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LJ2 returned 31 March 2023

LM6 returned 4 April 2023

Egg No. 1 laid 20 April - Hatched 27 May (37 days)

Egg No. 2 laid 23 April - Hatched 29 May (36 days)

Egg No. 3 laid 26 April - Hatched 1 June  (37 days)

                        LM6                   LJ2

So far so good! The first 2 chicks are doing well, the 3rd just hatched this morning. 

  • Just before 10.00, LM6 went back to the fish. She ate more herself and made gentle contact calls to the chicks to see if they wanted more fish.

    After a wee while, #1 decides it could squeeze a little more fish into its crop and accepts more pieces. 

    It’s 10.12 before LM6 broods her chicks.

    Half an hour later at 10.41, LJ2 came and retrieved the fish.

    He left the nest with the fish.

  • It’s 12.50 before LJ2 returns with the half eaten fish.

    #2 who was closer to where the fish landed is over first for some more.

    #1 then toddles over, stopping behind #2.

    In order to get fed, #1 then moves a lot closer to LM6. Meanwhile, LJ2 is doing some DIY in the foreground.

    LJ2 leaves the nest and LM6 continues to feed the chicks.

    #2 withdraws first then #1. At that point, LM6 continues to eat and offers more to #2 who takes a few more pieces.

  • 14.40 LJ2 returns to the nest and eats some of the fish. LM6 calls to him. I think it’s to say don’t take the fish away!

    14.48 LM6 goes over to LJ2 and takes the fish from him.

    She gives the chicks another feed. (Although #1 initially food begs to its dad)

    LJ2 moves to the other side of the nest and leaves soon after.

  • 16.21 LM6 shading the chicks.

    17.21 LJ2 visits the nest and LM6  asks for another fish.

    18.47 Still waiting…………

  • Oh dear, the weather changed terribly as the night went on. This was LM6 around 20.30.

    The sky started to darken, the rain started dropping. LM6 knew what was coming. She changed position and hunkered down over the chicks.

    The heavens opened and it was raining hard. Lightning was flashing.

    A lightning strike 

    20.58 LJ2 landed on the perch to join LM6, she lifted her head a little.

    The rain continued but did get a bit lighter. Last shot before night cam came on at 22.00.

    22.40 It’s still raining. 

  • Tuesday 13 June

    Good morning Grinning Thankfully the rain stopped during the night. LJ2 left the perch at 03.50. He returned at 05.22 with a whole fish for breakfast.

    Well done LJ2.

    Chicks getting a nice early morning feed.

  • The chicks had a good feed of that fish. They had stopped eating by 05.45.

    LJ2 landed at 05.56 looking for any leftovers. It was just the tail end left. He started to eat it on the nest.

    LM6 left for a comfort break

    Chick #2 who was closest to LJ2 showed in interest and started asking for foo. LJ2 obliged.

    LM6 returned and indicated she wanted to take over feeding. LJ2 managed to give #2 another piece.

    LJ2 then finished off the tail and LM6 found a wee bit to eat.

    #1 was given a scrap off the nest then LM6 settled down to brood the chicks.

  • 08.08:LM6 brings a big clump of golden moss for the nest.

  • 09.26 LJ2 arrived with his 2nd fish of the morning, another whole one.

    LJ2 left and the chicks were quickly over for a feed. #1 left

    #1 got all the feed initially as it was closer to LM6.

    #2 then moved further forward and started leaning in to get some fish too.

    #1 retires from the feed and #2 gets a feed to itself.

    LM6 makes sure #2 has had enough before she stops feeding it then has a few pieces to herself.

    LM6 with her 2 chicks. #2 left , #1 right.

  • Terrible weather conditions for them all to endure, thank goodness it didn't persist too long!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr