched 1 June  (37 days)

                        LM6                   LJ2

So far so good! The first 2 chicks are doing well, the 3rd just hatched this morning. 

  • Saturday 17 June

    Good morning Grinning LJ2 came from the perch to visit the nest at 04.11. LM6 and the chicks were asking for fish. LJ2 returned to the perch until he left again at 04.30.

    LM6 and the chicks have been preening on and off whilst waiting on LJ2.

    LM6 made a brief visit to the preening perch around 05.30.
    LJ2 hasn’t been seen in the perch this morning.

    08.20 The scene on the nest just now. LM6 has constantly been quietly looking all around.

  • 08.34 and LJ2 arrives with a large live fish. Well done LJ2. LM6 is screaming loudly with excitement as she takes the fish.

    The chicks are calling loudly too as they go to LM6 to get fed.

    LJ2 has a bloodied right leg. Hopefully just from the fish.

    #2  I think? (right) gets the better feed initially then withdraws

    #1 now feeds well

    Feeding together again 

    Both chicks have very full crops by the end of the feed and retire. LM6 goes back for more for herself.

  • Thanks for the captures and observations Glider. There are times when I hardly dare look in and I do tend to back right out if the first obs I read is not so good. I'm such a wimp I know.  Sigh. Also my study is SO hot !!!! so sadly only have a quick look see.  

    It's really good to know the feeds are going welkl.

  • 10.01 LJ2 arrives with the end of the fish he had been eating. LM6 starts intruder chipping.

    The adult birds look around, LM6 still chips.  

    A few minutes later LM6 takes the fish from LJ2.

    The chicks feed until they’ve had enough. LM6 does her yoga Warrior One then walks away from the fish.

  • 11.13 LM6 leaves for a comfort break and returns at 11.20 with soft bedding.

  • 12.03 LJ2 arrives on the nest. He collects the fish. He then starts offering pieces to #2 who accepts. LM6 is calling for the fish herself.

    As LM6 approaches, LJ2 takes the fish further away to the outer edge of the nest.

    LJ2 eats for a wee while then offers a piece to #2 again as LM6 approaches.

    LM6 collects the fish (tail end) this time. 12.38

    LM6 feeds the chicks and LJ2 leaves.

    Once the chicks are satisfied and LM6 can tempt them no more, she has the tail end to herself, finally swallowing the tail at 13.09.

  • 16.55 LJ2 flies in with another fish.

    LM6 quickly takes it.

    The chicks are calling to be fed.

    That’s the fish finished.

  • 17.59 Fish #3 from LJ2

    Both chicks had a good feed and are resting. LM6 still had the fish in her talons when a crow caught her attention.

    It flew over and landed on the perch. LM6 was screaming and flapping furiously.

    Then the cheeky crow flew off and came straight back

    It stayed on the perch for a few seconds longer this time before leaving again.

    Once she was sure the crow was gone, LM6 ate fallen scraps then more of the fish.

    After a wee while, #2 woke up and ate some more too. 

    LM6 swallowing the tail.

  • 19.22 LJ2 arrives with fish #4. He’s already started on it before bringing it in.

    LJ2 just loves feeding his chicks so much now! 

    It wasn’t until 19.41 (19 minutes later) before LM6 took the fish to take over the feed.

    She made sure both chicks got fed.

    And got some herself.

    20.13 LJ2 came to collect the leftovers for his supper.

    He ate some of the fish elsewhere and later arrived with it at the preening perch at 20.55.

    LJ2 ate the fish until he was left with some straggly skin and the tail. He couldn’t rip a piece off.

    He tried a few times unsuccessfully then lifted his talon and it fell into the water.

  • Unknown said:

    Thanks for the captures and observations Glider. There are times when I hardly dare look in and I do tend to back right out if the first obs I read is not so good. I'm such a wimp I know.  Sigh. Also my study is SO hot !!!! so sadly only have a quick look see.  

    It's really good to know the feeds are going welkl.


    Aw, thanks Cirrus, I know what you mean. It can all be very stressful if things aren’t going well on the nest, I can’t bear that either. Thankfully we’ve just had temporary blips with LJ2’s fishing. These two chicks are smashing, just like last year’s.  No squabbling, (so far, fingers crossed!) they both get fed well by their super protective mother and now dad is determined to share the feeding too. Hopefully the weather is nice but not so hot as the summer goes on!