Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 May 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, sunny week.

Love to all!

  • AQ: WOWIE, that giant mushroom is impressive!!!
  • AQ Thought I had replied but can't see it. Yes, they are white swans, black are very rare in the UK.
  • LYNETTE: I'm so very sorry about your health issues. I know that hospitalization is so difficult. I hope your treatments will be successful and you'll start feeling better.

    LIMPY: Nice to see you! Hope you and Clare are having a good spring.

    LINDY: I've enjoyed all your flowers. I'm different from all of you, because my favorites are the irises. They are very popular in my state. We had a big bed of them in all colors when I was a small child, and I still remember them. Yours are lovely.

    ANNETTE: So sorry that your celebration dinner was ruined. What a mess. I am really, really sensitive to the odor of gas, and I probably would have fainted. Seriously.
  • HEATHER: Yes, servers are very dependent on tips here. If there's any way to treat workers badly, you will see it in the U.S. This country should be ashamed.
  • Lynette: Oh dear, sorry you 've been in the wars again, but very good to see you back in circulation!

    Heather: I probably would've had a total fit if someone had the nerve to come and tell me I hadn't left a big enough tip! I'm sure they must have realized you were on vacation and should have had the class/manners/good taste to accept what was given in good grace. Bloody nerve!!

    Lindybird: No problem with our aborted celebration - we were already smiling at the time; told the waiter to let us know if we should evacuate quickly. :-) We're going to try again next Tuesday (early in the week is better as it's a very popular restaurant with a noisy bar).

    Diane: I was by a hardware store yesterday that was advertising $19/hour plus benefits..... Target is hiring at $17+/hour. Minimum wage in California is $15.50/hour. But still, none of that enough to live around here. I keep teasing OH that I want a part-time job in the hardware store - it's an old-fashioned one with a great garden department and full of fascinating corners and byways with all kinds of gadgets/tools you don't see anywhere else in town. I could putter for hours. It's very popular and always very busy, .

    Busy catching up on paperwork and phone calls today; I'd really rather be working in the garden.....
  • ANNETTE: That's not enough to live on and afford all necessities anywhere in the U. S.
  • ANNETTE/DIANE - coincidentally, I heard a programme a few hours ago on BBC World Service. About the way that the tipping culture in the US is spreading beyond restaurants. There was an interview with the owner of a plant shop (?garden centre in UK?). She appears to put mandatory tips on customers' bills because her staff give advice regarding care etc of the plants.
  • Good Morning. Sorry to hear about your battles with your health, Lynette. Keep on keeping on! I hope you can get the help you need.

    Yesterday sat in Sue's tiny garden - only as big as a large balcony - but the sun was delightful & she is planting clematis & honeysuckle.

    Sunny out of the window here, so it will be pleasant, but I've got a massive To Do List so must crack on.

    Edit:  Tipping is a funny subject -- why is it needed for some jobs only? I get mad because really the employers should be paying more for a job well done rather than extra having to be found by the clients. Mind you, having said that, I always tip the hairdresser!

  • LYNETTE - I'm sorry that illness overtook you again. I hope that you will get the help that you need x
  • Heather: I can see tipping for waitstaff who are running hither and yon and can make all the difference to a meal out, but a plant shop? I'd landscape with free mulch from the city before I'd do that. Stores here also have a "do you want to round-up the amount?" (adding whatever to bring the total up to the next dollar) which then goes to the Food Bank, a local charity, etc., and I like that, but I hate the new credit card machines you get in restaurants which ask do you want to add a tip (the lowest option is 15%) before you've even got the meal. I ignore them and just leave a cash tip. The only other places I tip are - as you mentioned - the hairdresser and the folks at the car wash, even if it's just a drive-through.

    OK off my soapbox now and girding my loins for a morning of grocery shopping. Ugh.