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LJ2 returned 31 March 2023

LM6 returned 4 April 2023

Egg No. 1 laid 20 April - Hatched 27 May (37 days)

Egg No. 2 laid 23 April - Hatched 29 May (36 days)

Egg No. 3 laid 26 April - Hatched 1 June  (37 days)

                        LM6                   LJ2

So far so good! The first 2 chicks are doing well, the 3rd just hatched this morning. 

  • 08.29 LJ2 returns for the fish and grasps it but LM6 gets up calling and goes over to him and takes it back.

    Another feed for the chicks but they are actually quite full already. #1 manages more than #2.

    LJ2 leaves and returns again at 09.03 but LM6 is doing another feed.

    He leaves again.

    LJ2 eventually manages to collect the fish at 09.27

    He has a short feed then brings the fish back to the nest at 09.38.

    He continues to eat the fish on the nest.

    #2 gets up and goes over to dad asking for fish. LJ2 starts feeding it ever so delicately.

    You can see the back of #2’s head beginning to darken.

    LJ2 was doing a good job of feeding #2 but I think LM6 felt it was her job to do and took the fish back to continue the feed.

    LJ2 stood by LM6’s side watching for a wee while before leaving at 09.47.  The feed finished not long after that. (#1 had joined but wasn’t too hungry.)

  • 10.52 and another feed off the fish.

    I think the chicks have had enough! 

    LM6 did a lot of preening, the chicks did a lot of resting and at 12.57 LM6 started fish calling as she saw LJ2 approaching.

    Unfortunately he was carrying a fish shaped piece of bark.

  • 14.38 LM6 is still waiting on the next fish. The chicks are sheltering under her shade.

    It’s 15.27 when LJ2 delivers the next fish which is rather small.

    The chicks are keen for a feed. #2 nearest cam.

    LM6 downs the tail.

    LJ2 arrives on the perch. LM6 tells him she wants more fish.

  • 17.15, LJ2 arrives with another fish, small again. (Photo brightened to show fish)

    It’s quite windy now.

    LM6 collects the fish quickly and the chicks get up and go towards her. #2 closest to cam.

    The chicks are hungry.

    The feed finishes at 17.28 as LM6 eats the tail. She then tidies the nest .

    17.31 as LM6 walks past the chicks, she gets blown over onto the chicks.

    She tries to correct herself and not harm the chicks.

    With her sudden recovery movements, a couple of feathers are pushed up.

    She now has a distinct look!

  • 18.26 and a better sized fish from LJ2, one of those narrow dark ones.

    Both chicks resting, LM6 has a little more herself.

    The chicks stand up again and #1 squeezes a little more in. Feed finishes at 18.52 and LM6 tidies up.

  • 19.08 LJ2 arrives on the nest and collects the fish end. He starts eating it on the nest.

    He then decides to walk the fish around to the other side. LM6 reacts and gets up, going over to LJ2 calling to him.

    LJ2 picks off a piece of fish and tries to feed it to LM6

    And again

    And once more

    LM6 blanks him and goes straight for the fish, tugging it from LJ2’s talons.

    LM6 proceeds to feed #2 who is up and ready.

    #1 never got up. LM6 walked round to the cam side of the nest. Both chicks were now lying down and LM6 continued to eat the fish.

    #1 then got up briefly for a bite

    The chick soon lay down again 

    LM6 finished off the fish and settled on the chicks at 19.18

  • 22.02 Late night delivery - live fish.

    #1 starts to feed first

    then #2 joins in.

    Everyone should sleep well tonight.

  • Saturday 10 June

    Good morning Grinning Today #1 is 2 weeks old and sibling, #2 is 12 days old and they are both doing really well.

    After LJ2’s recovery from his leg injury at the beginning of the month, he has been providing well for his family. LM6 has been doing a great job feeding and sheltering their chicks and they have both been defending from intruders. Great team work. Long may it continue.

    This morning, after day cam came on, LM6 was still on the chicks and LJ2 on the perch.

  • Forum incredibly slow again today. Took me forever to post everything yesterday and I didn’t even get around all the site with pages taking so long to open.

    Anyway, continuing with today’s events -

    04.16 LM6 got up to retrieve last night’s fish. LJ2 flew onto the nest.

    #2 initially had a solo feed until #1 was ready to join.

    The feed finished at 04.26 with LM6 swallowing the fish tail.

  • 06.53 morning fish delivery from LJ2, headless catch. LM6 didn’t seem to notice a fish was arriving, she was silent.

    A good sized headless variety

    Both chicks keen for a feed

    #1 grabbed a large piece that had fallen just as LM6 was picking it up. However, its eyes were greedier than its belly and it couldn’t manage to swallow it so it got dropped again!

    The feed lasted just over 10 minutes, finishing at 07.04 when the chicks declined any more.

    After a short rest, LM6 gave the chicks another feed at 07.41. That lasted until about 07.59.  LM6 then left for a quick comfort break.

    When she returned, LJ2 joined her then collected the fish.

    A lot of moss was stuck to the fish so he was getting 1 of his 5 a day!

    08.05 Away he flew to the preening perch.

    He was hassled by a crow

    LJ2 flew off and returned very soon after to eat his breakfast.

    He was there for just under 2 hours and left at 10.02 with a tail end and draggly piece of skin hanging.

    He arrived at the nest at 10.03 with the fish end.

    LM6 made her way round to collect it but as LJ2 still held the fish, the chicks walked towards him. It then looked like he was going to feed them.

    LM6 held back and the chicks kept moving towards LJ2. He didn’t feed them, #1 was getting really close to him and the nest edge.

    LM6 came for the fish.

    She lured the chicks to a safer position at the other side of the nest and they got their feed.

    LM6 tackling all that skin that is left.

    She had a few tries with the skin and finally managed, revealing the fleshy piece of the fish that was left. #2 (hidden) was ready for some more.

    #1 then decided to rejoin the feed too

    Once both chicks were satisfied, LM6 left the tail end and cleaned her beak.

    LM6 went to to brood her chicks but #1 had other ideas.

    Quite the little explorer!

    10.45 It makes its way back to mum and soon is settled down sleeping.