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LJ2 returned 31 March 2023

LM6 returned 4 April 2023

Egg No. 1 laid 20 April - Hatched 27 May (37 days)

Egg No. 2 laid 23 April - Hatched 29 May (36 days)

Egg No. 3 laid 26 April - Hatched 1 June  (37 days)

                        LM6                   LJ2

So far so good! The first 2 chicks are doing well, the 3rd just hatched this morning. 

  • I make the first fish delivery 12.43

    What a beautiful sight, LJ2 flying in with a headless fish.

    LM6 was so happy to see him and the bobs were eagerly fish calling too.

    LJ2 stood on the nest beside his mate for a wee while before flying off.

    Bobs #1 and #2 got a really good feed

    At one point little bob #3 fell over onto its back and took a wee while to correct itself. (At the front here)

    The feed was the longest LM6 has done, no surprise, over 20 minutes. Towards the end of the feed, bob #3 started getting some fish after

    bob #1 withdrew and lay down. 

    bob #1 got up again later for a little more. At the end of the feed the bobs were making that satisfied sound that they do. LM6 cleaned up the nest

    and sat down to brood her chicks again. A much happier brooding session on full stomachs this time.

  • 13.35 LM6 gave the bobs another feed from the fish. #1 and #2 got up for it. It just lasted 4 or 5 minutes this time.

  • 14.36 LJ2 flew in with a live fish.

    All 3 bobs were up for it this time. Number 3 in the centre of its big siblings.

    #1 got the most of the feed initially, #2 got some too and #3 gave up and lay down again.

    However, as #1 filled up, it withdrew and lay down.  No. 3 joined the feed with #2 and got a lot more this time.

  • After the feed was finished, LM6 flew off for a quick comfort break. When she landed, LJ2 then joined her. 15.12

    He collected the tail end of the fish.

    He ate it on the nest. Down goes the tail.

  • EDIT - LJ2 had joined LM6 on the nest for a short while then left, only to return half an hour later at 19.43 with another whole fish.

    #3 bob was at the front of the chicks this time. It got a few pieces then lay down. It did get up again at times.
     The two older bobs ate well. 

    LJ2 is still hobbling a bit on the nest. 

  • LM6 went fishing?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • WendyBartter said:
    LM6 went fishing?

    Sorry Wendy, no, I didn’t write that well - I meant LJ2 was on the nest with LM6 then flew off and returned half an hour later with a fish! 

    I’m trying to rush through the updates, I’ve not even looked at Alyth yet!! Smile

  • LM6 ate some more at the end of the 19.43 feed. She got a dangly inner bit here.

  • Glider said:
    I’m trying to rush through the updates

    On the previous page I was already thinking "My goodness, this must take a-g-e-s, isn't Glider wonderful?!" Heart eyes

    I'm going to try to do a video of today's fishes, as otherwise YouTubers who don't follow us here or have Facebook a/cs will be left dangling on LJ2 being unwell.

    We've got too many nests on cams - well, too many to give due attention to.

  • Thanks Glider for clarification.


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr