Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 May 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, sunny week.

Love to all!

  • Thanks, DIANE !
    RUSTY - have a lovely holiday. Pembrokeshire is beautiful, I have a good friend who lives there and have visited a few times. She told me that it is often called Little England !
  • RUSTY: I hope you have a blissful trip and enjoy every minute!
  • I was hoping to catch up with last week’s thread, but there is such a lot, so please excuse very few comments from me.

    DIANE – sad to read about Mike. Thanks for telling us – and for the link.

    ANNETTE – sorry to read about Pale Male in Central Park – if that was him! A good age for any bird.

    AQ – Our cleaners seem to have no respect for cables and electrics, so we always have to check for cables half out of the sockets – even my CPAP machine – or pulled fully out so various things switch to back-up battery!

    LINDA – I too get a lot of co-incidental thoughts, but I have to be careful of what I share as some of the gloomy ones turn out to be sad predictions – even war scenarios etc, not just personal things. Lovely Irises and Lupins.

    On to this week ---
    DIANE – thanks for the new start – glad the new thread was permitted.

    RUSTY – I think you should take the ninoculars – “just in case…”. Enjoy the trip.

    So now I need to work out how we ended last week – actually got the diary beside me ! I had my booster vaccine Thursday – no problems. On Friday OH went to Tesco in the morning because he had a church Elders’ meeting in the afternoon. He is struggling to fit everything into the days – especially now the garden is demanding more attention (although I suspect that is because he never finished the autumn tidying!). On Saturday we had a salesman – by invitation – re installing replacement windows – we had all the doors before but a couple of windows have “blown” this spring. The job won’t be done until August or maybe even September. The rest of that day was spent catching up again.

    This morning, J returned to his church – he was on the rota for a reading. We went to ours, which was a very good short service followed by discussion time taking a preliminary look at the results of a members’ survey, ready for full discussion at the annual meeting next month. OH was very pleased to mow all our grass this afternoon – I am hoping he will strim and trim this evening. He’s just come in to cut J’s hair - he has it shaved very short. We have a very full week of appointments this week – I have dentist Monday, then we both have podiatry Wednesday and haircuts Friday. The vehicle gets its service Tuesday – complicated logistics getting it there and fetching it back, so a very long day. The cleaners will come Monday as we can’t have them Monday, so that fills the week! I have been trying to find a space for OH to take garden rubbish to the “tip”, but it would be a mad dash between other things.
  • Hope all is well with you, CIRRUS.

    I haven't mowed as much of my land this year, so a bigger portion is full of wildflowers. At least the bees and the other pollinators will appreciate it, if not my neighbors. Lots of wild bluebells this year.

    I saw the House Wrens and the Eastern Kingbird male today. I'm sorry to say that I think the Northern Cardinal nest failed, because I haven't seen much of the pair. I fear that the raccoons or some other predator got the eggs. Maybe they will try again. It's early in the year.

    Take care, all.
  • OG: You do indeed have a full schedule Don't wear yourselves out.

    LINDY: I enjoyed your flower photos. I also read with interest your stories of prescient thoughts.

    AQ: I'll bet your autumn trees are lovely.

    HEATHER: I hope you're feeling better now. I know there for awhile you felt ill and a little down. Hope you're stronger.

    Hello to bjane, Pat O, Harelady, Rosy, dibnlib, Gardenbirder, Peewit, Clare, Limpy, SunnyKate, and everyone I've missed. My brain is a little fuzzy tonight. :-))).

  • ANNETTE: I hope your hip feels better now.

    I am really, really weary of worrying about this looming US default on the debt. We have 10 days!
  • Diane: A shame about the Cardinals; let's hope they do try again. Re the debt limit, I'm convinced there's a lot of posturing going on and that they'll manage to come up with some 'compromise' at the last minute. Bloody awful way to run a country though.. Hip is fine; had forgotten all about it - but thank you for asking. Enjoy the wildflowers.... Speaking of spring growth, allergies are terrible this year. All that wonderful rain!

    OG Good to see you and sounds like you all are busy with one thing and several others.

    Have a good Monday everyone.
  • Good Morning Everyone.

    The sun is out again, here, & it looks as if we'll have a dry, sunny week for most of the UK. It will cheer everyone up, hopefully. There does seem to be some glumness around, a sort of leftover from the grim days of the virus. The present recession doesn't help, of course!

    OG & EE - My, what a busy week. I hope all goes well. Also hope that EE has time to take a breather occasionally!

    Diane - Love to hear about your critters. Sorry about the cardinals this year. Hope they will return.
  • A clematis on our garden archway. It winds around a climbing rose.

  • My OH actually sat around in the garden yesterday, and read a book! Nice to see him take some time off for a change. However, he got up this morning at 4.30am when his sisters dog woke us by barking. Hopefully, she will be going home today!