Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 May 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful early summer week! And winter for AQ!

I was standing in my front yard today, and a big shadow fell on me and grew larger. R.T. Hawk and his mate flew over me in circles until they were quite low and close to me. R.T. looked me in the eyes. I hadn't seen them in quite a while, and they were probably confirming that it was me. They both looked healthy. I was glad to see them. 

Love to all.

  • Diane: Will be interesting (downright scary) to see how much support the hard-liners get from the rest of the Repubs. What a fiasco.
  • Diane; The Freedom Caucus - ha! Wonder if McCarthy will survive - he bartered away too much to become speaker..
  • Diane: Well, looks like the hard right faction didn't manage to stop the bill from going to the House vote.
  • ANNETTE – Kitchener buns can come with real cream. Fortunately yesterday’s was fake cream, otherwise I would have had a massive wheezing attack. I have to restrict dairy so that I can have the occasional treat of cheese or cream.

    LINDA – Thank you for the beautiful poppies. My snowflakes (Leucojum) are beginning to flower. They don’t realize that tomorrow is the first day of Winter and that they are much too early for Spring.

    OG – Good to get some dental work done.

    RUSTY – I am enjoying your holiday. House martins, icecream, walk . . . so a normal day then?

    LYNETTE – Darn it; a long awaited outing/meal doesn’t come up to scratch.

  • Good Morning. A bit clouded over today, after all that welcome sunshine recently.

    AQ - I'm not too fond of too much cream, anyway. Prefer the Confectioners Custard type of filling, really. Forgot to say yesterday, Thanks for the Osprey link - they are looking after them well.

    Lynette - hope things go well with your eye op. Sorry about the disappointing meal. As you say, you won't go there again!

    All our USA Friends - Its been dramatic there, and I don't pretend to understand it all, but it must be scary. The way things are going, it could be repeated here, as things are deteriorating daily. Ugh.

    Our Youngest had a good trip, and has only slightly sore ankles now after their epic walking/climbing journey. They all got home late on the Monday night and had to go to work the following day, so that must have been one of their biggest efforts!
  • That cartoon gave me a nice chuckle Lindy!
    I have got hay fever! I took a covid test yesterday to be sure but I have all the symptoms and I was outside a lot last week. Also I have been in the garden regularly since I got home. So, what am I going to do today? Well, of course, I am going golfing!!!!! 4 hours outside! It’s chillier than I anticipated so the cut off trousers have gone back in the wardrobe!!!
    I will try to do Day 3 of my holiday when I get back. May I suggest that you enlarge the photos by tapping on them (certainly on a tablet) then you can make them even bigger after that.
  • ANNETTE: That vote was 7-6. Only one vote allowed it to move to the full House. If it gets to the Senate, one senator can load it with amendments and delay it for days, past the default deadline. Sen. Mike Lee says he'll use "every procedural tool" to stall it. One could also filibuster it. Makes my stomach hurt. But I'm also sickened by the contents of the bill.

    RUSTY: I am enjoying all your photos so much. I will comment further when I look at the next lot. What a fascinating holiday you enjoyed!

    LINDY: Those latest poppies are exceedingly vibrant. So lovely.

    OG: So glad you've been able to do some supervising and other efforts. Wonderful that J's job is going well.

    More replies later. I need to get some work done before it gets hot.