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LJ2 returned 31 March 2023

LM6 returned 4 April 2023

Egg No. 1 laid 20 April - Hatched 27 May (37 days)

Egg No. 2 laid 23 April - Hatched 29 May (36 days)

Egg No. 3 laid 26 April - Hatched 1 June  (37 days)

                        LM6                   LJ2

So far so good! The first 2 chicks are doing well, the 3rd just hatched this morning. 

  • 17.58 LJ2  takes away the half fish.

    19.13 he returns with a half fish - is it the same one?

    Still a lot of eating left in it.

    The feed is blocked as LM6 feeds from this side of the nest.

  • 19.41 LJ2 visits the nest LM6 tells him to go and get fish

    LM6 then decided to take a comfort break. LJ2 looked down at his chicks.

    LM6 returned, LJ2 stayed for about a minute then left.

  • 21.53 LJ2 arrives with his 4th fish of the day, a very lively one at that.

    LM6 takes the fish in her talons and it starts flapping as she tries to walk with it. She manages to use her beak to secure it. She has a couple of nibbles.

    LM6 was slipping on the bark pieces at the cam side of the nest so decided to take the fish to the other side. 

    She takes a few more nibbles of the fish then leaves it and has a comfort break. The chicks are left guarding the fish!

    LM6 is quickly back and decides against a chick feed, preferring to cuddle them in.

  • 22.24 LJ2 arrives at the nest. He spies the fish.

    LM6 is fiddling about with nesting material around where she’s sitting. LJ2 stays for a couple of minutes then retires to the perch.

  • Monday 5 June

    Good morning Grinning In the early hours, *LM6 had taken the fish to the nest cup, I’m still investigating when. (*EDIT - I wasn’t able to find this)

    LM6 up early to give the chicks a feed. 04.22 she pulls the fish from the nest cup where is was lying cosy in between the two of them.

    The feed is particularly obscured by LM6 and lasts about 9 minutes.

    Once the feed is finished and LM6 settles down on the chicks, LJ2 flies onto the nest for his breakfast.

    He takes it to the area circled.

    He returns at 04.52 with the fish. LM6 is still sleepy on the nest.

    He waits until 05.10 as LM6 still sleeps, then flies off with it again. She lifted her head as she heard his movement 

  • 05.34 LJ2 returns with the piece of fish and LM6 was receptive to it then.

    The chicks got another early morning feed.

  • 06.37 another feed, mainly for #1 as #2 didn’t show much interest. LM6 tried a piece with #2 but it fell from its beak. Later, after #1 lay down, #2 took a couple of pieces.

    #1 left, #2 right

  • 07.25 LM6 got up and found an old tail end at the edge of the nest. Another wee feed for the chicks, again mostly #1, #2 took about 4 pieces.

  • LM6 was up off the chicks a few times as they waited on the next fish. It is noticeable that #1’s head colour is starting to darken. (Left)

  • 09.52 LJ2 arrives at the nest fishless. LM6 requests that he should bring one.