Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 May 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, sunny week.

Love to all!

  • Here's my problem with tip culture:

    A wealthy person goes out to eat at a fancy restaurant. At the end of the meal, the person (who had the money to enjoy the posh meal) gets to decide whether the server smiled big enough, gushed over them enough, and scurried fast enough. If the person decides the server didn't, the tip will be small or non-existent. Servers depend on that tip for subsistence. Without it, they won't be able to buy enough food, pay for diapers for the baby, meet the rent payment, etc. Workers should not have to subsidize the meals (or anything else) of wealthier people. It's a cruel and demeaning system.

  • I'll probably get my head shot off but I am not a fan of tipping. The only one I do tip is my hairdresser. Just occasionally I might tip at an eatery if I am more than pleased.

    I agree, all should be paid a living wage, only hiring people they can pay this too and not being greedy and hiring more at a less wage.
  • I agree, Lynette. I don't think tipping - particularly when it's compulsory - is ever right. We all have to be very careful these days because so many of the card readers put on a percentage and if you don't want to pay it you have to delete it. Most people wouldn't even notice. I am happy to tip people if I have had really good service - over and above what should normally be expected. But more and more we hear that tips are not passed to individuals but go into a 'pot' and are either shared among all staff or taken by the business owner and put in their own pocket. I agree with Diane - if employers are not prepared to pay a decent wage to employees, then they shouldn't be allowed to employ anyone.
  • Last night of my holiday. Just one photo because I made it to St David’s at last. Really pleased. A wonderful place. It felt very peaceful.

    Will try to respond to everyone’s news when I get back.

  • Beautiful picture, Rusty. You must have been somewhere even higher than the tower! I've always wanted to get to St David's as well, but haven't made it yet ...
  • Diane: That's true, but what's the option (apart from voting for the 'right' people)? Don't tip? Don't go out to eat? If I could change the world I would. We eat out somewhere 'nice' about 8 times a year and our favorite restaurant serves great fresh local fish at reasonable prices compared to some of the places in the really fancy/tourist areas, which are a true rip off. We don't drink expensive alcohol (where most restaurants make their money because they operate on a very slim profit margin) and we don't tip an amount based on whether a waiter/waitress gushed or smiled enough, but we do appreciate pleasant and competent service. That said, most of the waitstaff in town is made up of college kids who seem genuinely enthusiastic and friendly (after all, it isn't a career path for them) - as were the two really nice guys working the checkout stand this morning in Trader Joe's. A perfect world it ain't.
  • LYNETTE – Good to see you back. I hope you will be better soon.

    ANNETTE – You could never work in a plant store – you would spend all your wages on stuff to take home LOL.

    RUSTY – Thank you for St David’s.

    Re tipping. I think employers should announce goods, services or whatever at a certain price and that’s what I would pay. Workers should not be reliant on customer’s extras. Having said that, I did tip when overseas but I found it embarrassing. I don’t mind rounding up but not to calculate a certain %. Likewise I would not be able to haggle in those places where it is the norm. Aussies used to be considered mean for being unfamiliar with tipping but in recent decades, with many more travelling, it has become accepted.

    The shoe saga. Yesterday started with OH saying maybe. Then he declared he was a bit dizzy. I told him to lie down for a while. Instead he showered and dressed. Off we went. After much dithering (he has trouble making decisions), we came home with slippers and velcro-fastening shoes (sneakers?). He wore the slippers last eve (yes!) and today I had to show him how to put on & “do up” the others. So long as he doesn’t start wondering where the laces are. . .

  • Just a thought - graffiti messages

    Things are more like they are now than they have ever been before.

    I hate graffiti. I hate all Italian food.

    I never finish anyth

  • ANNETTE: My comments weren't aimed at you personally. Years ago I belonged to an organization advocating for the right of all workers to a living wage, including tipped workers. My comments here were from those days when I was helping to lobby state politicians and others for greater economic equity. Change will come only when we hold government accountable.
  • Diane: Oh I understand, but accountability doesn't seem to be a priority for many policymakers - or corporations.

    AQ; I've traveled to places where haggling is expected; can't do it. Velcro fastenings are great; hope your OH enjoys them (but I always end up with laces myself).

    Had a frustrating day: Hit Trader Joe's, Costco and then Albertsons and still didn't get everything on the list. Then home to find the landline phone and the two cordless handsets aren't working at all. We have an ancient landline phone that worked when we tried that so no problem with the line itself. Troubleshooting instructions no help. On the agenda for tomorrow. Oh joy.