Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 May 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful early summer week! And winter for AQ!

I was standing in my front yard today, and a big shadow fell on me and grew larger. R.T. Hawk and his mate flew over me in circles until they were quite low and close to me. R.T. looked me in the eyes. I hadn't seen them in quite a while, and they were probably confirming that it was me. They both looked healthy. I was glad to see them. 

Love to all.

  • OG Hope you manage to plant the hanging baskets.
  • Diane: Was reading the other day that Janet Yellen had urged Biden to raise the debt limit last Fall when the Dems had the majority in both houses. Never did hear why that didn't happen, but one NYT reader commented: "They saw that the Republicans were likely to regain control of Congress, and they knew the debt limit scare tactics they had used to their advantage in the past would likely come back to haunt the new Republican majority. They figured that Republicans would cave, as usual, and extend the debt limit without demanding anything in return." If so, it didn't work. Meanwhile, I still haven't heard anything more since the NPR story a week or so ago on why the US and Denmark are the only two countries (not sure of the parameters) to have a debt limit.

    Lindybird: Did I already tell folks that a visiting Brit I saw a few weeks back was lamenting the state of the UK. It was so sad to hear. Where is Guy Fawkes when we need him?

    Rusty: Hope you can see your way past the sneezes and wheezes to enjoy your golf game.

    OH and I ventured out for his belated birthday dinner last night. Same restaurant, same really good food, but OMG the noise level, which wasn't helped by a woman at the next table who had a really harsh voice. The manager stopped by the table and when I mentioned the general noise level, she said, "Yes, and there's not even any music on this evening - it's just voices." OH's conclusion: We have to find another place to eat.

    Anyway, take care all.
  • AQ - so sorry about the noise level at your preferred restaurant. Such a shame when the food is so good. To you and all in the US, I can’t begin to understand the complications of the proposed raising of the debt limit, but I do send my sympathy as it is obviously very worrying.

    I enjoyed my round of golf and played quite respectably for once. It wasn’t too hot either which suited me. My hay fever didn’t get any worse so I suppose that it sounds good thing.

    Holiday Day 3.

    We drove to Mumbles on Swansea Bay. What a wonderful bay it is. From Mumbles we could see right over to Swansea and round to the steel works at Port Talbot. My friend and I walked along the prom to the pier and back. It was really lovely. We then found a  ice cafe with views over the sea for lunch.

    Mumbles and Swansea Bay

    • Mumbles Head lighthouse

    • Mumbles Pier
  • In the afternoon we drove to Gower - a site of outstanding natural beauty. We had a local guide to tell us all about it. We stopped at Rhosilli Bay. It was a wow moment. The photo doesn’t really do it justice. It was huge and empty. Wonderful.

    Looking in the other direction was Worms Head. So named because it looks a bit like a sea serpent.

    We stopped at Gower Heritage centre where (included in the holiday) we had a scone with cream and jam plus a Welsh Cake with tea or coffee. My phone did tell me that we had walked 6 miles that day so I didn’t feel so bad eating all that!!!!!! 

  • Rusty: Mumbles! So whimsical. : -) Rhosilli Bay looks spectacular enough in the photos. I wonder, is it a tourist spot? It looks so quiet.
  • Rusty: Mumbles! So whimsical. : -) Rhosilli Bay looks spectacular enough in the photos. I wonder, is it a tourist spot? It looks so quiet.
  • I've been trying to post but the Site is playing up as 1st of the month, I think. Grr...
  • Hi! Had a good day out yesterday - garden centre, lunch, M&S Food Hall. Bought two houseplants so persuaded OH we really could throw away some failing ones - the wee one given to me by one of the cleaners fell apart in my hand when I demonstrated that it was dying from the middle outwards! They will be coming this afternoon, so I shall have to explain something!
  • Like you Lindy, I couldn’t get into this site this morning.
    OG - so glad you got a good outing - with lunch too. Excellent.
    Annette - I am sure Rhosilli is busier in the summer but there is a steep path down to the beach and absolutely no facilities when you get down there. It might deter families and older folk!!! I will do some research.
    I have been birdwatching this morning with the ladies group to the woods around Chirk Castle which is not too far from Wrexham. We were very successful. We saw both Pied and spotted flycatchers, swifts, swallows and house martins, nuthatches feeding their young and tree creepers. All the usual suspects too like blackbird, robin, etc. We had a very pleasant lunch purchased from their kiosk rather than the bigger cafe up by the castle. We sat outside to eat it - in the shade though.
    I just have the last day of my holiday to write up and will do that soon.
  • Thanks, LINDY and RUSTY for your great pics !
    Thanks to all for your news. I've been very lazy but hope to report properly soon.