Continued from May 2023

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For the latest 'live' YouTube link, visit >>> SWT YT Channel

The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


Two healthy chicks hatched successfully from eggs two and three. The first egg laid was non-viable and, hopefully, it will be able to be retrieved from the nest, at the time of ringing, as to ascertain the reason why. 

During the middle of May, Laddie sustained an injury to his flank and NC0 was without a meal for 87 hours due to him not being able to hunt. It was pure relief when he finally arrived with a fish, at a critical time too as the first chick had just hatched. Laddie excelled himself on the evening of the 25th, bringing in an absolute whopper of a fish which fed both chicks and adults multiple times throughout the evening, during the night and well into the next morning.

The end of the month saw some 'difficult' behaviour from #1 on its younger sibling, not only restricted to mealtimes either. With longer gaps, on occasion, between fish being brought to the nest by Laddie (probably due to his defence of the nest and area from intruders, of which there had been many last month), #2 has been the subject of dominance and aggression. We can only hope this begins to lessen in the coming days and weeks.

NC0 has been doing a sterling job with feeding both chicks ensuring, as much as possible, that the youngest receives its fair share as well. She has also shown great maturity when defending the chicks and nest from intruders too - she is definitely a force to be reckoned with!

Nest Updates

Arrival dates: NC0 - 17.3.23 (07:43) Laddie - 17.3.23 (13:43)

Eggs laid: Egg #1 - 4.4.23 (09:32) Egg #2 - 7.4.23 (09:39) Egg #3 - 10.4.23 (09:10)

Hatch dates: Chick #1 - 13.5.23 (11:59 fully out of shell 12:11) Chick #2 - 16.5.23 (04:19) *Egg #1 - DNH*

Ringed 22.6.23: Chick #1 - PF4(F) 1.85kg  Chick #2 - PF5(M) 1.2kg  *Egg #1 retrieved for analysis* 


Link to blogs and updates during March/April,  May

June Blogs and Updates (published dates)

2.6.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 11

9.6.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 12

20.6.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 13

24.6.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 14 (The Ringing of the Chicks)

  • Karen W said:
    Sandra, thanks for all your updates which are difficult to watch far less report on.

    There has been a couple of small fish brought in and the usual dominance :-(

    Hopefully some bigger fish come in


    Evening All,

    Many thanks for your post, Karen, very much appreciated Thumbsup

    #2 did get fed when Laddie delivered a much bigger fish at 16:12ish

    #2 made an attempt to grab the fish but NC0 had already taken it

    #2 had got itself into close position on NC0's right to receive the first 4 or 5 pieces

    NC0 then changed her position which left #2 a bit vulnerable

    #1 stood tall to show dominance

    And then some more after that 

    #2 moved to the left side of the nest 

    But then attempted a few times to do a PS, nothing came out

    The young one then headed straight to the left side of NC0 where she began to feed it...

    ...and #1

    The fish had all gone at 16:27 (NC0 swallowed the fish tail herself)

    A couple of pics to show #2's crop after that meal

    20:45 As far as I can tell, there have been no more fish deliveries since then 


  • 20:55 NC0 on her diving branch of the birch after heading there at 20:52

    #2 on the left


  • At least No 2 managed to get a reasonable feed

    Richard B

  • Yes, Richard, it was great to see #2 getting fed first as well, #1 looked quite flummoxed at the time!
  • I am wondering if #2 might have learnt a trick with this feed last night. Sidling round to Mum's left he was able to feed really well while #1 couldn't get at him! Let's hope he realises this could be the winning strategy to avoid vicious attacks from #1.
  • #2 is being well fed just now!

    About 15 minutes ago Laddie brought in a decent size fish

    #2 moved for fish

    but then under attack from #1

    #2 in submission 

    but #2 makes it way round the back

    #2 is now round at the back - NCO between the chicks and #2 is getting fish

    09:56  NCO still dishing the fish out -#2 at back of her, #1 at the front

    10:05  NCO still dishing fish out to #2 

    c) LoTL

    I must go out - but great start to the day and relieved to see #2 getting fed

  • Great to see #2 getting a substantial feed away from the vicious beak of his sibling! A good feed now may keep him going through the rest of the day. I see #1 even trying a bit of self feeding while Mum is busy with #2.
  • Morning Karen, Janni and All,

    Thank you so much for your reports! I am beyond delighted to see Laddie deliver such a fabulous headless fish!

    I scrolled back to just prior to the delivery at 9:16, #1 gave NC0 a peck on the head!

    Wow, how chunky was that fish!

    10:22 NC0 continuing to feed #2! Loving the little squees that it's making!

    I can't wait to see its crop! lol


  • Great news indeed Sandra! I am daring to hope that #2 has had more fish than #1 for once!
  • #2 has a wonderful crop, Janni

    10:53 NC0 feeding #2 with pieces from the tidy up
